Fact-checking the GOP candidates

Legion Troll

A fine upstanding poster
The ninth GOP debate featured the top six remaining candidates for the party’s presidential nomination.

They repeated several false and misleading claims, and made some new ones, too.

• Cruz claimed that “we have 80 years of precedent of not confirming Supreme Court justices in an election year.” That’s wrong. Justice Anthony Kennedy was confirmed in 1988, an election year.

• Trump called Cruz the “single biggest liar” for saying Trump “supports federal taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood.” But Trump did leave open the possibility of funding some aspects before later saying he wouldn’t support funding as long as the group performed abortions.

• Rubio said that illegal immigration “is worse today than it was three years ago, which is worse than it was five years ago.” The estimated number of immigrants in the country illegally has remained stable over that time.

• Carson attributed a quote to Joseph Stalin that experts say didn’t come from the Soviet dictator.

• Trump falsely claimed that a failed eminent domain case to benefit a Trump casino project in 1998 “wasn’t for a parking lot.” It was.

• Bush conflated two Trump quotes in claiming Trump called Sen. John McCain a “loser because he was a P.O.W.” Trump said he was a loser, because he lost the 2008 presidential election.

• Trump claimed that the nation’s economy “didn’t grow” in the last quarter. It did.

• Trump repeated his claim that he is a self-funded candidate. Not entirely. His money makes up 66% of his campaign’s money through the end of 2015. The rest comes from individual donors.

That debate was like a drunken brawl and I loved it, especially Trump, Cruz and Rubio. Some real fine presidential material there!

Kasich is the only one who came off well, urging everybody to stop the fighting and concentrate on the issues.
That debate was like a drunken brawl and I loved it, especially Trump, Cruz and Rubio. Some real fine presidential material there!

Kasich is the only one who came off well, urging everybody to stop the fighting and concentrate on the issues.

The last Democrat debate was between two old WHITE people coming the the party that claims diversity who did nothing more than try to see who could out-socialist the other one with someone else's money.
The last Democrat debate was between two old WHITE people coming the the party that claims diversity who did nothing more than try to see who could out-socialist the other one with someone else's money.

Trump's an old white guy, older than Hillary. Ben Carson, John Kasich both getting up there too.
Trump's an old white guy, older than Hillary. Ben Carson, John Kasich both getting up there too.

Bernie Sanders is older than Reagan and people like you say Reagan was too old. Make some excuse for that.

Nothing from the party of diversity about the two candidates being white?