Exxon vs. Alaskans as high court takes on oil spill case


JPP Modarater

Exxon Mobil Corp. is going into the arguments Wednesday asking the high court to erase a federal court's awarding of punitive damages to nearly 33,000 fishermen, Native Alaskans, landowners, businesses and local governments.

The 33,000 were the plaintiffs in a class-action lawsuit who claimed private economic harm from the spill. The company claimed it had already paid many millions in government fines, as well as $3.4 billion in cleanup costs.

The last time I checked Government fines and clean up costs don't equate to retribution for economic harm to individuals, businesses or other localities. I don't understand their justification for not paying out. Secondly inflation should jack that number back up to something closer to $4 or $5B anyway and those people are entitled to it.

Exxon Mobil Corp. is going into the arguments Wednesday asking the high court to erase a federal court's awarding of punitive damages to nearly 33,000 fishermen, Native Alaskans, landowners, businesses and local governments.

The 33,000 were the plaintiffs in a class-action lawsuit who claimed private economic harm from the spill. The company claimed it had already paid many millions in government fines, as well as $3.4 billion in cleanup costs.

The last time I checked Government fines and clean up costs don't equate to retribution for economic harm to individuals, businesses or other localities. I don't understand their justification for not paying out. Secondly inflation should jack that number back up to something closer to $4 or $5B anyway and those people are entitled to it.

Freaking trial lawyers, trying to get justice for fishermen against a mega-corporation. What a bunch of ambulance chasers.

Anyway, with Alito and Roberts of the SCOTUS, my guess is that the alaskans will be told to take a hike.
Freaking trial lawyers, trying to get justice for fishermen against a mega-corporation. What a bunch of ambulance chasers.

Anyway, with Alito and Roberts of the SCOTUS, my guess is that the alaskans will be told to take a hike.

I hope to God your wrong. These people have no moral fiber whatsoever. They've been making money hand over fist. They made nearly $40B in profit in 2006.
Buy their stock and dont give a crap as long as you make money ?
Seems to be the american way.
Like in my other thread about self esteem relating to what you have not what you are ?