Fact Check: Did Obama vote 94 times for higher taxes?


Abreast of the situations
The Statement: At a debate Thursday, Oct. 2 in St. Louis, Missouri, Republican vice presidential candidate Gov. Sarah Palin charged Democrat Sen. Barack Obama of supporting higher taxes. "Barack had 94 opportunities to side on the people's side and reduce taxes, and 94 times he voted to increase taxes or not support a tax reduction — 94 times."

Get the facts!

The Facts: The effort to convince voters that Sen. Barack Obama would support higher taxes is a central part of Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign. McCain and the Republican National Committee have repeatedly cited 94 alleged votes by Obama to bolster their argument. Factcheck.org, a non-partisan project of the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg Public Policy Center, pieced through records to determine just what these 94 instances were. Key findings:

–23 were against proposed tax cuts.

— 7 were "for measures that would have lowered taxes for many, while raising them on a relative few, either corporations or affluent individuals."

– 11 were to increase taxes on people making more than $1 million a year, to help fund programs such as Head Start, school nutrition, or veterans' health care.

– 53 were votes on budget resolutions or amendments that "could not have resulted by themselves in raising taxes," though many "were clear statements of approval for increased taxes"

The total also includes multiple votes on the same measures. Annenberg says a close look at the record reveals that Obama has "voted consistently to restore higher tax rates on upper income taxpayers but not on middle- or low-income workers."

The Verdict: Misleading. Palin's summary ignores the fact that some of the votes were for measures to lower taxes for many Americans, while increasing them for a much smaller number of taxpayers. The total also includes multiple votes on the same measures and budget votes that would not directly lead to higher taxes.

It was not Palins summery--and it is correct. I have heard those numbers months ago, and I think you need to educate yourself on what a tax break really is in washington.

how about that fact checking folks give us all the ear marks on all 94 bills, instead of a summery that is always used to dupe the public--like the bail out bill earmarks not being told to us in whole?

The current bail out has a earmark to give millions to the industry that makes child toy arrows. That is rasing taxes on us.

all you folks do is skim the surface--and come to instant conclusions.

It was not Palins summery--and it is correct. I have heard those numbers months ago, and I think you need to educate yourself on what a tax break really is in washington.

how about that fact checking folks give us all the ear marks on all 94 bills, instead of a summery that is always used to dupe the public--like the bail out bill earmarks not being told to us in whole?

The current bail out has a earmark to give millions to the industry that makes child toy arrows. That is rasing taxes on us.

all you folks do is skim the surface--and come to instant conclusions.


It also has an earmark to give tax incentive on renewable energy like solar and wind.
To be fair to her though, she probably had no idea what she was reading out.

smarter than your queen I bet (who is nothing but a prop today). What is your interest in America? To move here and find your oppertunity---or to destroy the USA you are so pig jealous of?
It also has an earmark to give tax incentive on renewable energy like solar and wind.

which will raise the cost of our energy. Watch how high energy costs go if we waste time, money and resourses on energy like wind and ethanol which deliver very little return on investment. The cream will rise to the top--but it is not going to be wind or ethanol. I have more exp using alky in internal combustion engines than 99.99% of the US public--and I am not running the stuff in my daily car. Corrosion of your engine parts, the fact it is "hygroscopic" ,the fact that I have to burn almost twice as much to gain the same power, and a flex fuel car can not get the power out of it if it is also set up for gas. Alky can tollerate higher copmpression and ingition advance that gas can't. So, your flex fuel car can not be optomized for alky as long as it is also set for gas. I would be willoing to bet--that your engines will have a hard time reaching 100,000 miles if run totally on alky. For racing, we run gas throught the engine after the day is done, to flush out the water absorbing alky fuel. Leave it in there--and it turns into a rusted (steel bearings) mess.

I hear solor though may be getting fesaible, but in it current form--it is a waste also.

What we need to see is a good non biased capability study to show the public what is worth investing in right now, and what is not.

Back to earmarks that are not shared with us that raise taxes.
It also had (but taken out) millions to go to the dem voter fraud group ACORN.

obama was not there to fight that one---of course.
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smarter than your queen I bet (who is nothing but a prop today). What is your interest in America? To move here and find your oppertunity---or to destroy the USA you are so pig jealous of?

Hey, since you turned to the tried and trusted policy of nationalization the US is looking very attractive to all us Commies over here.
which will raise the cost of our energy.

It also had (but taken out) millions to go to the dem voter fraud group ACORN.

obama was not there to fight that one---of course.

taxes are relative. I used to be against any tax regardless of what it was.. But then what happens when you own a house and have a family is the local taxes and fees goes up when the federal tax goes down. Its a wash. if you were to tell me Net Net I would be better off net net under mccain versus obama I wouldn't believe it.

Besides McCains healthplan would be the biggest tax increase i have ever received. I pay 2400 a year company premium tax deferred for a family plan that covers everything including vision and even life insurance. My company pays about 9000 for me as a benefit. Under McCains plan i would lose my company 9000 benefit and very good health care and be forced to find some other plan thats cheeper pay after tax for it and get a measly 5grand at the end of the year. I work with HR and my company will pocket the money and offer a supplemental health savings account but its a very big win for the corporations to save on the 9k per employee and replace with a tax deferred vehicle that costs like 500 per person.
Hey, since you turned to the tried and trusted policy of nationalization the US is looking very attractive to all us Commies over here.

Moslty the people that don't want to be under your rule. I talk to people from England, and even dated one that moved here a while back. The grass seems greener to them. They are disapointed of the level of socialism here, that they did not expect, but they have more of their own money right now.

If socialism takes over the USA---you will have no where to go.
taxes are relative. I used to be against any tax regardless of what it was.. But then what happens when you own a house and have a family is the local taxes and fees goes up when the federal tax goes down. Its a wash. if you were to tell me Net Net I would be better off net net under mccain versus obama I wouldn't believe it.

Besides McCains healthplan would be the biggest tax increase i have ever received. I pay 2400 a year company premium tax deferred for a family plan that covers everything including vision and even life insurance. My company pays about 9000 for me as a benefit. Under McCains plan i would lose my company 9000 benefit and very good health care and be forced to find some other plan thats cheeper pay after tax for it and get a measly 5grand at the end of the year. I work with HR and my company will pocket the money and offer a supplemental health savings account but its a very big win for the corporations to save on the 9k per employee and replace with a tax deferred vehicle that costs like 500 per person.

Seven states don't extort a state income tax from their citizens. One I am looking at is South Dakota, because it is a very friendly business state. Sales tax is a bit high, but property tax is average. I figure if obama gets in office, I will save aboput 20% of my own money, and may have a shot of retirement if I move from liberial expensive Michigan to SD.
Moslty the people that don't want to be under your rule. I talk to people from England, and even dated one that moved here a while back. The grass seems greener to them. They are disapointed of the level of socialism here, that they did not expect, but they have more of their own money right now.

If socialism takes over the USA---you will have no where to go.

People do tell me i rule England with a little too much of the iron fist.

I find that grass tends to be green pretty much wherever you are and anyway, my initial priorities when deciding whether to relocate would probably extend further than the hue of a lawn.

I'm happy with the colour of my lawn at the minute, although i have to say the financial outlook is pretty much down the toilet, but that's what we get for copying you.
People do tell me i rule England with a little too much of the iron fist.

I find that grass tends to be green pretty much wherever you are and anyway, my initial priorities when deciding whether to relocate would probably extend further than the hue of a lawn.

I'm happy with the colour of my lawn at the minute, although i have to say the financial outlook is pretty much down the toilet, but that's what we get for copying you.

why does a bird in a cage still sing like it is free? What would you have withour capatolism? You would be eating bugs like the phesants (boy--you love that word I bet) in China.

grass is the same everywhere? hardly.

Everybody wanted to copy America. Before the corruption crept in--we became the most prosperious country in the world---in about two generations. Has anybody else done that?--no--not even close--they are not allowed to. Now, because of world forces, and copying you---we are goind down. I know you want to see a weaker America--don't BS me. Your not sharp enough.
why does a bird in a cage still sing like it is free? What would you have withour capatolism? You would be eating bugs like the phesants (boy--you love that word I bet) in China.

grass is the same everywhere? hardly.

Everybody wanted to copy America. Before the corruption crept in--we became the most prosperious country in the world---in about two generations. Has anybody else done that?--no--not even close--they are not allowed to. Now, because of world forces, and copying you---we are goind down. I know you want to see a weaker America--don't BS me. Your not sharp enough.

You're the bestest country in the world at, like, everything.

Why on earth would you want to copy someone else?

Anyone would think something has gone wrong.
You're the bestest country in the world at, like, everything.

Why on earth would you want to copy someone else?

Anyone would think something has gone wrong.
Well, we started talking about universal health care, and while we were doing that the markets fell, so...

It stands to reason that even talking about things that Europe does is dangerous to our economy. Instead we pull the hugest fascist direct investment and direction of companies in US history since WWII... We were distracted by the heady scent of "free" health care!

Bastages, suddenly I realize that it is all YOUR fault!

The idea Obama isn't for higher taxes is close to retarded. He wants to raise taxes NOT lower spending IE the real problem.
Well, we started talking about universal health care, and while we were doing that the markets fell, so...

It stands to reason that even talking about things that Europe does is dangerous to our economy. Instead we pull the hugest fascist direct investment and direction of companies in US history since WWII... We were distracted by the heady scent of "free" health care!

Bastages, suddenly I realize that it is all YOUR fault!


Very observant Mr Damocles.

***strokes white cat on one's lap with a leather clad hand***

I can now confirm that Phase One is now all but complete. In a few short months when the McCains dies in office we shall fool the Palin stooge into signing over your land to Chinese developers in exchange for a sack of shiny beads and the Miss Alaska title in perpetuity, declaring ultimate victory. Victory, do you hear? Victory.
I think the bottom line anyone should remember about Democrats and Republicans (in congress anyway) is that when absolutely pressed to take action because they have to, Dems will solve a financial problem with tax increases and Repubs with spending cuts. Again only when they are PRESSED to do that, in normal times both probably lack the guts to do either.
Very observant Mr Damocles.

***strokes white cat on one's lap with a leather clad hand***

I can now confirm that Phase One is now all but complete. In a few short months when the McCains dies in office we shall fool the Palin stooge into signing over your land to Chinese developers in exchange for a sack of shiny beads and the Miss Alaska title in perpetuity, declaring ultimate victory. Victory, do you hear? Victory.

Very observant Mr Damocles.

***strokes white cat on one's lap with a leather clad hand***

I can now confirm that Phase One is now all but complete. In a few short months when the McCains dies in office we shall fool the Palin stooge into signing over your land to Chinese developers in exchange for a sack of shiny beads and the Miss Alaska title in perpetuity, declaring ultimate victory. Victory, do you hear? Victory.
Ah... But know we know about your nefarious plan. All I need is one of those cool watches with lasers on it, a compass, a roll of duct tape, and some evil woman who will sleep with me in an attempt to stop me. Your plan will be foiled. Oh, yes it will...