Failure Is The Prime Mover


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Swamp creatures started with crimes too big to punish.

Finally, the scum in government will never punish one of their own for treason.

Know this if you know nothing else. Covering up Hillary Clinton’s murders in Benghazi opened the floodgate for that filthy piece of garbage in the White House and all of his scum bags. Regardless of the crimes they commit collectively with every law, every policy, and every executive order they legislate they are too big to punish.

Hillary might pay for Clinton Foundation larceny. She might even pay for using a private e-mail server, but she is not going to pay for treason. Treason is the one crime she committed that is too big to punish, nor will any of her agents be charged. The federal government and the media will never besmirch one their own in a devastating trial. Make no mistake about it. In their eyes Hillary Clinton is a goddess of light and goodness on par with the Virgin Mary to Roman Catholics.


Inevitably, swamp creatures and their media stooges coverup so many crimes they finally realized they had to replace God with a prime mover of their own, ergo —— FAILURE ITSELF IS THEIR PRIME MOVER.

Inveterate liar Liz Cheney is running from one news camera to the next like a chicken with its head cut off. Is she screaming about the Biden regime personally funding Hamas, Hezb'allah, and Iranian terrorists in their war to exterminate Israel? Nope. Is she furious that the White House has intentionally instigated a crisis of epic proportions at the southern border by dismantling President Trump's effective deterrents and actively aiding and abetting the business operations of drug-traffickers and slavers throughout the United States? Of course not: Ignoring the will of the American people and insisting that they remain victims while criminal enterprises destroy their communities are bipartisan objectives of the One Party State. Is she enraged that "green" fascists have joined forces with Federal Reserve currency-manipulating oligarchs to spike gas prices and send inflation spiraling to the moon? Both parties abandoned Main Street businesses decades ago (and despise President Trump's "America First" policies), so as long as Wall Street can still make a buck and her lobbyists are sitting pretty, why should she care?

So what has Cheney frothing at the mouth these days (besides her long-overdue boot from the ranks of Republican "leadership")? President Trump, obviously, and his dogged refusal to allow the greatest election theft in American history to go unanswered.

Consider what a "huuuge" tell that is. Big Tech, Big Media, and Big Government have done everything in their power to silence President Trump, and this one man's voice is still too threatening for Liz Cheney. She talks a big game about freedom and the Constitution safeguarding the rule of law and then immediately takes exception to the First Amendment's protections for those speakers she deplores (including those political prisoners still being held without bail under the government's contention that they be treated as "insurrectionists"). And the contrast between her rage against President Trump's words and her absolute silence over the last five years of Deep State subversion says everything about her twisted loyalties to a ruling class that seeks not justice, but the removal of Donald Trump from power at any cost.

If questioning the legitimacy of a national election were tantamount to treason, as Cheney keeps insisting, then where has she been for the last two decades? Gore; Kerry; and the national secrets–spilling, hard drive–shattering, evidence-spoiling Hillary Clinton have all professed their elections "stolen," and party elders Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Nancy Pelosi have unanimously agreed. Hillary continues to blame her loss on a Russian hack that never happened, and America's Pravda news cabal has so successfully laundered her delusions that a majority of brainwashed Democrat voters still believe that lie to be true. Democrats have literally called President Trump a Russian "asset" and "spy" for five years. Charges that come with the possibility of a death sentence are kind of a big deal (and a lot of Hollywood ignoramuses have, indeed, called for Trump's execution).

Has Liz Cheney been running around D.C. since 2016 excoriating Democrats and their disinformation campaigns as "dangerous" to the country's stability? Of course not. Those lies had the backing of Deep State liars Jim Comey, Andrew McCabe, and John Brennan; the imprimatur of legitimacy conveyed by legal liars Andrew Weissmann, Robert Mueller, and a compromised FISA Court; and the stamp of approval from a media monopoly including CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, and the Washington Post all pushing the lies of Adam Schiff. False accusations, malicious investigations, targeted political prosecutions, and relentless cover-ups (still AWOL, Mr. Durham?) have destroyed the credibility of federal law enforcement and intelligence organizations, and Liz Cheney never said a thing.

Instead, she and other "DeceptiCons" (as Sundance so aptly dubbed them long ago) bolstered the Russian collusion lie through years of silence or duplicitous and backhanded participation (here's looking at you, Richard Burr, and other Republicans on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence). And when that intelligence operation against the president failed, the Deep State had the temerity to turn right around and use undercover moles and saboteurs Eric Ciaramella and Alexander Vindman to pull the wool over the American peoples' eyes once again with the Ukraine "quid pro quo" hoax — a bribery scandal that had everything to do with Joe Biden and his son and nothing to do with Donald Trump.

Now, those were dangerous lies used to weaken the country. The whole swamp engaged in an attempted coup d'état — not once, but twice — and the perpetrators still manage to pretend Donald Trump is the real threat to America's institutions. Talk about projection!

From the vantage point of "flyover country," where people don't swallow lies and vomit corruption as effortlessly as they do in D.C., nobody bought the Russia hoax, but everyone could see how desperately the swamp committed to those lies. And because the effort was such a preposterous con job, failing even the simplest plausibility test (Remind me again why oil-dependent Russia would want to cripple its own economy by electing the "drill, baby, drill" president who brought energy independence to America before Biden squandered it.), it forever altered Americans' trust in the federal government.

What did "flyover country" learn from these sordid experiences? When the swamp lies, its lies are too big to fail and must be protected at all costs.

So now we have a highly suspicious national election in which a sitting president wins nearly every traditional bellwether county in the nation by double digits, grows his popularity with women and minorities, and increases his vote tally by over ten million new voters from his first election — all feats that would normally indicate an electoral landslide. And, instead, after the miracles of mail-in balloting, privatized elections bought and owned by Facebook, and vote counts conducted in partisan secrecy, Joe Biden wins three disputed states and the national election by a measly 40,000 votes. Uh, sure.

A majority of the American people didn't buy the lie in November, and they don't buy the lie now, and once again, the same liars who pushed the Russia and Ukraine hoaxes are angry that Americans won't simply accept the lies they are fed.

Right now, Maricopa County, Arizona, is conducting an audit of its 2020 vote, and county officials have already admitted that an outside vendor illegally operated the election for them. Michigan election officials likely broke state law by manually disabling the scanned image function for ballots, and election attorney Matthew DePerno alleges that modems were connected to Michigan voting equipment, an election violation that NBC News reports would render the election "no longer federally certified." After revelations that Facebook and other Big Tech players who had no business interfering in local election precincts paid government election offices in battleground states to become "turnout machines for Biden," the state of Wisconsin has finally authorized an audit of the election. And an election audit in Windham, New Hampshire shows "ample evidence that voting machines favored Democrats, are not reliable, and cannot be trusted."

What does all this mean for Liz Cheney and a swamp too invested in the "Big Lie" of Biden's win?

White House correspondent Emerald Robinson said it best in a series of tweets: "[T]he GOP establishment collaborated with Democrats against Trump in the 2020 election," she noted. "These same officials are now trying to block audits in order to hide their activities in the 2020 election." If only more members of the media spoke so clearly.

The swamp was 0-2 in its efforts to destroy President Trump while he was in office, and Liz Cheney is frantic to keep the swamp from striking out. But "nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not come to light."

May 19, 2021
An Election Heist Too Big to Fail
By J.B. Shurk


December 4, 2020
Is the Democrats’ Election Heist ‘Too Big to Fail’?
By Lynne Lechter

Let me close with a quote about Democrats:
FDR promised Americans “A New Deal” China Joe is promising ‘A Failure A Day.’

Assuming Biden does a full term he will keep his promise and deliver 1,461 failures. Not an unreasonable number based on his daily failures so far.

This is a ray of hope peeking thru the gloom. Aside from Biden’s complete incompetence he is reason enough for Democrat despair.

Incidentally, months before the 2016 election I speculated on the odds against the next president surviving in office:

William Henry Harrison [1841] Died in office

Zachary Taylor [1849-1850] 9 years after Harrison

Abraham Lincoln [1861-1865] 15 years after Taylor

James A. Garfield [1881] 16 years after Lincoln

William McKinley [1897-1901] 20 years after Garfield

Warren G. Harding [1921-1923] 22 years after McKinley

Franklin D. Roosevelt [1933-1945] 22 years after Harding

John F. Kennedy [1961-1963] 18 years after FDR

Starting with Taylor in 1850 and ending with JFK in 1963 you get an average of 17.4 years between presidents dying in office.

NOTE: Ronald Reagan beat the odds when he survived an assassination attempt in 1981. That was 18 years after JFK died in office.

Trump took office 53 years after JFK.

Biden was born in 1942. That means he will take office 57 years after JFK. Bottom line: The odds against Sleepy Joe surviving in office are getting longer should he somehow defeat President Trump in 2020. Assuming Biden is not full-bore senile before 2024 the odds against him surviving in office a second term are prohibitive.