First day

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Verified User
Hi, everyone. I just joined JPP. I hope to be a valuable member of this community and have lots of productive conversations. I look forward to meeting you all.
Welcome, please read our rules, especially 12b, that seems to be the one that trips people up the most.
Good Luck, Mateo.

Oh, PS. If you run into someone called 'Owl', try to avoid her, she's just an attention whore and will break into threads just to get attention. A REAL troll if there ever was one. :(
Good Luck, Mateo.
Oh, PS. If you run into someone called 'Owl', try to avoid her, she's just an attention whore and will break into threads just to get attention. A REAL troll if there ever was one. :(

Heheheheh. Great irony from someone who's been here only 40 days and has already amassed a staggering 1,835 posts. That's 46 kick-me-please cries per day! (For the Jack account, anyways.)
Oh sweet Jesus, Mother of God!

Please do NOT scare off Mateo, he JUST got here. I wanted to warn him about your antics. ("Look at Me" waving arms, flipping hair, lifting skirt)
Oh sweet Jesus, Mother of God!
Please do NOT scare off Mateo, he JUST got here. I wanted to warn him about your antics. ("Look at Me" waving arms, flipping hair, lifting skirt)

For gawd's sake, Katrina, please drop your skirts. No one wants to see that shriveled thing. Think of the children!
For gawd's sake, Katrina, please drop your skirts. No one wants to see that shriveled thing. Think of the children!

No Pumpkin. I'm thinking YOU and your Mirror. You know, the one where you ask it every morning "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who is Fairest of them All?"

I distinctly remember you getting in front of that Mirror, asking it "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall" ... then taking your Moo Moo off, kicking off the bunny slippers, dropping the granny drawers, removing the wig, and taking out your dentures, bending over slightly so your ... uh flappies ... mmm ... flap, ..."Mirror, Mirror on the Wall" (slapping yourself on the ass) "Who on the Forum wants to tap this!"
Please, if there is a God in Heaven, don't do that again. Mateo is new, we're losing people, DON'T scare him off right away.
Good Luck, Mateo.

Oh, PS. If you run into someone called 'Owl', try to avoid her, she's just an attention whore and will break into threads just to get attention. A REAL troll if there ever was one. :(

this poster is lying
No Pumpkin. I'm thinking YOU and your Mirror. You know, the one where you ask it every morning "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who is Fairest of them All?"

I distinctly remember you getting in front of that Mirror, asking it "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall" ... then taking your Moo Moo off, kicking off the bunny slippers, dropping the granny drawers, removing the wig, and taking out your dentures, bending over slightly so your ... uh flappies ... mmm ... flap, ..."Mirror, Mirror on the Wall" (slapping yourself on the ass) "Who on the Forum wants to tap this!"
Please, if there is a God in Heaven, don't do that again. Mateo is new, we're losing people, DON'T scare him off right away.

shut the fuck up idiot liar
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