Federal Officials Have Proven To Be The Enemy Of Canadians / Canada Under Siege

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Federal Officials Have Proven To Be The Enemy Of Canadians / Canada Under Siege

Outside interference: The World Economic Forums meddling with Canada far exceeds China's interference with our elections and our Federal officials are catering to their agenda against the citizens of Canada under many factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions guised as for the good of Canadians because all these sick and warped back stabbers do these days primarily is lie and deceive while these tyrants and traitors continue to infiltrate Canada's Federal offices!

We must remove these sickos from office far before the next so called federal election to save Canada for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of Canadian citizens.

First they went along with the World Economic Forums plan to make a disgraceful mockery of marriage as they threw Canadians under the bus by promoting lies and deceptions with a political party trade off thus disrespecting thousands of years proving beyond any shadow of doubt that marriage is about honouring the significance of heterosexual unions (why we all even exist) then they used that as a levy to keep making a disgraceful mockery of our Canadian system such as with the 2017 amendment to bill C-16 which is when doctors, scientists, teachers etc. were forced to lie for a bunch of pathetic compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers known as the lgbt otherwise lose their jobs and even be sued thus was when they started pouring on forced oppression in Canada by attempting to force Canadians to ignore fact and act like lies take precedence. (In the USA around the same time Obama handed marriage to SCOTUS because no majority of citizens anywhere would ever approve of such where their radical leftist judges were eager to make a disgraceful mockery of marriage for the world economic forum then they used that they did this in North America along with forcing the lie that people born with a penis can be women because the WEF liars said so and used that they managed to force such garbage through legislation as leverage to force their sick agenda of divide and conquer with lies and deceptions upon several other countries around the world simultaneously which is factual evidence of WEF conspiring on international levels.) Obama and Trudeau even stated along the lines that minorities are under represented to force what the general public didn't want upon the public without acknowledging that catering to what minorities want is defecating on a democratic system thus betraying the democracy one hundred percent. A democracy is what the majority wants or it is not democratic at all! Lobbyist dictatorship is not a democracy and World Economic Forum dictatorship is not a democracy, it's conspiring against the citizens of that country while defecating on that countries democratic process!

Notice MP Pierre Poilievre turns his back on marriage being made a disgraceful mockery thus also confirming he is not willing to undo the damage that the WEF has caused yet claims to stand against them.

Since they got away with ignoring fact and forcing lies through legislation with their shady ways that the WEF and their infiltrators from country to country (in this case Canada) they then used that as a template to keep trying to get away with ignoring fact while forcing lies upon the public (thus implying they are stupid enough to think that lies take precedence over fact) and so they used the Syrian crisis to open borders not only to the Syrian crisis but for illegal entry from various countries around the world of which welcomed primarily muslim loaded countries while they had already been hard at work having Youtube videos removed that revealed what Islam was all about to further try and hide what they were up too as they slandered citizens with such lies as islamaphobe, xenophobe, racist and hater for being against illegal invasion while also expressing genuine concern about islam being slammed into the country of which Trudeau and Obama were catering to terrorist threats to load the countries with muslims or else in the beginning. Any excuse to conspire with the WEF's conspiring against us.

Before I move on, notice that in Canada especially now Catholics, Jews and Muslims are constantly whining and complaining. With Catholics it's their churches are being burnt down and no one in so called government seems to care. With muslims it's the islamaphobia lie (usually for citizens sharing with other citizens what muslims are doing) of which there is no such thing as an islamaphobe because a rational concern is not an irrational fear and when you take a look at the history of muslims and Islam it's the same thing everywhere their populations begin to rise, so do the violent hate crimes against non muslims who refuse to bow to such garbage as islam of which I will point out every religion is garbage because they are all based upon factually proven foundations of lies. Not all muslims are violent but the ones who are not violent say nothing when the violent ones carry out violent hate crimes against non muslims deemed acceptable in islam because the non violent ones are afraid that they will be cited as speaking out against Islam by the radicals. Muslims are all slaves to Islam because they live under threat of being killed for leaving or speaking against islam. Then we have the Jews who seem to think that they are the chosen ones, chosen to kill off billions of people and enslave the rest while they rule the world and are using the muslims like stupid little sock puppets under the guise of caliphate to assist them with divide, conquer, depopulate and enslave who's left into eager little pathetic sock puppets. Go ahead and take a good look at the members of the WEF because from what I see, an easy majority of them are Jewish and they are the ones conspiring on international levels to divide, conquer, enslave and depopulate yet have the nerve to cry antisemitism like anyone they are trying to kill off or enslave while they steal everything from you are suppose to have some sort of sympathy for them.

Look, as I have been sharing for 24 years now, factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies have lead to thousands of years of war and divide and to the death of millions if not billions of people to this very day yet after thousands of years people are stupid enough to claim to still be religious while trying to make themselves out to be the victim when they support the longest running hate crime against humanity. Religion inspires hate (look at the examples in the previous paragraph as crying anti semitism (why do you think that is like duh) the lie islamaphobia (why do you think that is like duh) and churches being burnt down (why do you think that is like duh) ... it is because religion encourages what they call hate crime and all of those who follow religion create this hatred then have the nerve to whine about it like they are innocent! They are the cause and have no business whining about what they are stupid enough to cause in the first place. Like how infuriating. Religion is the scum of the Earth and everyone's enemy you bunch of dummies.

Lies and deceptions lead to war and divide.

Then we have the WEF, their woke groups, their pocketed politicians (tyrants and traitors) their extremely bias main stream media following religious example of ignore fact, make up lies, call those lies their belief (now they are calling lies and deceptions ideology because liars will say anything to get away with lying like duh) then try and force such rubbish upon everyone else while seeming to think such is ok because the religious have been getting away with such sick and disgusting behavior for thousands of years. The only difference between them and religion is that every religions foundation is based upon some ridiculous story (factually proven lie) of how we / everything came to be into existence.

Before you even think to go there with the non religious while pathetically and desperately scrambling to compare the non religious to the religious then first share how being non religious leads to war and divide?!! You will not because there is no comparison, the religious try and make people who aren't religious the issue to try and justify the following of religious lies leading to war and divide while they ignore sharing how not being religious leads to war and divide because again all they primarily know how to do is lie and deceive compulsively and obsessively while trying to blame everyone else for where their sick following leads time and time again. Let's not forget I warned everyone where freedom of religion was leading for years. We are better off with the destruction of religion for us all quite obviously.

(continued ...)
So the enemy's of Canada forced us into lockdowns and made policies to have people banned from going places and lose their jobs for not getting injected with something that isn't even a vaccine in the first place while trying to make criminals out of Canadians for protesting such things as mandates while Trudeau cowered from Facing them and inappropriately used the emergencies act instead of acting competent because he is an enemy of Canadians. The CDC removed the definition of vaccine Sept. 10 2021 and replaced it with their lies to use as excuse to keep forcing countries to pay for their garbage injections and force citizens to take those injection under threat of being disallowed to go places or keep their jobs! How many people died and suffer now around the world because of those sick injections while investors made a killing?! How many millions did Trudeau make off of that I wonder at our expense? These enemy's of Canada infiltrating our Federal official positions belong behind bars for forcing such upon the public while forcing us to pay for it, while forcing illegal invasion and forcing us to comply with their lies again with such as the 2017 amendment to bill C-16. Lies do not take precedence over fact and anyone who tells you different are betraying you for their own sick agenda and in this instance conspiring against the citizens of Canada. These officials belong behind bars.

Stealing from Canadians while using a hoax based upon factually exposed lie should also qualify to have these so called Federal officials planted behind bars because again they tell you the lie that humans are the cause of a so called climate crisis yet these sick and pathetic, liars, deceivers, traitors and tyrants can't even prove that 3% of the Earth's surface area occupied by humans raises the Earth's atmospheric temperature 0.000001 degree which proves beyond any shadow of doubt that it is all a lie used to steal from Canadians while this is used to starve off Canadians, expend Canadians into poverty, along with flooding the country with more people than homes thus driving up the home rental rates and rates to buy a house thus making it next to impossible for current and future generations to ever afford to be able to afford a home and even rent one while they give illegal invaders claiming refugee status hundreds of dollars per day so they can afford everything and then some. You all must have heard Klaus Schwab stating you will own nothing and you will be happy, well I can't see how such will make us happy in any way but I do see that tyrants and traitors infiltrating Federal office are attempting to assure Canadians will own nothing because these sick back stabbers are the enemy of Canadians infiltrating Federal official positions and they lie, deceive compulsively and obsessively to rob you of what you are while robbing you of your possessions or ability to gain possessions for WEF conspirators.

They are further trying to force these lies on you like they did with the 2017 amendment to Bill C-16 (and I warned everyone where this was going back then when they were attempting this) by Charlie Anguses Bill C-372 that tries to force Canadians / corporations to go to jail or pay millions in fines for sharing facts that expose their sick and filthy WEF lies and deceptions to do with this climate crisis hoax that they are using to try and rob citizens blind while force us into oppression and slavery because they are quite obviously the enemy of Canadian citizens while conspiring with a foreign entity that is not a country but an organization of greed, selfish and ignorant radicals. Or Bill C-63 where they are trying to make the hate crime out to be you being angry with their actions like they deserve to betray Canadians and label you as committing a hate crime for opposing their sick behavior and justly becoming angry with the enemies of Canadians infiltrating our Federal Positions. They murder citizens with using your tax dollars to make addicts out of citizens under the guise of safe supply, they murder citizens with fake injections that are not even vaccines, they murder citizens by depressing citizens by making us lose our jobs for not going along with their lies or not being able to go anywhere for not getting jabbed with their garbage while preventing us from being able to afford to do more (as they exceedingly tax us over more lies and throw away billions of tax dollars in support of their extremely radical lies and deceptions which they call ideology) than merely survive thus depressing people into wanting to commit suicide because the government has put in place what they call medically assisted suicide as these enemies of Canadians push us deliberately into depression for the conspiring WEF thus is really murdering us. Oh you don't have a place to live or can't afford food, that's because the enemies of Canada are eager to murder and enslave you while turning a blind eye to where their actions lead while also trying to make you out to be committing a hate crime for exposing their sick behavior to others!

While the enemies of Canada use your tax dollars to fund the media to force misinformation/disinformation upon you they also attempt to label you as the misinformer/disinformer for sharing facts exposing their lies and deceptions (misinformation/disinformation) because they are quite obviously the enemies of Canadian citizens infiltrating Federal office and deserve to face punishment for tyranny (those in government) and treason (officials not in government).

These thieves throw your tax dollars away on completely insane rubbish while trying to make criminals out of you for revealing to others what they themselves are doing to Canadian citizens because they are the enemy of Canadian citizens and seek to keep getting away with betraying you for the WEF conspirators.

There is so much more I could go on and on making this a very long composition but I think I have quite clearly made my point. We need to remove these enemies of Canadians from Federal office immediately as in long before any so called election if we are to salvage Canada for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of Canadian citizens. These back stabbing enemies of Canadians do not deserve your sympathy, they do not deserve pensions on tax payers backs, they deserve to pay the price for tyranny and treason! We also need to criminalize attempting to force lies upon the public. We also need accountability for conspiring with outside interfering entities which are not countries such as the WEF or even lobbying!

I will leave you with the video titled "There is no such thing as an islamaphobe yet officials lie to you like garbage" because it not only demonstrates the fact that there is no such thing as an islamaphobe but it also demonstrates the factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies. The are doing what the religious have been doing for thousands of years and it's time to put an end to all of it for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of the life on this planet. Facts take precedence over lies, not the other way around like the enemies of Canada infiltrating federal officials would rather you follow so they can continue to stab you in the back for the WEF.


There is no such thing as an islamaphobe yet officials lie to you like garbage



Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Burlington Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Real funny how China gets called out for interference yet WEF has evaded such especially when they meddle with so many countries simultaneously. It's absurd and a mockery. Oh and funny is sarcasm FYI.