Evidence of Evolution or God's wicked sense of humor?


Black Kitty Ain't Happy
Why would this God of yours not use evolution to create the animals, plants, etc.? It just seems that it is a false dichotomy.

While I don't believe in this invisible sky daddy, I certainly don't think that evolution would "prove" that this "god" didn't exist. It seems more likely that if this "God" existed, the Theory of Evolution would simply explain the method that this "God" used to generate the multitudes of life that we all know and love today.
Why would this God of yours not use evolution to create the animals, plants, etc.? It just seems that it is a false dichotomy.

While I don't believe in this invisible sky daddy, I certainly don't think that evolution would "prove" that this "god" didn't exist. It seems more likely that if this "God" existed, the Theory of Evolution would simply explain the method that this "God" used to generate the multitudes of life that we all know and love today.

Exactly. The existence of those species should prove the theory of evolution. It doesn't invalidate the existence of God.
Why would this God of yours not use evolution to create the animals, plants, etc.? It just seems that it is a false dichotomy.

While I don't believe in this invisible sky daddy, I certainly don't think that evolution would "prove" that this "god" didn't exist. It seems more likely that if this "God" existed, the Theory of Evolution would simply explain the method that this "God" used to generate the multitudes of life that we all know and love today.

So you are saying Adam and Eve did have belly buttons?

OK! Kinda' figured they did! Thanks!

I do not think speciation and morphological change is a challenge for the Abrahamic religions.

More problematic, in my opinion, is the neo-Darwinian premise that the driving engine of natural selection is random genetic mutation.

Random mutation does not strike me consistent with intentional, purposeful design.

Western conservative Christianity does not seem to be able to let go of this need to rationalize and anthropomorphize God as some sort of tinkering engineer/architect/watchmaker. Eastern Christianity at least just lets it go because to them God is unknowable and incomprehensible, existing outside of time and space.