Federal Budget Deficit Tops $1 Trillion for the First Time


New member
just amazing..where are all those lefties screaming about the deficit now..???
The Treasury Department says the deficit in June totaled $94.3 billion, pushing the total since the budget year started in October to nearly $1.1 trillion.

Monday, July 13, 2009

WASHINGTON -- Nine months into the fiscal year, the federal deficit has topped $1 trillion for the first time.

The imbalance is intensifying fears about higher interest rates and inflation, and already pressuring the value of the dollar. There's also concern about trying to reverse the deficit -- by reducing government spending or raising taxes -- in the midst of a harsh recession.

The Treasury Department said Monday that the deficit in June totaled $94.3 billion, pushing the total since the budget year started in October to nearly $1.1 trillion.

The deficit has been propelled by the huge sum the government has spent to combat the recession and financial crisis, combined with a sharp decline in tax revenues. Paying for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan also is a major factor.

The country's soaring deficits are making Chinese and other foreign buyers of U.S. debt nervous, which could make them reluctant lenders down the road. It could force the Treasury Department to pay higher interest rates to make U.S. debt attractive longer-term.

"These are mind boggling numbers," said Sung Won Sohn, an economist at the Smith School of Business at California State University. "Our foreign investors from China and elsewhere are starting to have concerns about not only the value of the dollar but how safe their investments will be in the long run."

read it all here..
It's the most basic fucking economics ever.

Economics lesson for the retards:

GDP = c+i+g

C=consumption (which is down)
i=investment in the private sector (which is down)
g=government spending (the only factor left)

So, retards, if you have the gross domestic product dependent on the three factors, two of which are down, and the one remaining one is government spending (the only one you have control over as the government), then what do you do as the government to raise the GDP?

YOU SPEND you retards. You idiots have been saying we need to balance the budget and cut spending. WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT DO THE EQUATION YOU MORONS.

It's the most basic economics ever, and it's agreed upon by people on the right and the left.

It's the most basic fucking economics ever.

Economics lesson for the retards:

GDP = c+i+g

C=consumption (which is down)
i=investment in the private sector (which is down)
g=government spending (the only factor left)

So, retards, if you have the gross domestic product dependent on the three factors, two of which are down, and the one remaining one is government spending (the only one you have control over as the government), then what do you do as the government to raise the GDP?

YOU SPEND you retards. You idiots have been saying we need to balance the budget and cut spending. WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT DO THE EQUATION YOU MORONS.

It's the most basic economics ever, and it's agreed upon by people on the right and the left.


you don't have a fucking job, how are we going to pay it back

here's your basic formula p-t=wtf
you don't have a fucking job, how are we going to pay it back

Time, like any loan. We got a 120% of GDP debt down to around 30% of the GDP, and in that time (the 50's) America was prosperous.

And if we don't do this, the result will be even more debt than if we had done it. This is not a choice between thrift and spending. This is a choice between spending, getting out of this recession, and having more debt, and not spending, not getting out of this recession, and having even more debt. You're path is the lose-lose situation. You fail economics forever.
Time, like any loan. We got a 120% of GDP debt down to around 30% of the GDP, and in that time (the 50's) America was prosperous.

And if we don't do this, the result will be even more debt than if we had done it. This is not a choice between thrift and spending. This is a choice between spending, getting out of this recession, and having more debt, and not spending, not getting out of this recession, and having even more debt. You're path is the lose-lose situation. You fail economics forever.

HAVE you ever taken economics, I aced advanced.
Recessions come and go waterturd, and this is the first you've seen as an adult. It's not time to run around chicken little (ucged or desh style) the world is comign to and end because GDP will be down a couple percent.
Actually I'll be retired and you can freaking pay the messiah's debt down without any current benefits attached. Dumbass
Yeah Topper and those trained as you were are a big part of the reason we are in the mess we are in now.

that's a great reason to flaunt a GED,
some dude who stole money had an MBA.

Don't be a retard your whole life, check average MBA vs average GED
the clarion call of authoritarians everywhere. also the wrong headed, bone fucked stupid idea of the last 100 years. ask winston churchill.

Deficit spending on the private sector to create jobs is an acceptable and proven ingredient in kick starting a recovery...BUT that IS NOT what Obama's stimulus did! His plan was to bail out banks as the lure to creating the single largest growth and expansion of government ever done in the US!
Deficit spending on the private sector to create jobs is an acceptable and proven ingredient in kick starting a recovery...BUT that IS NOT what Obama's stimulus did! His plan was to bail out banks as the lure to creating the single largest growth and expansion of government ever done in the US!

You're confusing the bank bailout with the stimulus.
Deficit spending on the private sector to create jobs is an acceptable and proven ingredient in kick starting a recovery...BUT that IS NOT what Obama's stimulus did! His plan was to bail out banks as the lure to creating the single largest growth and expansion of government ever done in the US!

The private sector can't deficit spend you fucking retard because the banking industry was destroyed by deregulation and themselves, which means they're not lending money. YOU CAN'T DEFICIT SPEND IF YOU CAN'T GET A LOAN.
The private sector can't deficit spend you fucking retard because the banking industry was destroyed by deregulation and themselves, which means they're not lending money. YOU CAN'T DEFICIT SPEND IF YOU CAN'T GET A LOAN.


had nothing to do with loaning people or corps money they couldn't pay back....

had nothing to do with loaning people or corps money they couldn't pay back....

... yes it did. Poor lending practices alone didn't kill the banking INDUSTRY (poor lending practices was accounted for in my statement by the "themselves" qualifier). It would have led to the collapse of some very poorly run banks, but it was the deregulation that allowed the securities to tie banks together in a way that created a domino effect that threatened to collapse the entire system.
"Deficits are necessary in a recession." - Hitler

"Deficits are necessary in a recession." - Stalin

"Deficits are necessary in a recession." - Pinochet

Yep, I'm definitely seeing the pattern here.

Don't forget our very own resident pinhead.....

"Deficit spending is necessary in a recession. " - Ib1pinhead
... yes it did. Poor lending practices alone didn't kill the banking INDUSTRY (poor lending practices was accounted for in my statement by the "themselves" qualifier). It would have led to the collapse of some very poorly run banks, but it was the deregulation that allowed the securities to tie banks together in a way that created a domino effect that threatened to collapse the entire system.

^^^^Absolute proof that Koolade fucks up your brain....^^^^