Fact check: Biden’s horrific debate performance made worse by multiple lies and gaffes

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Nothing but lies. But the dubious leftist media only wants to pretend fact check Trump.

Fact check: Biden’s horrific debate performance made worse by multiple lies and gaffes

Critics of former President Donald Trump are always quick to challenge the veracity of the Republican’s statements but President Biden was guilty of multiple whoppers during Thursday night’s presidential debate — when he was coherent.

Here were the commander in chief’s biggest fibs and gaffes:

No troops have died

What Biden said: “I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any — this decade — that doesn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world, like [Trump] did.”

Truth: At least 16 troops have died in overseas attacks over his tenure, including, infamously, the 13 soldiers killed in an
ISIS-K attack during the botched August 2021 US evacuation from Afghanistan.


We beat Medicare

What Biden said: ‘We finally beat Medicare.”

Fact: Huh? It’s unclear if even the octogenarian president knew what he meant here, but the obvious verbal blunder occurred after he froze discussing his record on the economy.

Trump, 78, sarcastically responded: “He did beat Medicare. He beat it to death.”

Endorsed by Border Patrol

What Biden said: The US Border Patrol union “endorsed me, endorsed my position.”

Truth: The National Border Patrol Council refuted Biden’s claim — mid-debate. “To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden,” the union
posted on X.

Which accord?

What Biden said: “[Trump] pulled out of the Paris Peace Accords, uh, Climate Accord.”

Fact: The president confused the Paris Climate Accords, the YEAR international pact aimed at tackling climate change, with the Paris Peace Accords that marked the end of the Vietnam War in 1973.

Black unemployment

What Biden said: “Black unemployment is the lowest level it’s been in a long, long time.”

Truth: In April 2023 under Biden, black unemployment hit a record low of 4.8%, beating a previous low of 5.3% reached under Trump in 2019.

However, the rate last month was 6.1%.

Social Security

What Biden said: “[Trump] wants to get rid of Social Security. … He’s wanted to cut Social Security and Medicare.”

Truth: The ex-president has repeatedly said he wants to protect Medicare and Social Security.

Taxing the rich

What Biden said: “We have a thousand millionaires in America, I mean billionaires. And what’s happening? They’re in a situation where they in fact pay 8.2% taxes.”

Truth: The top 1% of taxpayers (income of at least $548,000) paid an average tax rate of nearly 26% in 2020, while the top 0.001% — 1,475 taxpayers with at least $77 million in adjusted gross income – paid 23.7%, according to IRS data cited by the Washington Post.

Trump’s unemployment rate

What Biden said: “[The] unemployment rate rose to 15% [under Trump]; it was terrible.”

Fact: The unemployment rate was 6.4% when Trump left the White House in 2021. Unemployment rose from 4.4% in March 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic to 14.8% in April 2020. The unprecedented global outbreak wreaked economic havoc worldwide.

Border crossings

What Biden said: “I’ve changed in a way that now you’re in a situation where there are 40% fewer people coming across the border illegally. That’s better than when [Trump] left office.”

Truth: He’s confusing data. The daily average of migrant apprehensions dropped more than 40% — to nearly 2,400 — since Biden issued an executive action that went into effect a month ago prohibiting asylum at the southern border.

However, there’s already more than 7 million illegal-border crossings under Biden, who during his first two years in office had already racked up over million more than Trump reportedly compiled in his four years in office.

Drug prices

What Biden said: “We brought down the price of prescription drugs … to $15 for an insulin shot as opposed to $400. No senior has to pay more than $200 for any drug … beginning next year.”

Truth: Under the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act that Biden signed into law, Medicare enrollees must still pay up to $35 monthly, and seniors and disabled people must fork over as much as more $2,000 yearly out-of-pocket starting in 2025.
Nothing but lies. But the dubious leftist media only wants to pretend fact check Trump.

Fact check: Biden’s horrific debate performance made worse by multiple lies and gaffes

Critics of former President Donald Trump are always quick to challenge the veracity of the Republican’s statements but President Biden was guilty of multiple whoppers during Thursday night’s presidential debate — when he was coherent.

Here were the commander in chief’s biggest fibs and gaffes:

No troops have died

What Biden said: “I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any — this decade — that doesn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world, like [Trump] did.”

Truth: At least 16 troops have died in overseas attacks over his tenure, including, infamously, the 13 soldiers killed in an
ISIS-K attack during the botched August 2021 US evacuation from Afghanistan.

The lie about the military was unforgivable....
Another massive debate lie Biden spouted off about...

The left’s $7 trillion lie: Biden far outpaces Trump in racking up the national debt

Projection is blaming someone else for your own bad behavior.

We saw a classic case of projection in Thursday’s presidential debate, when President Biden — who is overseeing annual budget deficits of $2 trillion — asserted that his predecessor, Donald Trump, added more to the federal debt than anyone else.

It’s part of the latest leftist argument: that if Trump wins the election, he will run deficits twice as large as Biden would.

Debate moderator Jake Tapper joined the chorus of federal finance falsehoods when he claimed Trump had “approved $8.4 trillion in new debt,” while Biden’s actions will increase the debt by (merely) $4.3 trillion over a decade.

Tapper was referencing a recent report by the left-leaning Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, which twisted and turned the debt statistics in every contortionary way it could to reach its incredible conclusion.

CRFB, by the way, is a group that opposed the successful Trump tax reform in 2017 — yet supported several of Biden’s multitrillion-dollar spending bills.

It’s not nonpartisan, but a front group for the policies of the political left.

The fundamental flaw of the CRFB analysis is revealed if we examine the projections of the Congressional Budget Office.

The CBO’s projection for 2021, the last fiscal year of the Trump administration, forecast the federal debt to reach about $35.3 trillion by 2031, that is, over the next decade.

Today, 3½ years into the Biden administration, the latest estimates from the CBO project the debt will hit over $42.5 trillion by 2031.

In other words, the CBO now expects the debt to be $7.2 trillion higher than it had projected when Trump left office — all because of Biden’s reckless spending policies.

Treasury Department figures also show the debt growing much faster under Biden.

Over Trump’s entire term, including the 2020 spate of emergency COVID spending, the debt increased by $7.7 trillion — a staggering total, to be sure.

However, about 15% of that debt total was the result of Treasury’s choice to keep additional cash on hand during the pandemic.
Trump spent and borrowed too much, full stop.

But with a debt headed to $50 trillion if reelected and a political agenda that stifles economic growth, Biden has set America on an unsustainable fiscal path that will lead to financial oblivion.

A great deal of it sure is... I don't think he knows much of what he does or says anymore though... Is the debate proved that...
Yep. But Democrats continue to argue that Americans should not believe their eyes and ears and instead, gobble down their lies and gaslighting like the gullible dimwits who vote Democrat do.