Facebook gun control rant


Moderate Republican
Staff member
I finally couldn't resist and posted something political on Facebook. I took out the names before posting it here.

My "Unregistered" Guns And Me

I usually avoid talking about political issues with people I know but in light of the president's latest efforts towards more so called gun control and some of the stuff I've read, I thought I would weigh in this one time. Let me preface this with describing a political discussion (I have them all the time with perfect strangers on the inter webs) I have had recently concerning the "refugees" from Syria and other nations. Without going into too much detail, one of the more liberal posters ridiculed a very mean spirited conservative poster when the conservative indicated that the "preservation of culture" was a motivator for opposing so many immigrants. I do not disagree with that sentiment.

Almost every vote I cast is cast with the preservation of our culture in mind. I happen to like the world I grew up in. Among some of the things I liked was the opportunity to learn target shoot, hunt with some great men in my life and to buy and trade guns. I have bought them from the time I was in the 5th grade forward. I remember mowing yards and earning enough money to have dad go to the Pawn shop and buy a single shot 22 for me. Not too many years later, I traded that single shot 22 to [an adult friend of the family] for a different single shot 22. When I was in the tenth grade, I traded that 22 to [a fellow high school student] for a semi-automatic 22. I have since traded many guns with many people. I have several guns in my collection that mean a great deal to me as well.

When I was about 23 or so years old, my uncle [] tearfully gave me a gun of his. I will never part from it. He was in the early stages of Alzheimer's and wanted me to have this weapon. Needless to say, there were tears on both sides during that exchange. Years later, my dad gave me a weapon of his. I have continued to trade guns with people through the years. [Friend 1], [Friend 2], and some people I didn't even know. (Traded shotguns on a pheasant hunt one time with a guy because he saw me make a terrific shot with my cheaper made 12 gauge and wanted it)

I have bought more than one gun at a gun shows in my life. The all did a background check on me. I understand that some unscrupulous dealers could make a parking lot deal with some people. Unscrupulous people will not pay attention to Mr. Obama's executive orders either. The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of the terrible shootings in this country are done with legally obtained firearms that are obtained either by the perpetrator, one of the perpetrator's family members, or a proxy buyer of some kind. Nothing signed by President Obama the other day is going to deter that...at all.

On the other hand, what he signed will prevent the situations I described in my life with my friends, uncle and dad from happening in my son's life. At least I will make them "illegal." Also, at the very least, it will make them more expensive as people will have to pay some bureaucrat to file the necessary paperwork to make it legal. I can promise you that when I was a kid, we didn't have that kind of money. I have been harping for years that there seems to be an effort to price hunting out of the price range of the common person, making it difficult for middle class or poorer folks to participate legally. I see the same efforts with gun ownership. Culture ... it seems to me that many, if not most, on the "gun control" side of this issue want a culture more like that of the Europeans. A culture where gun ownership is virtually non existent for the "common" citizen ... among other things. I will fight against that tooth and nail.

Oh, one last thought ... the 2nd amendment has nothing whatsoever to do with hunting. End of rant.
If that change in your culture will save lives are you willing to make it?
If not allowing the "Syrian Refugees" into the US will save lives, are you willing to support the idea?

This is the craziness of liberal thought

1) it is islamiohobic to prevent muslimes from coming here

2) once muslimes are here in order to keep them from killing people we must restrict their gun rights and create a surveillance state because muslimes are dangerous.

That is the liberal mind
Since liberals are all in favor of changes, as long as it MIGHT save lives; then they must also agree with the following changes that need to be made to car ownership.

1 - before you buy a car, you must receive a doctor's evaluation as to your frame of mind and if you have addictive behaviors.
2 - no car should be able to go faster then 30 miles per hour or hold more then 5 gallons of gas. If you need such a vehicle, it should be only allowed after a second evaluation and then only temporarily.
3 - Since certain paint jobs, pin striping, spoilers, rims and such; give the appearance of a car being able to go faster (scarier) - Therefore all cars must look exactly alike.
4 - All cars need to be subjected to (at the owners expense) voluntary computer inspections, to see if there's any un-necessary acceleration, brake application, etc.
5 - No one can sell a car, without checking first to see if the buyer is prohibited in any way from owning a car.
6 - All cars must be equipped with a GPS unit, so law enforcement will always know where the car is; just in case, you know.
7 - This applies to all rentals and/or loaners.
8 - A Comprehensive Car Control act needs to be instituted, so that the slaughter of innocents is addressed; seeing as how more people die from vehicles, then guns.
Since liberals are all in favor of changes, as long as it MIGHT save lives; then they must also agree with the following changes that need to be made to car ownership.

1 - before you buy a car, you must receive a doctor's evaluation as to your frame of mind and if you have addictive behaviors.
2 - no car should be able to go faster then 30 miles per hour or hold more then 5 gallons of gas. If you need such a vehicle, it should be only allowed after a second evaluation and then only temporarily.
3 - Since certain paint jobs, pin striping, spoilers, rims and such; give the appearance of a car being able to go faster (scarier) - Therefore all cars must look exactly alike.
4 - All cars need to be subjected to (at the owners expense) voluntary computer inspections, to see if there's any un-necessary acceleration, brake application, etc.
5 - No one can sell a car, without checking first to see if the buyer is prohibited in any way from owning a car.
6 - All cars must be equipped with a GPS unit, so law enforcement will always know where the car is; just in case, you know.
7 - This applies to all rentals and/or loaners.
8 - A Comprehensive Car Control act needs to be instituted, so that the slaughter of innocents is addressed; seeing as how more people die from vehicles, then guns.

There isn't a liberal on here that would oppose this.

Apply it to killing babies. Put restrictions on that and MaliKhristiefan will have her tampon string spontaneously combust
If not allowing the "Syrian Refugees" into the US will save lives, are you willing to support the idea?

Allowing Syrian Refugees is not a minor inconvenience, it's a refusal to help a class of people in desperate need.
Since liberals are all in favor of changes, as long as it MIGHT save lives; then they must also agree with the following changes that need to be made to car ownership.

1 - before you buy a car, you must receive a doctor's evaluation as to your frame of mind and if you have addictive behaviors.
2 - no car should be able to go faster then 30 miles per hour or hold more then 5 gallons of gas. If you need such a vehicle, it should be only allowed after a second evaluation and then only temporarily.
3 - Since certain paint jobs, pin striping, spoilers, rims and such; give the appearance of a car being able to go faster (scarier) - Therefore all cars must look exactly alike.
4 - All cars need to be subjected to (at the owners expense) voluntary computer inspections, to see if there's any un-necessary acceleration, brake application, etc.
5 - No one can sell a car, without checking first to see if the buyer is prohibited in any way from owning a car.
6 - All cars must be equipped with a GPS unit, so law enforcement will always know where the car is; just in case, you know.
7 - This applies to all rentals and/or loaners.
8 - A Comprehensive Car Control act needs to be instituted, so that the slaughter of innocents is addressed; seeing as how more people die from vehicles, then guns.

I oppose most of those things for guns, so I would also oppose them for cars. I don't object to having to register my car and I don't oppose the multitude or requirements required to make it street legal and I don't oppose the huge amount of traffic enforcement we have in most areas of this country.
I oppose most of those things for guns, so I would also oppose them for cars. I don't object to having to register my car and I don't oppose the multitude or requirements required to make it street legal and I don't oppose the huge amount of traffic enforcement we have in most areas of this country.

The EXISTING laws weren't what was presented; but are you against Comprehensive Car Reform.
This is the craziness of liberal thought

1) it is islamiohobic to prevent muslimes from coming here

2) once muslimes are here in order to keep them from killing people we must restrict their gun rights and create a surveillance state because muslimes are dangerous.

That is the liberal mind

Conservative mind;
1.) "Keep anyone different out of our country 'cause they may be as fucking crazy as we are...
2.) If they do get in make sure the crazy ones can buy all the guns they could ever want just like we can..."
Conservative mind;
1.) "Keep anyone different out of our country 'cause they may be as fucking crazy as we are...
2.) If they do get in make sure the crazy ones can buy all the guns they could ever want just like we can..."

Liberal mind:

1) don't give a flying fuck who we let in; rapists, gang members, terrorists
2) once they are here we need to restrict everyone's 2nd amendment rights and create a surveillance state