Facts do not change minds


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We can only reduce the disagreement about the efficiency of lockdowns or vaccine mandates to a debate about facts or data once we already agree on all the essentials: what ‘efficiency’ means from a medical, social, political and economic perspective; how individual freedoms are to be balanced with society-wide benefits; how actual and preventable COVID-19 deaths are calculated; and many other parameters.

But settling on a shared framework is the hard part. This is one of the reasons why facts do not change minds because, most often, it is the framework through which we analyse them that is at stake.

As Dewey puts it:

Failure to examine the conceptual structures and frames of reference which are unconsciously implicated in even the seemingly most innocent factual inquiries is the greatest single defect that can be found in any field of inquiry.

We can only reduce the disagreement about the efficiency of lockdowns or vaccine mandates to a debate about facts or data once we already agree on all the essentials: what ‘efficiency’ means from a medical, social, political and economic perspective; how individual freedoms are to be balanced with society-wide benefits; how actual and preventable COVID-19 deaths are calculated; and many other parameters.

But settling on a shared framework is the hard part. This is one of the reasons why facts do not change minds because, most often, it is the framework through which we analyse them that is at stake.

Premiums on Efficiency above all else is Nazi talk.

and it's not your place to decide anything for anyone, tyrant asshole.

and you're a fucking idiot.

a totalitarian imbecile, that's you.

We can only reduce the disagreement about the efficiency of lockdowns or vaccine mandates to a debai about facts or data once we already agree on all the essentials: what ‘efficiency’ means from a medical, social, political and economic perspective; how individual freedoms are to be balanced with society-wide benefits; how actual and preventable COVID-19 deaths are calculated; and many other parameters.

But settling on a shared framework is the hard part. This is one of the reasons why facts do not change minds because, most often, it is the framework through which we analyse them that is at stake.

disagreement will reduce when you stop lying and sucking big pharma cock for genocide and profit.