Excuse me while I sort out my confusion



You see , I am a little bit confused. I cant help having these long head scratching sessions. While the World is on the brink of World War 3, we as a nation are busy discussing the Anti-Semitic nature of an actor and the health of a two bit dicatator.
Mel Gibson, once one of Hollywoods AAA+ list Actors, loved by everyone, considered as the nicest guy in Hollywood and admired for being such a great Family Guy, "Until"... he came out of the closet, professed his Catholicism and went on to produce a Master Piece of a Movie... about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.. based on the 4 Gospels interpretation. This raised the ire of the ADL leader Abraham H. Foxman. Without seeing the Movie and reading rough transcripts .. he was convinced it was Anti-Semitic ... it portrays Jews as the responsible force for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
This was the beginning of the end for Hollywood and the politically left wings admiration of Mel Gibson.. after all..he is an out of the closet devout Catholic, an anti-semite.. who is he to produce a movie about Jesus Christ? He doesnt even mention the fling he had with Mary Magdalen
..we cant support such an anti-semite! Damn Christians!!
So.. a couple of years later .. Gibson a self admitted Alcoholic goes into relapse, gets arrested for Public intox ...utters some anti Jewish drivel...and the left is outraged! See... Christians are really Anti-Semitic!
Meanwhile Iran, Syria, Cabals in Lebenon, even fascist regimes South of the American Border are calling for the destruction of Israel. Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who openly denied the Holocaust and called it a "myth" recently gave Venezuelan leader Hugo Chevez one of his countries highest honors, upon recieving the honor Chevez proclaimed it is time for the world to unite against the US and Israel Empire and destroy it. Yet ..we are more concerned with the anti-semitic nature of Mel Gibson.

Its really amusing ... this forum and the "other" forum ... how outraged people are at Mel Gibsons remarks .. yet are in open support of Islam and its vocal support of the destruction of Israel and her people. Yes ..I said it ... "ISLAM" .. why do I say it? Because Lebenon's government supports Hezbohla and thats all you need to know ... Iran supports Hezbohla ... Syria supports Hezbohla ..., and now Egypts Government, and unfortuantely many Americans and Euro's naively support Hezbohla..... one of the Worlds formost anti Jewish forces!

Now ..about Islam ... and its fascist forms of Government .... there is a clear and defined goal outlined ... That is to rid the world of all that isnt Islam....
starting with the destruction of Israel and the U.S.

The Holy War is here folks ... we are smack in the middle of it ..whether you wish to believe or not ....
When push comes to shove ... Islamic Governemnts will side with Jihad .....


Excuse me ... me personally? I'll option for Democracy .. it is the more measurable pathway to World Peace ... we get World Peace through Freedom.. not through Fascist Theocracy .. which is what you support when you support Hezbohla and all its cousin terrorist regimes. Sure ...Israel has its problems and is a religous State.. but she is also a Democracy ...
As far as Palastime? I'd like to see all these big mouth anti-Israel reactionists if Native Americans begun to strap bombs around their Children and send them into Malls.
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Hmm. While I share your disdain for the attention spent on a movie actor's indiscretions, I'm afraid that I don't agree about the whole "we're going to be at war with the Islamists at any moment" thesis. I'm sorry but, to me, it still looks like an acorn.

Yeah, they hate us. They hate our government and its policies, more accurately. They simply aren't capable of escalating this conflict into any sort of Armagedon-like apotheosis of culture war. Not unless we (stupidly) help them do it.

In this case, it really does take two to tango. Let the Muslim world work out its own differences and refrain from interfering wherever possible.

Like global thermonuclear war, the only way to win is not to play.
While the World is on the brink of World War 3

Ugh if I see one more WW3 comment I'm going to scream. THE WORLD IS NOT ON THE BRINK OF WW3!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IHateGovernment said:
While the World is on the brink of World War 3

Ugh if I see one more WW3 comment I'm going to scream. THE WORLD IS NOT ON THE BRINK OF WW3!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is astonishing that as soon and Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, and Fox News started calling this world war three, how quickly the cyberspace repubicans fell in lockstep with that talking point.
OrnotBitwise said:
Hmm. While I share your disdain for the attention spent on a movie actor's indiscretions, I'm afraid that I don't agree about the whole "we're going to be at war with the Islamists at any moment" thesis. I'm sorry but, to me, it still looks like an acorn.

Yeah, they hate us. They hate our government and its policies, more accurately. They simply aren't capable of escalating this conflict into any sort of Armagedon-like apotheosis of culture war. Not unless we (stupidly) help them do it.

In this case, it really does take two to tango. Let the Muslim world work out its own differences and refrain from interfering wherever possible.

Like global thermonuclear war, the only way to win is not to play.

I would be intrigued to see what would happen if we withdraw all of our forces. Maybe my fears will be proven wrong! But I am afraid it would be the end of Israel and the spark that will further spread Islamic Theocray. Its no secret Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world... and it makes one wonder why ..., how in an age that we live in ... is a Theocratic Fascist form of Governance being embraced at the rate it is ... that my friend is scarier than what liberals in this Country fear from a self professed Evangelical President. Bush may be pushing all the wrong buttons ... but we have the power to rid ourselves of him ... and we will. The wider the support becomes for these Islamo/Fascist regimes the more wide spread the danger becomes. Our major worry is these small cabals obtaining large amounts of deadly weaponry ... Hezbohla is demostrating the realities of this ... its not pretty.
Cypress said:
It is astonishing that as soon and Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, and Fox News started calling this world war three, how quickly the cyberspace repubicans fell in lockstep with that talking point.

Cypress ... I dont listen to rush, Sean or whomever.. , my schedule does not afford me the opportunity. But apparently you do.. because you seem to know what they are disccussing at any given moment. Search Rush, Sean or womever.. and the moniker Cypress will come up most frequently.
klaatu said:
I would be intrigued to see what would happen if we withdraw all of our forces. Maybe my fears will be proven wrong! But I am afraid it would be the end of Israel and the spark that will further spread Islamic Theocray. Its no secret Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world... and it makes one wonder why ..., how in an age that we live in ... is a Theocratic Fascist form of Governance being embraced at the rate it is ... that my friend is scarier than what liberals in this Country fear from a self professed Evangelical President. Bush may be pushing all the wrong buttons ... but we have the power to rid ourselves of him ... and we will. The wider the support becomes for these Islamo/Fascist regimes the more wide spread the danger becomes. Our major worry is these small cabals obtaining large amounts of deadly weaponry ... Hezbohla is demostrating the realities of this ... its not pretty.
I don't believe that any of the Islamist governments have the power to destroy Israel. Not even all together -- and they don't cooperate with one another well. The Islamist movements have even less power than the Islamist governments do.

Our media tend to exagerate the importance of the Islamists within Islam, I believe.

Oh, and with respect to Mel Gibson . . . at least he does provide some fodder for humorists.

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