Everyone In Canada Is As Indigenous / Aboriginal As First Nations

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Just like those who call themselves First Nations, Six Nations, Metis and Inuit who immigrated to Canada at one time, so did everyone else in Canada or our ancestors immigrate to Canada. Just like every Homo Sapien on the planet we are all as indigenous / aboriginal as each other of planet Earth who's origins on Earth came from Africa as the earliest remains of Homo Sapiens were found thus evidence of such.

Early modern human - Wikipedia

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_modern_human#:~:text=Among%20the%20oldest%20 known%20remains,dated%20about%20315%2C000%20years% 20ago.

Eventually our ancestors got sick and tired of punching each other in the face and decided to spread out thus the immigrations began from our origin on Earth in Africa. Our ancestors then travelled across land, ice and water and found places to settle such as continents and islands upon which we evolved into variations of Homo Sapien humans in different climates, different elevations with different food sources and different resources which lead to different variations of Homo Sapien human with different technological advancements upon discovery of our resources and what those resources could be used for.

When the earliest immigrants arrived in Canada they too eventually got sick and tired of punching each other in the face and decided to spread out across the continent thus forming various tribes.

So there you have it, everyone in America is an aboriginal / indigenous of Earth originating from Africa of which no one is an aboriginal / indigenous of America's soil and there is no proof of anything otherwise. Those who call themselves First Nations, Six Nations, Metis, Inuit, Mayan or Aztec are simply first immigrants.

First Nations claim to be against racism and discrimination

It's time we start loading hundreds of thousands of new immigrants both illegal and legal to First Nations reserves and see how they manage to pay for it etc. on their own because we don't want them to feel discriminated against or that we are racist against them. If they have a problem with this then we know who the racists and the discriminators are. Here in Canada white people if anyone in general are the least racist and least discriminatory people in Canada for we have welcomed First Nations, Six Nations, Metis, Inuit, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese (congrats to the first Vietnamese Chief of police BTW), Black people from various parts of the world, Arabs etc. into our societies in Canada with open arms and yet useful idiots infiltrating our governing system along with their World Economic Forum puppet masters have been falsely accusing white people in general of racism and or white supremacy to suit their globalist divide, conquer and enslave agenda for the most part. I have had enough of their sick and filthy lies and deceptions along with conspiring with useful idiots and selfish interest groups to assist with pushing such rubbish to divide and conquer us with a slew of pathetic lies and deceptions. The World Economic Forum can't handle a level playing field because all they do is lie and deceive to divide and conquer as they threaten people with endless lawsuits to have people exposing their weak and pathetic rubbish from big tech platforms along with main stream media who are generally now under threat to only push their sick and filthy lies and deceptions for the most part. It's pathetic and time for the world to seek justice and imprison all World Economic Forum members, take their assets, cash / wealth and give it back to the countries that they have been using useful idiots to steal from for decades now because they deserve it.

According to First Nations own submission back around 2012 there were 18 million First Nations, Six Nations, Metis and Inuit in North America when new settlers arrived to colonize the Northern continent. Eighteen million people is enough people to moderately populate an island the size of Cuba scattered here and there throughout North America of which was enough people to occupy around one percent of the surface area of North America. There is no need what so ever for anyone to apologize for colonizing the Northern continent when 99% of the land was available and anyone who tells you different quite obviously has a shady narrative of their own.

Also I will share because I noticed that within the last couple of decades I noticed that when construction projects were well under way and many homes were built like in Caledonia Ontario suddenly the First / Six Nations would have some alleged land claim treaty that mysteriously no one else knew about suddenly pop up as they sought to confiscate all of the new homes that were built. I remain skeptical of land claim treaties that pop up as such and I know that there are ways to accelerate food to determine how long food will last on the selves at the grocery store. If you work at a meat processing plant for example, they use (not sure what they are called) they place a sample of the meat in something that looks like a microwave but what it does is pass air through at a rapid rate to measure how long that meat will last on the shelves to give the packaging an expiry date. If they can accelerate the life of meat this way then I suspect that it is possible for people to for example use valid treaties to create fake treaties, along with creating a seal to imitate any seals used back when land claim treaties were authentically created along with researching what they used to stamp the seal with could be recreated by investigating what was used to make more. Then I suspect they could use a food accelerator to accelerate the age of the potentially fake land claim treaty until it has been in their long enough to match the carbon dating to even hundreds of years ago within a much shorter period of time in the food accelerator then go around presenting such as authentic. I find this to be quite possible and would explain much along with revealing how potential con artists could be using such to subject forgery of the monarchy's stamp of approval etc. to pull the wool over everyone's eyes.

For you all to think about.

Rush-Tom Sawyer (Lyrics)


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!
Just like those who call themselves First Nations, Six Nations, Metis and Inuit who immigrated to Canada at one time, so did everyone else in Canada or our ancestors immigrate to Canada. Just like every Homo Sapien on the planet we are all as indigenous / aboriginal as each other of planet Earth who's origins on Earth came from Africa as the earliest remains of Homo Sapiens were found thus evidence of such.

Early modern human - Wikipedia

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_modern_human#:~:text=Among%20the%20oldest%20 known%20remains,dated%20about%20315%2C000%20years% 20ago.

Eventually our ancestors got sick and tired of punching each other in the face and decided to spread out thus the immigrations began from our origin on Earth in Africa. Our ancestors then travelled across land, ice and water and found places to settle such as continents and islands upon which we evolved into variations of Homo Sapien humans in different climates, different elevations with different food sources and different resources which lead to different variations of Homo Sapien human with different technological advancements upon discovery of our resources and what those resources could be used for.

When the earliest immigrants arrived in Canada they too eventually got sick and tired of punching each other in the face and decided to spread out across the continent thus forming various tribes.

So there you have it, everyone in America is an aboriginal / indigenous of Earth originating from Africa of which no one is an aboriginal / indigenous of America's soil and there is no proof of anything otherwise. Those who call themselves First Nations, Six Nations, Metis, Inuit, Mayan or Aztec are simply first immigrants.

First Nations claim to be against racism and discrimination

It's time we start loading hundreds of thousands of new immigrants both illegal and legal to First Nations reserves and see how they manage to pay for it etc. on their own because we don't want them to feel discriminated against or that we are racist against them. If they have a problem with this then we know who the racists and the discriminators are. Here in Canada white people if anyone in general are the least racist and least discriminatory people in Canada for we have welcomed First Nations, Six Nations, Metis, Inuit, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese (congrats to the first Vietnamese Chief of police BTW), Black people from various parts of the world, Arabs etc. into our societies in Canada with open arms and yet useful idiots infiltrating our governing system along with their World Economic Forum puppet masters have been falsely accusing white people in general of racism and or white supremacy to suit their globalist divide, conquer and enslave agenda for the most part. I have had enough of their sick and filthy lies and deceptions along with conspiring with useful idiots and selfish interest groups to assist with pushing such rubbish to divide and conquer us with a slew of pathetic lies and deceptions. The World Economic Forum can't handle a level playing field because all they do is lie and deceive to divide and conquer as they threaten people with endless lawsuits to have people exposing their weak and pathetic rubbish from big tech platforms along with main stream media who are generally now under threat to only push their sick and filthy lies and deceptions for the most part. It's pathetic and time for the world to seek justice and imprison all World Economic Forum members, take their assets, cash / wealth and give it back to the countries that they have been using useful idiots to steal from for decades now because they deserve it.

According to First Nations own submission back around 2012 there were 18 million First Nations, Six Nations, Metis and Inuit in North America when new settlers arrived to colonize the Northern continent. Eighteen million people is enough people to moderately populate an island the size of Cuba scattered here and there throughout North America of which was enough people to occupy around one percent of the surface area of North America. There is no need what so ever for anyone to apologize for colonizing the Northern continent when 99% of the land was available and anyone who tells you different quite obviously has a shady narrative of their own.

Also I will share because I noticed that within the last couple of decades I noticed that when construction projects were well under way and many homes were built like in Caledonia Ontario suddenly the First / Six Nations would have some alleged land claim treaty that mysteriously no one else knew about suddenly pop up as they sought to confiscate all of the new homes that were built. I remain skeptical of land claim treaties that pop up as such and I know that there are ways to accelerate food to determine how long food will last on the selves at the grocery store. If you work at a meat processing plant for example, they use (not sure what they are called) they place a sample of the meat in something that looks like a microwave but what it does is pass air through at a rapid rate to measure how long that meat will last on the shelves to give the packaging an expiry date. If they can accelerate the life of meat this way then I suspect that it is possible for people to for example use valid treaties to create fake treaties, along with creating a seal to imitate any seals used back when land claim treaties were authentically created along with researching what they used to stamp the seal with could be recreated by investigating what was used to make more. Then I suspect they could use a food accelerator to accelerate the age of the potentially fake land claim treaty until it has been in their long enough to match the carbon dating to even hundreds of years ago within a much shorter period of time in the food accelerator then go around presenting such as authentic. I find this to be quite possible and would explain much along with revealing how potential con artists could be using such to subject forgery of the monarchy's stamp of approval etc. to pull the wool over everyone's eyes.

For you all to think about.

Rush-Tom Sawyer (Lyrics)


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!

No one cares about Canada and your entire post is a capitulation to globalist dogma. You can't win if your starting post is that which your enemy sets for you.