FAUX Noise; THE La$t-Option, For "Celebrities" In-Need Of A Check

Most Current:
Kevin Sorbo
(....After a pretty-obvious "If You Get Me Thru THIS One....!!" moment o' clarity.)


August 30, 2016 - "According to Fox News, Hollywood is a bastion of nasty liberalism. So that's why they gush over actors who, in the midst of Hollywood decadence, stand proudly for their Christian and conservative values. Chief among these has-beens (Stephen Baldwin, Kirk Cameron) is Kevin Sorbo who just informed us that Jesus would vote Trump!

Clayton Morris began the interview by describing Sorbo as a "great actor." Morris quipped that Sorbo is "in the liberal nest" of Hollywood. The banner reinforced the message that Hollywood conservatives are just so oppressed: "Hollywood Outsider, Kevin Sorbo Backs Trump Over Hillary."

After Morris informed us that Sorbo is supporting Trump, Sorbo (who has no problem with Trump's Muslim ban) explained that Trump is "the lesser of the two evils." He pontificated that "God would not support a killer" and Hillary Clinton "left people to die in Benghazi" - a statement that is clearly a lie but Sorbo loves Jesus so it's all good...."
