FBI agents forced to stop making war crimes files



One day no one will admitt to supporting this admin.

They were described in a painful report by the Justice Department’s inspector general, based on the accounts of hundreds of F.B.I. agents who saw American interrogators repeatedly mistreat prisoners in ways that the agents considered violations of American law and the Geneva Conventions. According to the report, some of the agents began keeping a “war crimes file” — until they were ordered to stop.

These were not random acts. It is clear from the inspector general’s report that this was organized behavior by both civilian and military interrogators following the specific orders of top officials. The report shows what happens when an American president, his secretary of defense, his Justice Department and other top officials corrupt American law to rationalize and authorize the abuse, humiliation and torture of prisoners:
I still can't get over that republican debate where Tancredo and Ghouliani were musing about getting all "Jack Bauer" on suspected terrorists, and much of the audience broke into cheers and applause.
Desh don't you know that for the US to be the nation that it is it's agents must act in a way that is contrary to the prinicpals that make this the nation that it is?
Hey soco...!

Desh don't you know that for the US to be the nation that it is it's agents must act in a way that is contrary to the prinicpals that make this the nation that it is?

Your buddy cypress said in another thread(Rove just got subpoenaed-Cypress post #37) today that 'We" killed thousands of civilians during the Panama conflict...could you bring us up to speed, as you have said you served in the Panama conflict...how many civilians did you kill and torture?
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Your buddy cypress said in another thread(Rove just got subpoenaed-Cypress post #37) today that 'We" killed thousands of civilians during the Panama conflict...could you bring us up to speed, as you have said you served in the Panama conflict...how many civilians did you kill and torture?
just a few. But in all actuallity, the civilian death count was severly under reported at first. There was a lot of Urban combat in Panama and civilians got caught in the crossfire. The US did not accurately report those numbers. Hard to tell who they were killed by since both sides in that fight were using the same weapson.
I still can't get over that republican debate where Tancredo and Ghouliani were musing about getting all "Jack Bauer" on suspected terrorists, and much of the audience broke into cheers and applause.

My country has gotten a lot meaner in the last 25 years or so.
I hold the Republicans largely responsible for it too.
BB I think the torture part on the Panama invasion is your piddly contribution to this thread.

Besides our govt did not officially condone torture then. That was a Bush administration change.
BB I think the torture part on the Panama invasion is your piddly contribution to this thread.

Besides our govt did not officially condone torture then. That was a Bush administration change.

Didn't that really start with the Clinton Administration and his prisoner exchange plan where prisoners were sent back to the governments that had no problem with other than gentle treatment of prisoners? You know the ones I mean, the countries that the prisoners at Gitmo do not want to be returned.

BB I think the torture part on the Panama invasion is your piddly contribution to this thread.

Besides our govt did not officially condone torture then. That was a Bush administration change.

The King of 'Piddly' non other than us cit makes a 'piddly' little snip at BB..how rude.........:rolleyes: