Fascism Comes to America | The Chris Hedges Report


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Chris Hedges just published an article on his substack that bears the same name as this thread, and I've just finished reading it. Quite good. I think it's the best answer to this whole "Democrat/Republican" faux theme we have in politics today- he suggests that what's really going on is much like what happened right before Hitler took over Germany, only the Americanized version. Quoting a bit from Hedges' introduction as well as the final paragraph in his conclusion:

The failure of the liberal class to halt the corporate assault on working people has spawned an ascendant Christian fascism that is poised to seize power and radically reshape America.

The parting gift, I expect, of the bankrupt liberalism of the Democratic Party will be a Christianized fascist state. The liberal class, a creature of corporate power, captive to the war industry and the security state, unable or unwilling to ameliorate the prolonged economic insecurity and misery of the working class, blinded by a self-righteous woke ideology that reeks of hypocrisy and disingenuousness and bereft of any political vision, is the bedrock on which the Christian fascists [youtube link in original], who have coalesced in cult-like mobs around Donald Trump, have built their terrifying movement.

Trump, as the writer Jeff Sharlet points out, has morphed from the Elmer Gantry huckster of politics — holding out the illusion that we can all get rich like him — to the peddler of dark conspiracies about the deep state and pedophiles running the Democratic Party, to full blown fascism. If he comes back to power the nihilistic violence that plagues the country, with over 500 mass shootings this year alone, will explode. Conspiracy theorists will threaten and murder “enemies” and “traitors” with impunity. The judiciary, law enforcement and legislative bodies — currently in a state of paralysis — will be transformed into organs of personal and political vengeance. The censorship by stealth practiced by Silicon Valley and the Democrats will become crude, overt and pervasive. The military, already infested with commissar-like Christian fascist chaplains, will be led by true believers such as retired lieutenant general Michael Flynn. It can happen here, as Sinclair Lewis predicted.

Blaming Russia [youtube link in original], or third party candidates who never poll in significant numbers for the election of Trump and the rise of Christian fascism, is infantile. The Libertarian Party received 1.2 percent of the vote in the last presidential election. The Greens, 0.26 percent. The death blow to democracy is not those who vote for fringe parties, but apathy. Eighty million eligible voters did not vote in the last presidential election, no doubt because they did not expect much to change in their lives whoever was in office. And they were probably right.

The root cause of our political distress lies with a liberal class that places corporate and personal profit above the common good. Liberals have conspired, since the presidency of Bill Clinton, to strip the country of manufacturing, and with it, jobs that sustained the working class. They have been partners in the transformation of democratic institutions into tools to consolidate the power and wealth of corporations and the ruling oligarchs. They forgot the fundamental lesson of fascism. Fascism is always the bastard child of bankrupt liberalism. This was true in Weimar Germany. It was true in Italy. It was true in the former Yugoslavia with its warring ethnic factions. And it is true in the United States.

And now we will all pay.

“Our time more closely resembles the 1930s than it does the 1990s,” Benjamin Carter Hett [youtube link in original] writes in the introduction to his book “The Death of Democracy: Hitler’s Rise to Power and the Downfall of the Weimar Republic.”

The billionaires and corporations, whose sole obsession is the greater accumulation of wealth and power, will accommodate themselves to the Christian fascists, as the German industrialists did to the Nazi Party. Fascism, after all, is a faux populism. It is an efficient mechanism for abolishing labor unions and using fear and coercion, including violence, to prevent rival mass movements. Trump, back in power, will demand that he, his family and inner circle, profit from power. The billionaire class and corporations will shower him and his buffoonish court with wealth in exchange for the ability to exploit with impunity and demolish government regulations and oversight. Fascist leaders, including Trump, have nothing but contempt for their followers. They share this trait with the titans of business.


“The radical Christian Right calls for exclusion, cruelty and intolerance in the name of God,” I wrote in the final chapter of American Fascists. “Its members do not commit evil for evil’s sake. They commit evil to make a better world. To attain this better world, they believe, some must suffer and be silenced, and at the end of time those who oppose them must be destroyed. The worst suffering in human history has been carried out by those who preach such grand utopian visions, those who seek to implant by force their narrow, particular version of goodness.”

Full article:
Fascism Comes to America | The Chris Hedges Report
Chris Hedges just published an article on his substack that bears the same name as this thread, and I've just finished reading it. Quite good. I think it's the best answer to this whole "Democrat/Republican" faux theme we have in politics today- he suggests that what's really going on is much like what happened right before Hitler took over Germany, only the Americanized version. Quoting a bit from Hedges' introduction as well as the final paragraph in his conclusion:

The failure of the liberal class to halt the corporate assault on working people has spawned an ascendant Christian fascism that is poised to seize power and radically reshape America.

The parting gift, I expect, of the bankrupt liberalism of the Democratic Party will be a Christianized fascist state. The liberal class, a creature of corporate power, captive to the war industry and the security state, unable or unwilling to ameliorate the prolonged economic insecurity and misery of the working class, blinded by a self-righteous woke ideology that reeks of hypocrisy and disingenuousness and bereft of any political vision, is the bedrock on which the Christian fascists [youtube link in original], who have coalesced in cult-like mobs around Donald Trump, have built their terrifying movement.

Trump, as the writer Jeff Sharlet points out, has morphed from the Elmer Gantry huckster of politics — holding out the illusion that we can all get rich like him — to the peddler of dark conspiracies about the deep state and pedophiles running the Democratic Party, to full blown fascism. If he comes back to power the nihilistic violence that plagues the country, with over 500 mass shootings this year alone, will explode. Conspiracy theorists will threaten and murder “enemies” and “traitors” with impunity. The judiciary, law enforcement and legislative bodies — currently in a state of paralysis — will be transformed into organs of personal and political vengeance. The censorship by stealth practiced by Silicon Valley and the Democrats will become crude, overt and pervasive. The military, already infested with commissar-like Christian fascist chaplains, will be led by true believers such as retired lieutenant general Michael Flynn. It can happen here, as Sinclair Lewis predicted.

Blaming Russia [youtube link in original], or third party candidates who never poll in significant numbers for the election of Trump and the rise of Christian fascism, is infantile. The Libertarian Party received 1.2 percent of the vote in the last presidential election. The Greens, 0.26 percent. The death blow to democracy is not those who vote for fringe parties, but apathy. Eighty million eligible voters did not vote in the last presidential election, no doubt because they did not expect much to change in their lives whoever was in office. And they were probably right.

The root cause of our political distress lies with a liberal class that places corporate and personal profit above the common good. Liberals have conspired, since the presidency of Bill Clinton, to strip the country of manufacturing, and with it, jobs that sustained the working class. They have been partners in the transformation of democratic institutions into tools to consolidate the power and wealth of corporations and the ruling oligarchs. They forgot the fundamental lesson of fascism. Fascism is always the bastard child of bankrupt liberalism. This was true in Weimar Germany. It was true in Italy. It was true in the former Yugoslavia with its warring ethnic factions. And it is true in the United States.

And now we will all pay.

“Our time more closely resembles the 1930s than it does the 1990s,” Benjamin Carter Hett [youtube link in original] writes in the introduction to his book “The Death of Democracy: Hitler’s Rise to Power and the Downfall of the Weimar Republic.”

The billionaires and corporations, whose sole obsession is the greater accumulation of wealth and power, will accommodate themselves to the Christian fascists, as the German industrialists did to the Nazi Party. Fascism, after all, is a faux populism. It is an efficient mechanism for abolishing labor unions and using fear and coercion, including violence, to prevent rival mass movements. Trump, back in power, will demand that he, his family and inner circle, profit from power. The billionaire class and corporations will shower him and his buffoonish court with wealth in exchange for the ability to exploit with impunity and demolish government regulations and oversight. Fascist leaders, including Trump, have nothing but contempt for their followers. They share this trait with the titans of business.


“The radical Christian Right calls for exclusion, cruelty and intolerance in the name of God,” I wrote in the final chapter of American Fascists. “Its members do not commit evil for evil’s sake. They commit evil to make a better world. To attain this better world, they believe, some must suffer and be silenced, and at the end of time those who oppose them must be destroyed. The worst suffering in human history has been carried out by those who preach such grand utopian visions, those who seek to implant by force their narrow, particular version of goodness.”

Full article:
Fascism Comes to America | The Chris Hedges Report

there's nothing particlarly christian or fascist about maga. its normal to want reasonable policies

the fascists are the globalist liberal class you speak of who have become coopted by evil forces in being such try hard suckups to power.
“The radical Christian Right calls for exclusion, cruelty and intolerance in the name of God,” I wrote in the final chapter of American Fascists. “Its members do not commit evil for evil’s sake. They commit evil to make a better world. To attain this better world, they believe, some must suffer and be silenced, and at the end of time those who oppose them must be destroyed. The worst suffering in human history has been carried out by those who preach such grand utopian visions, those who seek to implant by force their narrow, particular version of goodness.”
I don't disagree with the OP.
The above seems to describe what has happened in Russia already.
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I don't disagree with the OP.
The above seems to describe what as happened in Russia already.

maga just want to keep jobs for americans, finish the wall and stop genitally mutilating children at school.

that's not extremist in any way.

your mind is completely warped.
maga just want to keep jobs for americans, finish the wall and stop genitally mutilating children at school.

that's not extremist in any way.

your mind is completely warped.

Nothing wrong with those objectives. But we don't need a huckster to accomplish it.
Chris is losing it. Biden is dealing with the corporate power in labor. He is backing unions. He is trying to even the playing field. It is also a tool to fight the incredible wealth gap.
The wealthy and corporations have taken over the country. it will be very difficult to turn it back. Trump is pro-wealthy and corporate. The Repubs are the party of the wealthy and corporations. The Trumpys are rooting for the owners. They think Trump will make them all rich.
there's nothing particlarly christian or fascist about maga. its normal to want reasonable policies

I certainly think there's nothing wrong with the idea of making america great again. The problem is that I believe there's a huge gulf between what Trump promises and what he actually delivers.

the fascists are the globalist liberal class you speak of who have become coopted by evil forces in being such try hard suckups to power.

I completely agree that the liberal class as representated by the democratic party has essentially become part of the globalist elites. The problem is that I believe that Trump doesn't have a problem with working for said elites either, so long as they "play ball" with him. Hedges addressed this in the last paragraph of his intro that I quoted:

The billionaires and corporations, whose sole obsession is the greater accumulation of wealth and power, will accommodate themselves to the Christian fascists, as the German industrialists did to the Nazi Party. Fascism, after all, is a faux populism. It is an efficient mechanism for abolishing labor unions and using fear and coercion, including violence, to prevent rival mass movements. Trump, back in power, will demand that he, his family and inner circle, profit from power. The billionaire class and corporations will shower him and his buffoonish court with wealth in exchange for the ability to exploit with impunity and demolish government regulations and oversight. Fascist leaders, including Trump, have nothing but contempt for their followers. They share this trait with the titans of business.

Based on things you have said in the past, I suspect that you might disagree with Hedges' contention that Trump's court is bufoonish or that Trump himself has nothing but contempt for his followers. If you can show me evidence to the contrary, I can certainly take a look.
I certainly think there's nothing wrong with the idea of making america great again. The problem is that I believe there's a huge gulf between what Trump promises and what he actually delivers.

So feel free to put up your own america first candidate.

take those issues "off the table" as they say.
I completely agree that the liberal class as representated by the democratic party has essentially become part of the globalist elites. The problem is that I believe that Trump doesn't have a problem with working for said elites either, so long as they "play ball" with him. Hedges addressed this in the last paragraph of his intro that I quoted:

The billionaires and corporations, whose sole obsession is the greater accumulation of wealth and power, will accommodate themselves to the Christian fascists, as the German industrialists did to the Nazi Party. Fascism, after all, is a faux populism. It is an efficient mechanism for abolishing labor unions and using fear and coercion, including violence, to prevent rival mass movements. Trump, back in power, will demand that he, his family and inner circle, profit from power. The billionaire class and corporations will shower him and his buffoonish court with wealth in exchange for the ability to exploit with impunity and demolish government regulations and oversight. Fascist leaders, including Trump, have nothing but contempt for their followers. They share this trait with the titans of business.

Based on things you have said in the past, I suspect that you might disagree with Hedges' contention that Trump's court is bufoonish or that Trump himself has nothing but contempt for his followers. If you can show me evidence to the contrary, I can certainly take a look.

stick to the issues.

put up a more maga candidate and neutralize the threat.

or maybe you're not really maga?
I don't disagree with the OP.
The above seems to describe what has happened in Russia already.

I certainly wouldn't want to be living in Russia right now. My strongest recent objection to its government was its conscription of Russians for the war in Ukraine. That being said, I also strongly believe that had the U.S. not supported the Euromaidan coup, this whole mess wouldn't have even started. It was only after the Euromaidan coup that Russia decided to annex Crimea and the Donbass Regions decided to rebel.
He completely fails to understand Trump and MAGA and that the problem is that Christianity is rapidly dying in America.....that the WOKE Religion has stepped into the void.

However this is right:

The root cause of our political distress lies with a liberal class that places corporate and personal profit above the common good. Liberals have conspired, since the presidency of Bill Clinton, to strip the country of manufacturing, and with it, jobs that sustained the working class. They have been partners in the transformation of democratic institutions into tools to consolidate the power and wealth of corporations and the ruling oligarchs. They forgot the fundamental lesson of fascism. Fascism is always the bastard child of bankrupt liberalism. This was true in Weimar Germany. It was true in Italy. It was true in the former Yugoslavia with its warring ethnic factions. And it is true in the United States.

And now we will all pay.
I think Hedges does that standard "I must bash Trump and MAGA otherwise power will not listen to anything else I have to say".

Very disappointing, I would like to see better from him.....he has a lot of truth to tell.
It was only after the Euromaidan coup that Russia decided to annex Crimea and the Donbass Regions decided to rebel.
Yes. After the coup there was effectively no real leader and a totally dysfunctional govt.
The russian leadership knew Crimea was ripe for the taking.
I wouldn't blame the U.S. for Euromaidan although they did stoke the fire sending the war pig McCain and Miss (war) Piggy there.
He completely fails to understand Trump and MAGA and that the problem is that Christianity is rapidly dying in America.....that the WOKE Religion has stepped into the void.

However this is right:

Woke is not a religion. Where do you read crazy shit like that? There are 400,000 churches in America.
The problem is that I believe there's a huge gulf between what Trump promises and what he actually delivers.

of course there can be no correlation between what he "failed to deliver" and the dedication of the left to prevent him from doing what he set out to do.........