failure to learn lessons concerning government

One would think that the framers of the constitution were serious about upholding the constitution. One would also think that each subsequent generation would become even more serious about upholding it, but apparently that isn't the case and most americans are cowards at heart as they ridicule the 3% who are 'extreme'ly serious about upholding it.

In 1798, when John Adams was president of the United States, the feds enacted four pieces of legislation called the Alien and Sedition Acts. One of these laws made it a federal crime to publish any false, scandalous or malicious writing -- even if true -- about the president or the federal government, notwithstanding the guarantee of free speech in the First Amendment.

The feds used these laws to torment their adversaries in the press and even successfully prosecuted a congressman who heavily criticized the president.

so just a few short years after ratification, we allowed our new government to ignore the law of the land and persecute their political enemies with zero accountability. it's no wonder people have no clue what freedom is and beg for slavery.