

What does it say about our nation today when a candidate for vice president is measured not by their abilities and experience but by the fact that expectations for them are so low anything but an act of buffoonery is considered passable? Have the low standards we set in our schools and in some work areas passed into politics, or has it always been that way. A deeper question: has America lost her pride and now thinks mediocrity is the best we can do? Palin like Bush is mediocre, that fact is undeniable.
What does it say about our nation today when a candidate for vice president is measured not by their abilities and experience but by the fact that expectations for them are so low anything but an act of buffoonery is considered passable? Have the low standards we set in our schools and in some work areas passed into politics, or has it always been that way. A deeper question: has America lost her pride and now thinks mediocrity is the best we can do? Palin like Bush is mediocre, that fact is undeniable.

You may be surprised to know that I agree with you, but I think it says less about our nation (who I believe have naturally high expectations for themselves) and moreso about what--to your satisfaction perhaps--has happened to the conservative movement in this country.

The expectations there are so entirely low because conservatives do not legitimately believe anyone leading their movement is telling them the truth about their intentions. How many of the Republican Presidential candidates had any real claim to inheriting the party and its legacy from anyone but Bush? How many of the candidates offered in the primaries anything BUT a continuation of Bush?

Can anyone credibly believe John McCain when he sends them a fundraising letter saying he is a committed conservative who had always stood for individual freedom, smaller government, and lower taxes? So, in a conservative ideological view, maybe Sarah Palin was exciting that in some respects she is *better* than John McCain. But big deal. She's not the candidate and quite frankly, she's not prepared to be.

It's really come to this where after last night's atrocious performance they are all patting themselves on the back. The plain fact is that Joe Biden just beat the snot out of the Republican candidate and made Barack Obama sound like a million bucks, even if his policies ARE wrong.

Take some comfort in the fact that no one who matters was convinced by Sarah Palin last night. It was the tired old rhetoric by a new face, and the people on the right only think she didn't lose because the focus of the content of the debate wasn't on her at all.

In reality, as the debate played out, she offered no substantial change in vision for the long term growth of the movement and gave no compelling justification for the election of McCain except for a couple bits of traditional conservative doctrine. It should be clear for someone who cares about the long term health of the right that she has in fact only been selected to humanize (quite poorly in my mind) some of the same bad policies we've all had to put up, liberals and conservatives and others, with the last eight years.

And she won't get the chance to do it in office.
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fuck you mid you loser. Obama is winning this shit big. Top of his class at harvard you tool. We will reject Mr keaton 5 and the governor milf.
Top, you never fail to amaze, you are one totally lost soul. "Facts of the world are sealed in minds." Janna Levin

a vote for John McCain.... - Just Plain Politics!
Why I'm voting for John 'McSame' McCain - Just Plain Politics!

"This is the Bush-McCain economy. Senator McCain may have forgotten, but President Bush already tried his economic policies and the results are not good. We have just been through a business cycle in which the wage of the typical worker and the typical working family fell. This is the first time that has ever happened."

Top really wants to vote for Palin, because as he says, "she's smokin".

I don't really have any idea how to respond to the sexualization of the vice presidency, and by extension, the sexualization of the presidency.

Rush Limbaugh said of Hillary Clinton that he didn't think "anyone wants to watch a 60 year old woman aging before our eyes".

He now says of Palin "We've got a BABBBBBEEEE on our ticket folks".

This is a stunning turn of events, and a true setback for feminism. Women are not falling for it, save some religious whacks counting births as resume highlights. But a lot of men are. We do live in a pornified society, but I didn't think I'd see the pornification of the presidency.

Now, a woman who is clearly unqualified, and frankly, out right stupid, may end up a heart beat away because she can wink, wiggle her ass, roll her shoulder and flip her hair, very consciously playing into the Rich Lowry's who are out there thinking "God I'd love to bend her over" by telegraphing that "God I wish you would".

While in the rest of the country, as women work their ways up the corporate ladder, and succeed in their own businesses, they fight every day to ascertain they are not sexualizing themselves, nor allowing anyone else to do it to them.

The example now being set is, well, forget all that. If you are a woman, you can succeed in only this way: you better be good looking, and, you better be willing to sell that. This means that any woman who is not good looking cannot succeed, and any woman who is good looking but refuses to sell it, cannot succeed.

And this, we are to call, progress?

Well, thanks, but no thanks. We already live in a world where a man can be as truly butt-ugly as Tim Russert or Al Roker and succeed in the visual world of television, but a woman better look like Erin Burnett.

We don't need to take that standard off of television and bring it to politics, bring it to business, bring it to the Presidency of the United States of America.
"The expectations there are so entirely low because conservatives do not legitimately believe anyone leading their movement is telling them the truth about their intentions. How many of the Republican Presidential candidates had any real claim to inheriting the party and its legacy from anyone but Bush? How many of the candidates offered in the primaries anything BUT a continuation of Bush?"

Maybe its time you realized that the moderates in your party have been purged.
"The expectations there are so entirely low because conservatives do not legitimately believe anyone leading their movement is telling them the truth about their intentions. How many of the Republican Presidential candidates had any real claim to inheriting the party and its legacy from anyone but Bush? How many of the candidates offered in the primaries anything BUT a continuation of Bush?"

Maybe its time you realized that the moderates in your party have been purged.

I am not looking for moderates. I'm looking for a true conservative.
Look for them Adam and pull them all together and then go play basketball.

America when given the choices on policy without the labels turn out to be liberals.
And do you ever wonder why they can't do it with the label?

Fascism is sold easily without a label too. Just look at the last eight years.

Free market ideology aside, I believe people have a right to know what they're buying. And that includes in their politicians.
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Quality counts. And perception marketing is important, but it should only be excused by citizens for good people selling good ideas.

We have a responsibility to be discriminating enough to reject bad people selling bad ideas, even if they do have great packaging.

If we don't exercise that responsibility, we get government that oversteps its bounds.
What does it say about our nation today when a candidate for vice president is measured not by their abilities and experience but by the fact that expectations for them are so low anything but an act of buffoonery is considered passable? Have the low standards we set in our schools and in some work areas passed into politics, or has it always been that way. A deeper question: has America lost her pride and now thinks mediocrity is the best we can do? Palin like Bush is mediocre, that fact is undeniable.

Barack Obama – the presidential aspirant stumbled his way through one “Larry King” appearance, mumbling “uh” 73 times in five minutes. Wow, to think that he, hands down, uses more filler words than the queen of post jail interviews...amazing!
Barack, let us know if you need a webcam before your next YouTube debate because your job interview happens to be the presidential election.

Quality counts. And perception marketing is important, but it should only be excused by citizens for good people selling good ideas.

We have a responsibility to be discriminating enough to reject bad people selling bad ideas, even if they do have great packaging.

If we don't exercise that responsibility, we get government that oversteps its bounds.

yep that is where we are both on the govt and personal levels.
We are slaves to marketing. Critical thought is discouraged.
"The expectations there are so entirely low because conservatives do not legitimately believe anyone leading their movement is telling them the truth about their intentions. How many of the Republican Presidential candidates had any real claim to inheriting the party and its legacy from anyone but Bush? How many of the candidates offered in the primaries anything BUT a continuation of Bush?"

Maybe its time you realized that the moderates in your party have been purged.

I am not so sure they have been purged, but they have mostly changed in both parties. From corporate interests to both moving towards what they considered the middle for votes.
This if it is good for business it is good for america is crap when it ignores the workers in a 2/3 consumer based economy.
Shortsighted greed is the main cause of where we are now.
Some thought Nancy's astrologers were out of place in the white house but ministers casting out devils should be real interesting. Can you see Sarah presiding over the Senate, minister near by, casting out devils? You think all the republicans except two and nine tenths of the democrats will disappear???

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gN7hJDS26rI"]YouTube - Sarah Palin's Witch Doctor[/ame]