Falwell's Hate of America


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God continues to lift the curtain and allow the enemies of America to give us probably what we deserve.
As quoted in "God Gave US 'What We Deserve,' Falwell Says" by John F Harris, in The Washington Post (14 September 2001)

The ACLU's got to take a lot of blame for this.
On responses to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, as quoted in AANEWS #958 (14 September 2001)

And, I know that I'll hear from them for this. But, throwing God out successfully with the help of the federal court system, throwing God out of the public square, out of the schools. The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way — all of them who have tried to secularize America — I point the finger in their face and say "you helped this happen.
Remarks to Pat Robertson after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on The 700 Club (13 September 2001) (audio recording)

Falwell: "If we decide to change all the rules on which this Judeo-Christian nation was built we cannot expect the Lord to put his shield of protection around us as he has in the past."
Amanpour: "So you still stand by that."
Falwell: "I stand right by it."
Interviewed by CNN's Christiana Amanpour about his current feelings regarding blame for the September 11th attacks, and whether or not he still feels as he did when he made the conversial statement cited above (8 May 2007) (video recording)This statement attesting that he still blamed so many was made one week before his death.
See Robertson thread... same holds true.
These are men that are actively sought by republicans. They are asked to speak at the convention. Why, as an organization, knowing all you know about both of these men, would you let them speak at your conventions if you did not hold the same beliefs?
These are men that are actively sought by republicans. They are asked to speak at the convention. Why, as an organization, knowing all you know about both of these men, would you let them speak at your conventions if you did not hold the same beliefs?

Because you know that 20% of your base believes the shit those two idiots spit out.

It is called pandering to your base.
These are men that are actively sought by republicans. They are asked to speak at the convention. Why, as an organization, knowing all you know about both of these men, would you let them speak at your conventions if you did not hold the same beliefs?
Much like seeking the endorsement of Wright would be different than being a member of his church, yes. People seek endorsements from people they disagree with.
Because you know that 20% of your base believes the shit those two idiots spit out.

It is called pandering to your base.
And in reality, I think Obama chose membership in this church for political reasons as well. The guy KNEW he was going to run for office and a black church with 8,000 + membership is a good way to help secure your base. I don't know the depth of Obama's spirituality, but I would wager that the size of the church had SOME weight in considering membership.
Kind of splitting hairs, considering the nature of the outrage displayed.
Not really, splitting hairs is condemning what the pastor believes about "white america" while still continuing to lend the credibility of his Senate position to membership of the church that teaches it.
Because you know that 20% of your base believes the shit those two idiots spit out.

It is called pandering to your base.

Pandering to the base? i.e., building and maintaining coalitions?

You mean, Obama who worked as a community organizer on the south side of chicago, addressing issues of homelessnes, drugs, gangs, and economic opportunity, just happened to join the largest african american church on the south side of chicago that was highly admired and active in addressing homlessness, drugs, and economic justice???

Why on earth would he do something like that? Why would he want to work with, and build relationships and coalitions with a large black institution, that worked on exactly the same kinds of issues he was working on as a community organizer?

It doesn't make sense.
And in reality, I think Obama chose membership in this church for political reasons as well. The guy KNEW he was going to run for office and a black church with 8,000 + membership is a good way to help secure your base. I don't know the depth of Obama's spirituality, but I would wager that the size of the church had SOME weight in considering membership.
This is very likely the truth.
Not really, splitting hairs is condemning what the pastor believes about "white america" while still continuing to lend the credibility of his Senate position to membership of the church that teaches it.

That's assuming that the few minutes of youtube clips we have seen represents the bulk of what Trinity Church in Chicago has taught over 20 years.

And it IS splitting hairs to say that someone who would make a comment like "if I heard that, I would have gotten up & walked out in disgust, never to return", which is a paraphrase of what we have mostly heard from the false outragers, would add something like, "Oh, but it's okay if you seek their endorsement..."
Did Falwell ever say THIS ?
Barack Obama's suddenly radioactive pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, has defended himself against charges of anti-Americanism and racism by referring to his foundational philosophy, the "black liberation theology" of scholars such as James Cone, who regard Jesus Christ as a "black messiah" and blacks as "the chosen people" who will only accept a god who assists their aim of destroying the "white enemy."

"If God is not for us and against white people," writes Cone, "then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill gods who do not belong to the black community."
Next question: Was George Bush a CHARTER MEMBER in this "Hate theology", like Barack Obama, FOR TWENTY YEARS, LIKE BARACK AND MICHELLE OBAMA STILL ARE I don't think so.
Next: Did Bush's WIFE, also a proponent of this "Hate theology", give SPEECHES where her obvious Anti-White sentiments also came out?
Next: Did the Bush's have their CHILDREN BAPTIZED IN THIS "HATE CHURCH"?
That's assuming that the few minutes of youtube clips we have seen represents the bulk of what Trinity Church in Chicago has taught over 20 years.

And it IS splitting hairs to say that someone who would make a comment like "if I heard that, I would have gotten up & walked out in disgust, never to return", which is a paraphrase of what we have mostly heard from the false outragers, would add something like, "Oh, but it's okay if you seek their endorsement..."
No, the few minutes were from tapes they sold, they are the "greatest hits" of that pastor.

The reality is, Obama himself says he spoke about this in his church more often than these few clips. Don't be deliberately obtuse and at least take what Obama says about that to heart since you want to buy into the excuses so badly.
And in reality, I think Obama chose membership in this church for political reasons as well. The guy KNEW he was going to run for office and a black church with 8,000 + membership is a good way to help secure your base. I don't know the depth of Obama's spirituality, but I would wager that the size of the church had SOME weight in considering membership.

True, that could be a possibility. again, I think this issue is done as Obama quite eloquently made his position clear on Wrights comments.

Now that does not mean there won't be attempts from Hitlary and Reps to keep it going. But his statement was good enough for me.... he still won't get my vote though... which should shock no one. :)
The above quote, "If God is not for us and against white people," writes Cone, "then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill gods who do not belong to the black community.", is the BASIS of the "theology" that Rev. Wright has preached for 20 years, and Barack has SAT AND LISTENED TO AND ABSORBED for 20 years.
As a Cable News reporterette said this morning, "Obama has been DAMAGED by this. And it is NOT reversible. He has now made his ENTIRE campaign about RACE."
Pandering to the base? i.e., building and maintaining coalitions?

You mean, Obama who worked as a community organizer on the south side of chicago, addressing issues of homelessnes, drugs, gangs, and economic opportunity, just happened to join the largest african american church on the south side of chicago that was highly admired and active in addressing homlessness, drugs, and economic justice???

Why on earth would he do something like that? Why would he want to work with, and build relationships and coalitions with a large black institution, that worked on exactly the same kinds of issues he was working on as a community organizer?

It doesn't make sense.

What the hell are you ranting about now Gumby? Are you attempting to act like Socrteases point is now something that you have come up with?

I have no idea if that is why Obama joined that church or not. Nor do I care. All I wanted to know was his position on Wrights comments. We have that now.

Now be a good little parrot and eat your cracker.
No, the few minutes were from tapes they sold, they are the "greatest hits" of that pastor.

The reality is, Obama himself says he spoke about this in his church more often than these few clips. Don't be deliberately obtuse and at least take what Obama says about that to heart since you want to buy into the excuses so badly.

Obama said he made comments when he was there that could be considered controversial. I think it's safe to assume he didn't give the "9/11" sermon too much over the years, or the one about Clinton that pertained directly to this campaign & which Obama was not at; these seem to be the comments that have aroused the most anger.

So, I don't know what you mean when you say "Obama said he spoke about this"...which "this" are you referring to?
Obama was on "Nightline", last night, and FINALLY, a journalist asked him, "You will not denounce Rev. Wright, or quit this "church"(even though Oprah Winfrey was once a member, she QUIT, the first time she HEARD the viscious lies and "White Hate" from Rev. Wright's mouth, unlike Barack and Michelle. I wonder WHY, because they AGREE?)

The reporter then asked "Would you have a problem with any Candidate who went to a "White Supremacist" Church, who preached HATRED AGAINST AFRICAN AMERICANS?"
Obama got visibly upset, he didn't LIKE, and wasn't EXPECTING that question. He shifted uncomfortably in his chair, his eyebrows furrowed, and he said "No, no, that's not fair, that's not the same thing......Rev. Wright isn't talking about "black supremacy". No, he just says that they should be "Wiped out, by any means neccesary, and "White Gods must be killed off. If they're not FOR Blacks, which means AGAINST Whites, then they must be killed off."
Yeah, Rev. Wright is a bundle of joy! He's a SWEETHEART!
"Obama got visibly upset, he didn't LIKE, and wasn't EXPECTING that question. He shifted uncomfortably in his chair, his eyebrows furrowed"

Yeah, that sounds just like him. No bias in that depiction...