Expand Debate Challange Functionality to other Forums.


Well-known member
I would like to second ILA's proposal to expand the Debate Challenge functionality to other forums for the following reasons

Often times it is desirable to just debate one person on a particular issue without interference from other members/trolls. Unfortunately many use the rules of APP to prevent a full argument and that is the only forum the functionality exists. The only other way to try to debate someone one on one in another forum is to thread ban a whole lot of people which isn't practical.
I don't care what you want to call it.

Comparing a situation to similar ones is a legitimate debate tactic.

You were diverting the topic. You were busted on it. Stop whining about it. The bottom line is that it is the lefties that squeal about wanting "civilized" debate, yet the forum that exists for civilized debate goes unused by lefties. The lefties screamed for a tool to limit my ability to post here because the Mods wouldn't ban me. They gave you the thread ban feature. Now lefties whine about thread bans. Yes, maybe it wasn't YOU specifically who asked for the thread ban feature. But, it was created for Darla. In fact. There were TWO moderator features that were put in place specifically for Darla.

1) Thread ban feature because big bad ILA was too mean to her
2) Forced ignore because big bad ILA was too mean to her.

I could be mistake, but I believe I was the very first to have forced ignore used on them. If not the first one of the early adopters :)
I don't care what you want to call it.

Comparing a situation to similar ones is a legitimate debate tactic.

Wait, you told me in another thread that that technique is used to shut down conversation. Why is legitimate now?