Facts About the Polygamist Sect FLDS


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Facts About the Polygamist Sect FLDS

Associated Press Writer

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- Some facts about the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the polygamous sect whose Eldorado, Texas, compound was raided by authorities:

- Since the early 20th century the traditional home base of the church has been the twin border towns of Colorado City, Ariz., and Hildale, Utah. The church also has enclaves in Colorado, South Dakota, Texas and British Columbia.

- Members believe plural marriage brings exaltation in heaven. The religious doctrine is tied to the early teachings of Joseph Smith, who founded the mainstream Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1830.

- Smith began teaching polygamy in 1843 and reportedly married more than 30 women.

- The Mormon church abandoned polygamy as a condition of Utah statehood in 1890.

- There are an estimated 40,000 fundamentalists practicing polygamy across the Intermountain West. Some are part of organized churches and others are independents.

- The FLDS is the largest-known polygamous sect. Membership is not published, but is estimated at roughly 6,000 based on U.S. Census numbers.

- Members are discouraged from contact with outsiders.

- The FLDS incorporated as a church in the 1940s.

- FLDS members appear caught between two centuries. The women wear prairie-style clothing and the men dress conservatively, covered from ankle to wrist, but FLDS families also have minivans and cell phones.

- The FLDS practice polygamy in marriages arranged by the church president, who is also described as a prophet. Some marriages have partnered teenage girls with older men.

- Warren Jeffs, 52, is the current FLDS prophet. He's had the job since 2002.

- Last year Jeffs was convicted in Utah of two felony counts of accomplice to rape for his part in the 2001 marriage of a 14-year-old follower to her 19-year-old cousin. He was sentenced to two consecutive prison terms of five years to life.

- Jeffs is currently in a Kingman, Ariz., jail, awaiting trial on similar charges related to two other child-bride marriages.

Does the FLDS have protection under law and Tax code as a legal church ?

If so why ?

I think it's trying to keep itself as secret as possible, so it probably wouldn't register itself and would just pay the taxes. Or, it registers as one and keeps the activities secret. It would be quite an infringment on freedom of religion if the government started arbitrarily denying religious organizations tax exempt status because of purely religious reasons.
Purely religious reasons like sexual child abuse ?

US, I meant that whatever they have done, they're still a religion. I mean, we can't take that away. Those who have sexual relationships with children should be prosecuted, but it would set a seriously bad precedent to start putting a judgement test on whether or not a religion recieves religious status.

I personally believe that Scientologists shouldn't be treated as a religion, though, cus they're a fucking business.
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So we should let people be stoned to death for religious reasons, etc ?

Where is the line between a religion and a dangerous cult ?

IMHO any "religion" that has as part of their religion to break US laws should not be recognized officially as a religion by our government.
So we should let people be stoned to death for religious reasons, etc ?

Where is the line between a religion and a dangerous cult ?

IMHO any "religion" that has as part of their religion to break US laws should not be recognized officially as a religion by our government.

O _ O

US, you have the right to believe that people should be stoned to death, however, should you stone someone to death, you should be put in prison. You can't punish someone for beliefs alone, and that's been a long par of US belief. Surely not everyone in the religion believes in child sex abuse? And if they all do, and have all practiced it, they should all be put in prison. Their tax exempt status has nothing to do with this issue at all.

You are just being a fascist. You're "shouldn't be reconized as religion if it disagrees with US laws" goes a hell of a lot further than clearly right things like banning child sex abuse. You'd ban religions just because they use drugs as part of their religion.
I am not talking about beliefs, but activities sanctioned by a religion that violate US laws.

If not sanctioned by the religion or not acted on that is another matter.
Only one religion.........

O _ O

US, you have the right to believe that people should be stoned to death, however, should you stone someone to death, you should be put in prison. You can't punish someone for beliefs alone, and that's been a long par of US belief. Surely not everyone in the religion believes in child sex abuse? And if they all do, and have all practiced it, they should all be put in prison. Their tax exempt status has nothing to do with this issue at all.

You are just being a fascist. You're "shouldn't be reconized as religion if it disagrees with US laws" goes a hell of a lot further than clearly right things like banning child sex abuse. You'd ban religions just because they use drugs as part of their religion.

In the US of A has the authority to use controlled substances in religious practices...and only on reservations...Native Americans! Peyote & Mescaline!
I am not talking about beliefs, but activities sanctioned by a religion that violate US laws.

If not sanctioned by the religion or not acted on that is another matter.

Is childhood sexual abuse officially sanctioned or encouraged by the church? I know the leader sanctioned it, so yeah, it does sort of kill my case...
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Well now native americans are a whole nuther matter as they are in theory supposed to be their own nations.
But we know how that works out.
Yep I do not believe any religion whose leaders sanction practices that violate US law should be afforded any religious protections or benefits by our government.