Farewell to Dodd


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They goes my shot al Medical Marijuana and fee college tuition.
And my next best hope Richardson is trying to believe in a ferry tale just like the religious right.:clink:
They goes my shot al Medical Marijuana and fee college tuition.
And my next best hope Richardson is trying to believe in a ferry tale just like the religious right.:clink:

I like Dodd. And he's going to continue to provide a valuable public service, above and beyond what Tancredo, Brownback, Hunter, or Gravel ever would:

DODD: The fight to restore the Constitution and stop retroactive immunity does not end with my Presidential campaign. FISA will come back in a few weeks and my pledge to filibuster ANY bill that includes retroactive immunity remains operative.

he had a few dean type comments which was unfortunate he was very heavy into education and stopping the ghestapo raids on mm patients.
I think we had great depth in this election on the dem side.

I liked everyone.

I just think Clinton is a bad choice for this momment in history.