excuse me?? who are the haters/?? not Air America!!


Junior Member
The Air America radio network is apparently filing for bankruptcy this week. Of course, we told that you would happen more than a year ago. But this is a "no gloat zone." So I'll just state the obvious: The network failed because it is full of haters. They are not funny; they are not fair-minded. Why would anyone listen?

thats from Oreilly's talking points...

the network is full of haters?? Janine Garrafalo is not a hater.... WTF... i think its the people at fox news who are haters, but yet they are the leading news station...
Rob, you have made me an O'Reilly fanatic. I hardly ever miss him. I never would have watched him if it weren't for you talking about and quoting him in the past year. Is he a hater........yes, sometimes. Is he entertaining........yep. I love watching the spirited debates between him and his guests.
I have heard Janine Garrafalo in one interview. She wasn't very friendly then. However, Sean Hannity was the interviewer so I can somewhat understand.

However, have you ever listened to Randi Rhodes? Hate-filled is appropriate when you discuss her.

Rob, you have made me an O'Reilly fanatic. I hardly ever miss him. I never would have watched him if it weren't for you talking about and quoting him in the past year. Is he a hater........yes, sometimes. Is he entertaining........yep. I love watching the spirited debates between him and his guests.

i used to but got bored of him, but i still will read his talking points...he's the kinda person who i like, i mean i agree with him on a lot of issues, like for example pedop's etc and being tough on child crimes... but more or less he is a guy i love to hate...
Air America did have a little skit killing Bush, but I guess some wouldn't consider that hate.
this bringsd back some of my fonder memories of the war in Nam, although at the time I was not in nam, although on my record I was....
Air america was real and the same planes and crews would perodically dissappear and come back with a new name on the planes....
those guys could party :)
although they were a right wing org if my memory serves me correctly.
Air America is filled with hate, but they have been broke for years now. Can they find another charity to steal from like the NY Boys Club? Or maybe Soros will come around again. I hope he does help them out, so they won't need to steal from charities. They should stay on the air.
Air america is funny as shit, too bad a bunch of juvinille comedians are running the only large liberal talk radio show.
i used to but got bored of him, but i still will read his talking points...he's the kinda person who i like, i mean i agree with him on a lot of issues, like for example pedop's etc and being tough on child crimes... but more or less he is a guy i love to hate...

So I guess ..if you love to hate.. then you must be the hater!!