Ex-MAGA Gun Owner Issues Warning to Republicans

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
A former member of the Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement recently issued a warning to Republicans who own guns.

In an opinion piece titled "Gun owners: It's time for us to stand up against the Second Amendment death culture," that was published in Salon on Monday, Rich Logis wrote that he previously voted "exclusively for Republicans, including twice for former [President] Donald Trump, and once for [Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, in 2018," and recently renounced his membership to the National Rifle Associated (NRA).

"Responsible gun owners: Are you OK with child sacrifice? I am certain you are not; but if we don't hear from you—loudly and frequently—our necessary voices are suffocated and held hostage by the most politically traumatized voices," Logis, who states in his X, formerly Twitter, bio that he left MAGA, and considers himself "Never Trump and Never DeSantis," wrote.

"I understand and appreciate why gun owners—the large majority of whom are law-abiding—are reluctant to risk the slings and arrows of the Republican Party, the conservative media, right-wing pundits and conspiracy theorists and pundits, and perhaps even their friends and family," he added.

He continued: "I ask gun owners this, respectfully: Which is more uncomfortable— the pain of potential ostracization, or the pain of a nonstop loop of stochastic and targeted terrorism, aided and abetted by an endless supply of handguns and rifles, the latter often equipped these days with 30 bone-shattering rounds per magazine? If you're a parent with school-age children, the fear of a Columbine, Parkland or Uvalde-type event is impossible to fully suppress."

A former member of the Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement recently issued a warning to Republicans who own guns.

In an opinion piece titled "Gun owners: It's time for us to stand up against the Second Amendment death culture," that was published in Salon on Monday, Rich Logis wrote that he previously voted "exclusively for Republicans, including twice for former [President] Donald Trump, and once for [Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, in 2018," and recently renounced his membership to the National Rifle Associated (NRA).

"Responsible gun owners: Are you OK with child sacrifice? I am certain you are not; but if we don't hear from you—loudly and frequently—our necessary voices are suffocated and held hostage by the most politically traumatized voices," Logis, who states in his X, formerly Twitter, bio that he left MAGA, and considers himself "Never Trump and Never DeSantis," wrote.

"I understand and appreciate why gun owners—the large majority of whom are law-abiding—are reluctant to risk the slings and arrows of the Republican Party, the conservative media, right-wing pundits and conspiracy theorists and pundits, and perhaps even their friends and family," he added.

He continued: "I ask gun owners this, respectfully: Which is more uncomfortable— the pain of potential ostracization, or the pain of a nonstop loop of stochastic and targeted terrorism, aided and abetted by an endless supply of handguns and rifles, the latter often equipped these days with 30 bone-shattering rounds per magazine? If you're a parent with school-age children, the fear of a Columbine, Parkland or Uvalde-type event is impossible to fully suppress."


Tell you what when you can find a leftist this passionately opposed to abortion get back to me otherwise I don't really care. We certainly see what happens to black people when they think for themselves and no longer buy into the leftist narrative. Do you really think everyone is as stupid as you?
A former member of the Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement recently issued a warning to Republicans who own guns.

In an opinion piece titled "Gun owners: It's time for us to stand up against the Second Amendment death culture," that was published in Salon on Monday, Rich Logis wrote that he previously voted "exclusively for Republicans, including twice for former [President] Donald Trump, and once for [Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, in 2018," and recently renounced his membership to the National Rifle Associated (NRA).

"Responsible gun owners: Are you OK with child sacrifice? I am certain you are not; but if we don't hear from you—loudly and frequently—our necessary voices are suffocated and held hostage by the most politically traumatized voices," Logis, who states in his X, formerly Twitter, bio that he left MAGA, and considers himself "Never Trump and Never DeSantis," wrote.

"I understand and appreciate why gun owners—the large majority of whom are law-abiding—are reluctant to risk the slings and arrows of the Republican Party, the conservative media, right-wing pundits and conspiracy theorists and pundits, and perhaps even their friends and family," he added.

He continued: "I ask gun owners this, respectfully: Which is more uncomfortable— the pain of potential ostracization, or the pain of a nonstop loop of stochastic and targeted terrorism, aided and abetted by an endless supply of handguns and rifles, the latter often equipped these days with 30 bone-shattering rounds per magazine? If you're a parent with school-age children, the fear of a Columbine, Parkland or Uvalde-type event is impossible to fully suppress."


Check again...

Matthew Impelli, the author of the piece you cited, is a typical New York Progressive Leftist. He graduated from Syracuse University in 2019. And finished his MA in 2021. He is no "MAGA" of any sort. All his other pieces are typical Leftist position ones. So, in that the article is simply lying.

https://www.newsweek.com/authors/ma...r's degree from St. John's University in 2021.



Check again...

Matthew Impelli, the author of the piece you cited, is a typical New York Progressive Leftist. He graduated from Syracuse University in 2019. And finished his MA in 2021. He is no "MAGA" of any sort. All his other pieces are typical Leftist position ones. So, in that the article is simply lying.

https://www.newsweek.com/authors/ma...r's degree from St. John's University in 2021.




The STORY is by Impelli, idiot. He referenced a MAGA, Rick Logis.

Fucking illiterate.
A former member of the Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement recently issued a warning to Republicans who own guns.

In an opinion piece titled "Gun owners: It's time for us to stand up against the Second Amendment death culture," that was published in Salon on Monday, Rich Logis wrote that he previously voted "exclusively for Republicans, including twice for former [President] Donald Trump, and once for [Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, in 2018," and recently renounced his membership to the National Rifle Associated (NRA).

"Responsible gun owners: Are you OK with child sacrifice? I am certain you are not; but if we don't hear from you—loudly and frequently—our necessary voices are suffocated and held hostage by the most politically traumatized voices," Logis, who states in his X, formerly Twitter, bio that he left MAGA, and considers himself "Never Trump and Never DeSantis," wrote.

"I understand and appreciate why gun owners—the large majority of whom are law-abiding—are reluctant to risk the slings and arrows of the Republican Party, the conservative media, right-wing pundits and conspiracy theorists and pundits, and perhaps even their friends and family," he added.

He continued: "I ask gun owners this, respectfully: Which is more uncomfortable— the pain of potential ostracization, or the pain of a nonstop loop of stochastic and targeted terrorism, aided and abetted by an endless supply of handguns and rifles, the latter often equipped these days with 30 bone-shattering rounds per magazine? If you're a parent with school-age children, the fear of a Columbine, Parkland or Uvalde-type event is impossible to fully suppress."


This should trigger an outpouring of fear and stupidity from the Reichwingers. Wait for it.

ETA: And sure enough.
I'm a lefty for whom gun control is not a major issue.

Ridiculing right wing gun nuts, however, is pretty much an obligation for all sane people.
The STORY is by Impelli, idiot. He referenced a MAGA, Rick Logis.

Fucking illiterate.

That's not how Guano presented it. He presented the story as the writer was a MAGA.

Aside from that, Impelli presents a biased view of the issue through anecdote so the article is pretty much irrelevant in any case.
Nonsense...it is the gun owners who are ostracized by power, who are hurt.

Do not let people lie to you is my recommendation.
A former member of the Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement recently issued a warning to Republicans who own guns.

In an opinion piece titled "Gun owners: It's time for us to stand up against the Second Amendment death culture," that was published in Salon on Monday, Rich Logis wrote that he previously voted "exclusively for Republicans, including twice for former [President] Donald Trump, and once for [Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, in 2018," and recently renounced his membership to the National Rifle Associated (NRA).

"Responsible gun owners: Are you OK with child sacrifice? I am certain you are not; but if we don't hear from you—loudly and frequently—our necessary voices are suffocated and held hostage by the most politically traumatized voices," Logis, who states in his X, formerly Twitter, bio that he left MAGA, and considers himself "Never Trump and Never DeSantis," wrote.

"I understand and appreciate why gun owners—the large majority of whom are law-abiding—are reluctant to risk the slings and arrows of the Republican Party, the conservative media, right-wing pundits and conspiracy theorists and pundits, and perhaps even their friends and family," he added.

He continued: "I ask gun owners this, respectfully: Which is more uncomfortable— the pain of potential ostracization, or the pain of a nonstop loop of stochastic and targeted terrorism, aided and abetted by an endless supply of handguns and rifles, the latter often equipped these days with 30 bone-shattering rounds per magazine? If you're a parent with school-age children, the fear of a Columbine, Parkland or Uvalde-type event is impossible to fully suppress."


It is unconstitutional to ban or limit any gun or any other weapon.

Want to stop a massacre? Shoot back.
That's not how Guano presented it. He presented the story as the writer was a MAGA.

Aside from that, Impelli presents a biased view of the issue through anecdote so the article is pretty much irrelevant in any case.

The article guno posted is clear. You’re a fucking knee jerk illiterate.

“ In an opinion piece titled "Gun owners: It's time for us to stand up against the Second Amendment death culture," that was published in Salon on Monday, Rich Logis wrote ….”
The article guno posted is clear. You’re a fucking knee jerk illiterate.

“ In an opinion piece titled "Gun owners: It's time for us to stand up against the Second Amendment death culture," that was published in Salon on Monday, Rich Logis wrote ….”

Okay, let's go that route. A radical progressive Leftist claiming to be ex-MAGA writes an article originally published in Salon, a radical Leftist magazine and who has a long list of other such articles in other radical Leftist publications and founded a radical Leftist group called Perfect Our Union, is quoted by a radical Leftist New York progressive in another radical Leftist magazine...



And by his own admission isn't a MAGA Republican but rather a "No Part Preference"


Wrote an article the Left loves. So?
Okay, let's go that route. A radical progressive Leftist claiming to be ex-MAGA writes an article originally published in Salon, a radical Leftist magazine and who has a long list of other such articles in other radical Leftist publications and founded a radical Leftist group called Perfect Our Union, is quoted by a radical Leftist New York progressive in another radical Leftist magazine...



And by his own admission isn't a MAGA Republican but rather a "No Part Preference"


Wrote an article the Left loves. So?

I know this is difficult for you righties, but try to READ, then THINK before you post. It’s less embarrassing for you.
I know this is difficult for you righties, but try to READ, then THINK before you post. It’s less embarrassing for you.

I did, it's Guano that didn't...

Guano accepted at face value an article in a badly politically slanted magazine written by Leftists as wholly truthful.