Feelin tight on da cash ghouliani?



[MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. - About a dozen senior campaign staffers for Rudy Giuliani are forgoing their January paychecks, aides said Friday, a sign of possible money trouble for the Republican presidential candidate.

"We have enough money, but we could always use more money," contended Mike DuHaime, Giuliani's campaign manager and one of those who now is working for free. "We want to make sure we have enough to win."

At the end of December, he said the campaign had $11.5 million cash on hand, $7 million of which can be used for the primary. He disputed the notion of a cash-strapped campaign, and said Giuliani continues to bring in cash; several fundraisers are scheduled this week in Florida.
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"I want to do everything I can to make sure Rudy's president, and I speak for a lot of the campaign when I say that," DuHaime said. "None of us joined this campaign for money."

Still, the move raises questions about whether Giuliani's bank account is as flush as he needs it to be to cobble together wins in enough states to secure the party nod.
This is honestly one of the most boneheaded strategies I have ever seen, and it's backfiring on him. He is getting openly ridiculed for it, and it will only get worse as the primaries move on, and he sits out all of them until Florida.

If McCain wins in Michigan, Nevada & SC, which he probably will, Rudy is a dry, burnt piece of toast.

I'm fine with that.
This is honestly one of the most boneheaded strategies I have ever seen, and it's backfiring on him. He is getting openly ridiculed for it, and it will only get worse as the primaries move on, and he sits out all of them until Florida.

If McCain wins in Michigan, Nevada & SC, which he probably will, Rudy is a dry, burnt piece of toast.

I'm fine with that.

Me too.
I wonder why he did not go after NH. I can understand Iowa.

He did go after New Hampshire. He just pretended he didn't:

hough former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani has generally attributed his fourth place finish in New Hampshire to a campaign strategy that focuses on larger, delegate-rich states holding later contests, statistics compiled by ABC News indicate that he was clearly competing to win in the Granite State as hard -- if not harder -- than many of his rivals.

Statistics compiled by ABC News Political Unit and ABC News' team of off-air reporters indicate that Giuliani held more events in this first-in-the-nation primary state than any other Republican except for former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in neighboring Massachusetts. He also spent more on TV ads than anyone except for Romney and Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.

And he still got thumped.
