Fifty-one years ago today


Fifty-one years ago today, Republicans overcame Democrat racism at Little Rock

On this day in 1957, Republican President Dwight Eisenhower ordered federal troops to Little Rock, Arkansas.

In September of that year, a few days after passage of the Republican Party's 1957 Civil Rights Act, Orval Faubus, the Democrat Governor of Arkansas, ordered the state National Guard to prevent the court-ordered desegregation of a Little Rock public school. At first, Republican President Dwight Eisenhower tried to negotiate with Faubus, but after several fruitless weeks the President lost patience with his Democrat foe. Eisenhower had not been afraid to take on the Nazis, and he certainly was not going to be fazed by Faubus or any other Democrat challenging the Constitution.

On the advice of Attorney General Brownell, Eisenhower placed the Governor's soldiers under federal government control and ordered the 101st Airborne to Arkansas. Senators Lyndon Johnson and John Kennedy publicly criticized the President for enforcing a federal court order. Many Democrats actually compared the President's act to the Soviet invasion of Hungary the year before.

Today is the fifty-first anniversary of this great Republican achievement to protect African-Americans from their Democrat oppressors. :hand:
Fifty-one years ago today, Republicans overcame Democrat racism at Little Rock

On this day in 1957, Republican President Dwight Eisenhower ordered federal troops to Little Rock, Arkansas.

In September of that year, a few days after passage of the Republican Party's 1957 Civil Rights Act, Orval Faubus, the Democrat Governor of Arkansas, ordered the state National Guard to prevent the court-ordered desegregation of a Little Rock public school. At first, Republican President Dwight Eisenhower tried to negotiate with Faubus, but after several fruitless weeks the President lost patience with his Democrat foe. Eisenhower had not been afraid to take on the Nazis, and he certainly was not going to be fazed by Faubus or any other Democrat challenging the Constitution.

On the advice of Attorney General Brownell, Eisenhower placed the Governor's soldiers under federal government control and ordered the 101st Airborne to Arkansas. Senators Lyndon Johnson and John Kennedy publicly criticized the President for enforcing a federal court order. Many Democrats actually compared the President's act to the Soviet invasion of Hungary the year before.

Today is the fifty-first anniversary of this great Republican achievement to protect African-Americans from their Democrat oppressors. :hand:

Note this part of your write--"Many Democrats actually compared the President's act to the Soviet invasion of Hungary the year before."

Note that that is liberial insannity--projection their own values upon others who stop them. "projection" blaming others for what you actually do, is a tell tail sign of a mental disorder.

DI was the last great president we had.

I have no idea why blacks like the commie party today. I geuss most of them are too young to know that is was the Dem party who held them down after slavery was abolished by republicans. It was the dem party that still pushed segrigation as short as 45 years ago in the South.

I don't think Blacks who support the dem party--even know why they do.. Oh yea--they hate Bush--and they think obama is pay back time for slavery and opression of which their own party put them through.
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