Fairness Doctrine Retreats


Verified User
Ann Arbor’s city council passed a variation of their own Fairness Doctrine. Happily, they called it off rather than lose a philosophical argument in court:

The city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, has agreed to stop imposing a public accommodations law on a conservative political consulting firm that required it to promote liberal and progressive views.

Socialists/Communists have been paid tax dollars to finance their causes throughout most of my life. Whenever they cannot get a tax dollar subsidy they sue to force businesses and individuals to work for the Communist agenda. See this thread for a bit of info about the best-known involuntary servitude cases:

I posted numerous messages about involuntary servitude cases since Elane Photography first hit the news:


If you look into cases where an individual is forced to perform a service you will see that lawyers for plaintiffs never fight for the:

VIII Amendment

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

XIII Amendment​

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

The case against Ann Arbor was a victory to be sure, but it was no different than previous involuntary servitude violations where the government told Americans what they must do:

“This lawsuit challenges Ann Arbor’s unjust law for violating the First and Fourteenth Amendments because all Americans, whether conservative or liberal, should have the freedom to advocate for the political views they believe in.”

U.S. city forces citizens to promote political views they oppose
Posted By Bob Unruh
09/08/2019 @ 3:36 pm


NOTE: The government does not have to tell decent men and women how to behave, while Socialists in government always order Americans to engage in perversion. I can only guess at what Democrats would do if a majority of law-abiding Americans refused to obey judges. What the hell, the FBI does not obey the law; so why should Americans obey judges?

I am not sure why Ann Arbor’s Democrats retreated considering the edge Ann Arbor enjoys among all of those Democrat judges in this country, My best guess is that they got a memo from the DNC ordering them to drop it. Wealthy tax dollar parasites running the Democrat Party are deathly afraid that a First Amendment decision handed down in a jerkwater case might unintentionally define Socialism as a religion.

Every Democrat parasite would abolish the original Bill of Rights if they could. One filthy Democrat parasite is right to fear the XVI Amendment not passing today because it was never ratified the first time around, nor would it be ratified today irrespective of the large percentage of parasites feeding at the public trough today compared to the tiny percentage of parasites in 1913.

Sunday on MSNBC, House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) wondered if the Bill of Rights would pass in today’s “climate.”

Of course the parasites Clyburn talks to are against the Bill of Rights.

Clyburn said based off of conversations he has all the time, he believes there would be “strong support against the Bill of Rights” among people who would like to see many of the guarantees “uprooted.”

“I really believe sincerely – the climate that we’re in today – if the Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments of the United States Constitution, were put before the public today, I’m not too sure that we would hold onto the Bill of Rights,” Clyburn declared during the interview with MSNBC. “Especially when I see what people are doing with the Second Amendment and no telling what they would do with the First Amendment.”

MSNBC’s David Gura responded, “You really believe that? That’s a startling statement. You believe that?”

“Absolutely,” Clyburn replied. “There would be a strong support against the Bill of Rights. Go through the Bill of Rights and I’ll tell you I run into people every day who would like to see so much of those guarantees uprooted.”

Dem Rep. Clyburn: ‘Not Too Sure’ the Bill of Rights Would Pass Today
by Trent Baker
8 Sep 2019


Parenthetically, the government transformed the original Bill of Rights into a Government Bill of Rights overriding the Rights of private sector Americans with the XVI and XVII Amendments.

The 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment is also a government Right in the hands of Democrat women like the current crop in Congress —— fronted by none other than Diarrhea Mouth.



Finally, the XVI Amendment is the only constitution Democrat parasites need or respect. Without the income tax Socialism/Communism would not exist in this country. Clyburn was trying to be clever when he pinned his wishes on the first ten amendments because he dared not include the XVI Amendment:

Every bad law that violates the U.S. Constitution is preceded by decades of lies. Well-informed Americans know the lies that were told about the six bad laws I listed. Few Americans realize that all of the worst lies combined do not exceed the biggest lie told about the XVI and the XVII Amendments —— THEY WERE NEVER RATIFIED. THEY WERE IMPLEMENTED AND ENFORCED.

The XVI Amendment:

Published: 11/18/2005 at 1:00 AM



National Archives
Seventeenth Amendment
By: Devvy Kidd
March 2010


Repealed or simply erased:

Repealing the XVII Amendment will get rid of long-serving senators. There is zero chance U.S. Senators will cut their own economic throats. There is less than a zero chance the XVI Amendment will be repealed. The 16th paid for everything the parasite class did to this country.
