Excommunication cancelled...



Brazilian bishops back down over 9-year-old's abortion

Updated at 9:07pm on 14 March 2009

Brazilian bishops have cancelled the excommunication of the mother and doctors of a nine-year-old girl who had an abortion after being raped.

They said the decision to excommunicate was wrong and would not be applied.

The National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB) decided on Thursday that the child's mother acted "under pressure from the doctors" who said the girl, pregnant with twins, would die if she carried the babies to term.

CNBB secretary-general Dimas Lara Barbosa told reporters the mother therefore could not be excommunicated. "We must take the circumstances into consideration," he said.

As for the doctors, there was no clear case for expelling them from the church either, he said - contrary to the position taken by Archbishop Jose Cardoso Sobrinho, who announced the excommunications earlier in March.

Mr Barbosa said that only doctors who "systematically" conduct abortions are thrown out of the Roman Catholic Church.

Girl said she'd been abused since age of six

The case of the young girl, allegedly raped by her stepfather in the state of Pernambuco, has been highly controversial in Brazil. Archbishop Sobrinho's position that the abortion was "more serious" than the rape prompted much public debate, with many denouncing his lack of compassion.

Officials said the girl told them she had been abused since the age of six by her stepfather, 23, who also allegedly sexually abused the girl's physically handicapped 14-year-old sister.

The man was arrested a week ago and is being kept in protective custody.

Archbishop 'misinterpreted'

In an effort to mitigate the archbishop's declarations, CNBB president Geraldo Lyra Rocha said his colleague had been misinterpreted.

"Archbishop Sobrinho did not excommunicate anyone," he said. "I am sure he did not mean to harm anyone but rather wanted to draw attention to a certain permissiveness (over abortions)."

Abortion is illegal in Brazil except in cases of rape or if the woman's health is in danger. But a million women still seek clandestine abortions in operations, and thousands die from them.
Ahh the Catholic church. She would have been excommunicated had this not received world wide attention, just as pedophile priests would have remained in place, victimizing children had the church been able to keep it concealed long enough to beat out the statute of limitations. That ANYONE can remain a catholic in the face of this continued madness is beyond me. It is too bad that Dan Brown's book Angles and Demons could not come true and the entire Vatican city just be annihilated by one large antimatter blast.
they canceled excommunication? Rats that was my favorite show..
It sort of looks like the excommunication was an invention by the media.

I wondered if she was even "eligible" for excommunication -- at what age do children go through confirmation/first communion, that ceremony where they pledge to the church, etc.? If she hadn't done that, how could she be excommunicated?

This and the condom story -- sounds like the pope is losing it.
I wondered if she was even "eligible" for excommunication -- at what age do children go through confirmation/first communion, that ceremony where they pledge to the church, etc.? If she hadn't done that, how could she be excommunicated?

This and the condom story -- sounds like the pope is losing it.

I read that they can't excommunicate people under the age of 17. But they were going to excommunicate the mother and her doctors. If the Vatican would've immediately stepped in, fired the bishop responsible, and corrected the situation it wouldn't have been so bad.

Instead it took them a week to even make an official response, and in that time a cardinal from the Vatican actually came out and said he supported the decision.
I wondered if she was even "eligible" for excommunication -- at what age do children go through confirmation/first communion, that ceremony where they pledge to the church, etc.? If she hadn't done that, how could she be excommunicated?

This and the condom story -- sounds like the pope is losing it.
8 years old is the age of first communion and responsibility.