FACT: The war in Iraq has made AL Queda Stronger!


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WASHINGTON - The war in Iraq has become the primary recruitment vehicle for violent Islamic extremists, motivating a new generation of potential terrorists around the world whose numbers are increasing faster than the United States and its allies are eliminating the threat, U.S. intelligence analysts have concluded.

A 30-page National Intelligence Estimate completed in April cites the "centrality" of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, and the insurgency that has followed, as the leading inspiration for new Islamic extremist networks and cells that are united by little more than an anti-Western agenda. Rather than contributing to eventual victory in the global counterterrorism struggle, it concludes that the situation in Iraq has worsened the U.S. position, according to officials familiar with the classified document.

"It's a very candid assessment," one intelligence official said yesterday of the estimate, the first formal examination of global terrorist trends written by the National Intelligence Council since the March 2003 invasion. "It's stating the obvious."

The intelligence source quoted is probably a clinton hold over. Kinda like wilson was.

The cause for the increase in islamists is the liberal media and its portrail of what's going on in iraq. That and the stupid democrats. They do nothing but embolden the islamist at every turn.
The intelligence source quoted is probably a clinton hold over. Kinda like wilson was.

The cause for the increase in islamists is the liberal media and its portrail of what's going on in iraq. That and the stupid democrats. They do nothing but embolden the islamist at every turn.


Here we see the classic Bush boot-licker response: fingers pluged firmly in ears, and singing "La, La, La, La" as loudly as they can.

The report has been confirmed by multiple sources dude. Repubilicans aren't denying it, and it is the consensus view of 16 american intelligence agencies.

Bottom line, your war has not only cost us vast amounts of blood and treasure, but has made the terrorism threat worse.
At least this story gets Iraq and the war there back in the news. What with all the babies being killed and disappeared and carved from their mothers wombs by half-crazed women for who knows what reason, it is getting hard to get any real war news anywhere but FOXSPEWS but at least with this report the War is now front and center again. And that can't be all bad...You can't discuss a war that no one remembers is going on. Besides another 30 people at least were killed there today. The Democrats need to keep the attention on the failures of the administraiton, if they expect to take back the House and and Senate.

Battle Breaks Out in Media Over Bleak NIE Iraq Assessment

By E&P Staff

Published: September 24, 2006 4:50 PM ET updated 6:15 PM ET

NEW YORK A pitched battle over an intelligence assessment, covered first by The New York Times and then The Washington Post, broke out across the media today. Former Secretary of State Alexander Haig went so far as blame the whole fuss -- over the negative view of the war in Iraq and the war on terror -- on liberal journalists. CNN aired an interview with President Bush in which he declared that one day the Iraq war will look like "just a comma."

The National Intelligence Estimate declared that the war in Iraq has increased Islamic radicalism, worsening the overall terror threat, cutting at the heart of the White House defense of its strategy. The assessment "should put the final nail in the coffin for President Bush’s phony argument about the Iraq war," Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) said in a statement.

Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA) said that "my feeling is the war in Iraq has intensified Islamic fundamentalism and radicalism." But the Senate majority leader, Billl Frist, said "we are going to be fighting this battle, this war overseas, or it’s going to be right here in this country."

The White House quickly issued a statement pointing out that Bush had noted that Osama bin Laden had declared the war in Iraq to be the most "serious issue today for the whole world." It said the press report on the document "is not representative of the complete document."

In the CNN interview (recorded earlier this week and aired today), asked by Wolf Blitzer about the continuing setbacks in Iraq, Bush said, "Yes, you see — you see it on TV, and that’s the power of an enemy that is willing to kill innocent people. But there’s also an unbelievable will and resiliency by the Iraqi people…. I like to tell people when the final history is written on Iraq, it will look like just a comma because there is — my point is, there’s a strong will for democracy."

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said, "Attacks here at home stopped when we started fighting al-Qaida where they live, rather than responding after they hit."

Sen. John McCain told CBS' "Face the Nation" that if the U.S. were to fail in Iraq, "then our problems will be much more complicated."

But Rep. Jane Harman of California, the senior Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, who has actually read the report, said she agreed that the Iraq war had caused the spread of jihadist ideology. "Every intelligence analyst I speak to confirms that," she said on CNN's 'Late Edition.'

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Sen. John McCain told CBS' "Face the Nation" that if the U.S. were to fail in Iraq, "then our problems will be much more complicated."

And this is true as far as it goes ;)
But had we not invaded and occupied Iraq.....
I like the way liberals use the words "blood and treasure." It's as if they actually have some consideration for human life, and I think "treasure" is a Freudian slip, since they view American tax dollars as their treasure.

My thoughts, with 3/4 of the alQeada leadership pushing up daisies, it's good to hear they are able to recruit new people, someone has to replace the leadership who is dead. It's also good to hear the war in Iraq is their main recruiting tool, and not anti-western religious fanaticism. This way, when we finish up in Iraq and come home, they won't have anything to use anymore, and recruitment will dry up.
Dixie sez:

"My thoughts, with 3/4 of the alQeada leadership pushing up daisies,"

every single one of our founding fathers is pushing up daisies. How in the world have we survived without them?
This way, when we finish up in Iraq and come home, they won't have anything to use anymore, and recruitment will dry up.

You just recently said, that you support the establishment of permanent american military bases in Iraq. Which happens to be the second-most holy land in islam, after saudi arabia
Just a thought. I believe I was taught in school while sitting around the pot bellied stove that Iraq is the cradle of civilization. Sort of ironic....
I like the way liberals use the words "blood and treasure." It's as if they actually have some consideration for human life, and I think "treasure" is a Freudian slip, since they view American tax dollars as their treasure.

My thoughts, with 3/4 of the alQeada leadership pushing up daisies, it's good to hear they are able to recruit new people, someone has to replace the leadership who is dead. It's also good to hear the war in Iraq is their main recruiting tool, and not anti-western religious fanaticism. This way, when we finish up in Iraq and come home, they won't have anything to use anymore, and recruitment will dry up.
Obviously, Dixie hasn't heard of or read a transcript of Iraqi PM Talabani's recent speech, delivered at the UN, where he called for the permanent installation of American forces on Iraqi soil, to protect him and his government from overthrow by the same forces that are currently ripping the country to shreds. What this means is that your dream of an Americans withdrawal from Iraq is just that a dream, at the same time the Bush administration has finally attained what they wanted from the beginning which was the installation of American troops on a permanent basis. They began building permanent bases in Iraq during the first months of the occupation. This was reported in The New York Times early on in the occupation, but has been widely overlooked by many on the right and others across the American political spectrum as the construction has continued unabated. Meanwhile, few journalists aware of what is going on there have questioned this activity or what it means. In addition, the request by Talibani means that the CIA instigated chaos and insurrection is beginning to pay the kinds of dividends that such an operation is geared to generate. In other words by all estimates now, the war in Iraq has been a great success and the "permanent bases" will now serve the purpose for which they were first built. Yes, the war in Iraq was always about democracy first, and any invasion and occupation was just tangential to the democracy building process. And of course, the building of permanent bases to be used later, the rhetoric of allowing the Iraqi's themselves to determine when the Americans will leave and the idea that the Iraqi government represented the will of the Iraqi people and not the will and pre-planning of the Bush administration was always a stretch, a tale based on the willingness of the American people to believe the best of America's intentions as they always do in these kinds of situations.

In conjunction with these realities the Bush poopaganda machine has done an excellent job of moving from democracy to permanent occupation without rattling too many feathers because, of course, there is so much violence (how much is CIA generated and supported is still open to conjecture although few are so brazen or even aware as to speculate on something so sinister as to be almost unthought) and such a great need for a strong hand on the tiller of state. A strong hand that can only operate effectively with the assurances that there will be someone there to take control and keep the "democratically-elected" government safe from popular interference. Of course, Americans less knowledgeable like our friend Dixie, can still imagine a time "when we finish up in Iraq and come home, [al Qaeda] won't have anything to use anymore, and recruitment will dry up." But that time as we now know won’t be anytime in the foreseeable future, so in fact, Bush’s escapade in the middle east, his "new middle east" is going to be a long lasting and completely irresponsible experiment that will ensure that our children and our children’s children will still be attacked by radical Muslim terrorists.

You’re doing a Heck-of-a-Job, George
This way, when we finish up in Iraq and come home, they won't have anything to use anymore, and recruitment will dry up.

You just recently said, that you support the establishment of permanent american military bases in Iraq. Which happens to be the second-most holy land in islam, after saudi arabia

Oh well.... I guess they should have thought about that before they decided to allow their radical fanaticism invade our soverignty and kill 3,000 Americans. Now, we have to kick their asses back to the stone age, which shouldn't be a long journey for them. I hate it for them, really, I do... they had such a good thing going for them, religion of peace, world socialist sympathy, virgins in heaven... I hate that they shit in their lunch pail and attacked us, but it was their move, and now they will have to live with the consequences.

As for your bluster about alQaeda recruitment being on the rise... I hope the fuck you are right! In fact, I encourage ANY Arab who thinks we should die, to join the cause NOW! Don't wait 5 years or 10 years, do it NOW! If you even have the slightest inkling of an idea, that we are The Great Satan, and need to be wiped out by your fanatical ass, please join alQaeda NOW! TODAY! The sooner we get the people with this ideology signed up in alQaeda, the sooner we can arrange their meeting with Allah, and the Virgins!
The intelligence source quoted is probably a clinton hold over. Kinda like wilson was.

The cause for the increase in islamists is the liberal media and its portrail of what's going on in iraq. That and the stupid democrats. They do nothing but embolden the islamist at every turn.
Nope. An NIE is a comprehensive, high level summary. It is prepared for the use of the administration and legislators and is intended to represent the consensus of the intelligence community. That's why so many intel professionals were upset when Cheney abruptly changed the rules under which an NIE is compiled immediately before the invasion of Iraq.

Face it: we liberals have been proven right at almost every turn in this Iraq debacle. This is just more of the same.
Oh well.... I guess they should have thought about that before they decided to allow their radical fanaticism invade our soverignty and kill 3,000 Americans. Now, we have to kick their asses back to the stone age, which shouldn't be a long journey for them. I hate it for them, really, I do... they had such a good thing going for them, religion of peace, world socialist sympathy, virgins in heaven... I hate that they shit in their lunch pail and attacked us, but it was their move, and now they will have to live with the consequences.

As for your bluster about alQaeda recruitment being on the rise... I hope the fuck you are right! In fact, I encourage ANY Arab who thinks we should die, to join the cause NOW! Don't wait 5 years or 10 years, do it NOW! If you even have the slightest inkling of an idea, that we are The Great Satan, and need to be wiped out by your fanatical ass, please join alQaeda NOW! TODAY! The sooner we get the people with this ideology signed up in alQaeda, the sooner we can arrange their meeting with Allah, and the Virgins!

Oh well.... I guess they should have thought about that before they decided to allow their radical fanaticism invade our soverignty and kill 3,000 Americans.

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11
what do you mean? In Dixie-world, Saddam and Osama are actually half- brothers with a deep and abiding bond that transcends politics.
Also, Dixie, you didn't address your apparent contradiction between "bringing the troops home", and establishing "permanent military bases in Iraq".

Depending on the day of the week, you've held both positions.
And yep Ornot has it right. Libs have pretty much called the way this debacle in Iraq would go up till now.
the Bushies have been close to 180 out of phase with the realities of the "war" in Iraq.
absolutely! I have not missed ONE of my predictions, and Dixie has missed on every single one.

these assholes are the most inept, incompetent administration since US Grant
Oh well.... I guess they should have thought about that before they decided to allow their radical fanaticism invade our soverignty and kill 3,000 Americans.

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11

Then why did you mention Iraq being the second most holy Muslim land? Does Iraq have anything to do with the radical Islamofascist movement, or not? Make up your mind! It seems that you want to talk out of both sides of your mouth, and argue that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, yet it's the impotus behind all the terrorism we see now. I'm sorry, I don't accept the pinhead logic that alQaeda is simply in Iraq because we went there, I think alQaeda's objective of an Islamic Caliphate, have a little something to do with it... but then, I am a thinking and intelligent person, and you are a partisan pinhead moron.
well I am still a bit unclear on what time period "the last throes" involves, it appears to be sort of like the end of times that has been imminent for the 2000 years or so :)