Evolution you probably haven't considered yet.

I dislike religion in general, but even your typical "moderate" Muslim is worse than the nastiest fundamentalist Christian by an order of magnitude. Our only hope is to neutralize Islam in some way, perhaps by encouraging the spread of Sufiism and other liberal schools of Islam. Europe, however, is pretty much fucked. They should have implemented some sort of filtering and reeducation processes two decades ago; as it currently stands, there are far too many radicals, and the spread of their disease cannot be stopped. Most European countries are doomed to slide back into the dark ages.
I dislike religion in general, but even your typical "moderate" Muslim is worse than the nastiest fundamentalist Christian by an order of magnitude. Our only hope is to neutralize Islam in some way, perhaps by encouraging the spread of Sufiism and other liberal schools of Islam. Europe, however, is pretty much fucked. They should have implemented some sort of filtering and reeducation processes two decades ago; as it currently stands, there are far too many radicals, and the spread of their disease cannot be stopped. Most European countries are doomed to slide back into the dark ages.

I dislike religion in general too, but this whole "my god is better than your god" is a bunch of crap. The whole global struggle is about far more then just religion. That is just the face certain forces want us to put on it. But if you actually talked to many of those you think are your religious enemies, they would tell you about refugee camps, and shortages of necessities, and early death and poor living conditions. They can sometimes see the farms they used to own just on the other side of a wall or a chain-link fence. But now they are dependent on aid organizations for food. I think they would explain about ancestral homelands they had lost because of the way western powers divided up their land. How we arrogantly drew boundaries that totally ignored tribal and cultural and religious groups and left them having to fight each other or be swept aside. Once that was done and after we and our oil companies cut deals with certain chieftains (who now are kings and princes), we moved in to suck up their resources. Sure, some of them get to live in palaces and in some small countries they share pretty well with the average citizens. But overall? Not so much. And without our greedy meddling, it would not have had to have been nearly so traumatic to their way of life. The average American may not know about any of this, but they sure do.

But, maybe that's history and done is done. But, NO! That wasn't good enough. We had to invade Iraq and kill hundreds of thousands of people. WMDs? Never there. OOPS? How about in 2000 Saddam Iraq said that from now on, he wanted payments for oil in euros and Iran also was moving in that direction. Iraq was never a military threat, but we sure didn't like where their economics were going. And those oil companies that got kicked out held a grudge.

OK, gotta stop myself now. This could take a while. But if you think it's all about religion - study a little deeper. Religion is just the frosting. Money and power are the cake beneath the surface.


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"our only hope is to force Religion and use armed forces to stop other Religions"....................

If you agree with that statement, you are an idiot.

Perhaps my Religion could obtain more scouts if we didn't scold so many in America even when my religion tells you not to scold any, but to accept all.

I hope the OP is learning something.

Christianity is based on; Accept everyone and Never judge.

I'm guessing the Christian population is declining because HUMANS are sabotaging Christianity.....Not because it's a bad Religion.
I dislike religion in general, but even your typical "moderate" Muslim is worse than the nastiest fundamentalist Christian by an order of magnitude. Our only hope is to neutralize Islam in some way, perhaps by encouraging the spread of Sufiism and other liberal schools of Islam. Europe, however, is pretty much fucked. They should have implemented some sort of filtering and reeducation processes two decades ago; as it currently stands, there are far too many radicals, and the spread of their disease cannot be stopped. Most European countries are doomed to slide back into the dark ages.
You go crusader!