Facts That Matter


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Facts that matter.

Peter Navarro put into prison. Steve Bannon put into prison. Home Intel agency raided on an ex President. Roger Stone raided by Intel agency. Law-fare executed against General Mike Flynn. Lawfare executed against Rudy Giuliani.

Others put into prison. Others, avoided prison and further law-fare by making plea deals from those engaging in law-fare tactics. Many others.

On a massive scale, others were just ruined, censored and intimidated into silence.

Facts that matter.

There is a double spin narrative going on, which, with just a little introspection into facts...shows it is double spin nonsense.

Russia/Russia/Russia foisted as the most devious and cunning espionage nation, with spies and satellites and horrific interrogation operatives and networks. Second only to the US, or, perhaps worse.

Joe Biden's mental health situation was being, literally, written about in 2020. It was also talked about. That knowledge was suppressed in the MSMs, or, said to be completely false when they did step into that narrative. This is all a given. Everyone saw it. Both sides. One side said he is not fit, the other side said we are lying and he is fine.

Put that aside for a moment, and remember when Russia invaded Ukraine. 2022.

So, Russia, arguably the most premium espionage based nation in the world - missed - that Joe Biden was mentally not there, and just happened to attack.

Or, Russia, arguably the most premium espionage based nation in the world, attacked because they absolutely knew that the President of United States was a weak and mental basket case.

It's a double spin narrative, and you cannot have both and expect to win that nonsense narrative.

Facts matter.

The Democrats/Liberals/Progressives and their purchased MSMs are responsible for what has happened in Ukraine, and probably for the attack on Israel, and potentially what might soon happen in Taiwan. There is no doubt of this. They lied, censored, manipulated, obfuscated, lied by omission and flat out denied the truth...and those against America chose their time, because of those actions.

Facts matter.

Blood is on their hands, and any piece of mierda person in America - white, black, yellow, red who votes for any Dem/Lib/Prog in 2024...is exactly that. A worthless piece of mierda, and will have blood on their hands now.

Take it or leave it regarding facts, but those are in fact, the facts.

We have no idea what the far left Democratic Socialist loons will do next.
They have to get the blood off of their political hands, because everyone can see it now.