First —— Stamp Out Democrats


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In Congo, the ebola epidemic is back. Axios has a disturbing chart showing a sharp arc upward based on Congolese government data. Total cases have gone to from virtually nothing last August to 2,031 now — and the data suggest that the trend has not peaked.

That's news, because right now, Congolese migrants have begun crossing our unguarded southern border in large numbers. According to the Voice of America:


This is the work of irresponsible House Democrats, who refuse to admit there's a crisis, refuse to reform asylum laws, refuse to appropriate money for a wall, refuse to give the Border Patrol even money for detention centers, and are doing anything they can to stop President Trump keeping the country safe.

All it takes is one. Are they ready for the consequences of that now?

June 8, 2019
Ebola cases explode in Congo...just as Congo migrants begin crossing our unguarded border
By Monica Showalter



In war, truth is the first casualty. Aeschylus

In the war against open-borders truth was the only thing the lying sack of shit stamped out:

In a remarkable show of chutzpah, President Obama has claimed credit for “stamping out” Ebola.

Obama takes credit for 'stamping out' Ebola
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 12/19/2015 @ 8:30 pm

The sewer rats that infested the White House for eight years had to import Ebola before they could stamp it out:

A shocking government document outlining the Obama administration’s outrageous plan to admit Ebola-infected non-U.S. citizens into the United States for treatment has surfaced, confirming a story that Judicial Watch broke almost two weeks ago.

On October 17 JW reported that the administration was actively formulating a deal to admit foreign nationals infected with Ebola into the country for treatment. Specifically, the goal is to bring the patients into the country within the first days of diagnosis, according to JW’s sources. The plan includes special waivers of laws and regulations that ban the admission of non-citizens with a communicable disease as dangerous as Ebola.

JW received details of the initiative from high-level government sources that also disclosed the administration was keeping the Ebola plan secret from Congress.

State Dept. Doc Affirms JW’s Report on Obama Plan to Bring Foreign Ebola Patients to U.S.
OCTOBER 29, 2014


pestilence (noun)

1. a. A usually fatal epidemic disease, especially bubonic plague. b. An epidemic of such a disease.

2. A pernicious, evil influence or agent.

So why did the dirty little moralist import Ebola if not to spread pestilence?

Another person has died of Ebola on American soil, reminding U.S. citizens that although many health workers have survived the virus, even treatment at one of the best facilities doesn't guarantee being cured.

The Ebola outbreak that began in West Africa has sickened at least 14,413 people since March, killing at least 5,177 of them as of Nov. 14 -- making it by far the worst outbreak of the virus in history, according to the World Health Organization.

The virus first arrived in the United States via U.S. missionaries flown here for treatment this summer.

Ebola in America: Timeline of the Deadly Virus
By Sydney Lupkin
Nov 17, 2014, 11:01 AM ET

That the Chicago sewer rat did it deliberately was confirmed in a document the State Department will never release —— assuming it was not shredded immediately after Judicial Watch broke the story.

Finally, Diarrhea Mouth always played a starring role in American children dying from the diseases her beloved illegal aliens brought in. She is not ashamed of American children dying because of her efforts. The least Typhoid Nancy could do is explain to Democrat voters how much she is doing to bring in new cases of Ebola through her open-borders?

The New Colossus should include these words:

Give me your parasites, your criminals,
Your sick yearning for free healthcare,
Send these, the worst, tempest-tost to me,
I open my front door to Typhoid Nancy’s welfare state!

It was Democrats like Typhoid Nancy who added “Give me your sick” to the rest of the garbage found in Lazarus’ sonnet. Naturally, Pelosi’s interpretation of “give me” means “give you” the sick. That is why I often suggested removing Emma Lazarus’ stain from Lady Liberty’s pedestal and hanging it right over Typhoid Nancy’s front door.
Why do you want America to be ruled as a one party state like red china, vietnam, laos north korea etc.:palm:
In Congo, the ebola epidemic is back. Axios has a disturbing chart showing a sharp arc upward based on Congolese government data. Total cases have gone to from virtually nothing last August to 2,031 now — and the data suggest that the trend has not peaked.

That's news, because right now, Congolese migrants have begun crossing our unguarded southern border in large numbers. According to the Voice of America:


This is the work of irresponsible House Democrats, who refuse to admit there's a crisis, refuse to reform asylum laws, refuse to appropriate money for a wall, refuse to give the Border Patrol even money for detention centers, and are doing anything they can to stop President Trump keeping the country safe.

All it takes is one. Are they ready for the consequences of that now?

June 8, 2019
Ebola cases explode in Congo...just as Congo migrants begin crossing our unguarded border
By Monica Showalter



In war, truth is the first casualty. Aeschylus

In the war against open-borders truth was the only thing the lying sack of shit stamped out:

In a remarkable show of chutzpah, President Obama has claimed credit for “stamping out” Ebola.

Obama takes credit for 'stamping out' Ebola
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 12/19/2015 @ 8:30 pm

The sewer rats that infested the White House for eight years had to import Ebola before they could stamp it out:

A shocking government document outlining the Obama administration’s outrageous plan to admit Ebola-infected non-U.S. citizens into the United States for treatment has surfaced, confirming a story that Judicial Watch broke almost two weeks ago.

On October 17 JW reported that the administration was actively formulating a deal to admit foreign nationals infected with Ebola into the country for treatment. Specifically, the goal is to bring the patients into the country within the first days of diagnosis, according to JW’s sources. The plan includes special waivers of laws and regulations that ban the admission of non-citizens with a communicable disease as dangerous as Ebola.

JW received details of the initiative from high-level government sources that also disclosed the administration was keeping the Ebola plan secret from Congress.

State Dept. Doc Affirms JW’s Report on Obama Plan to Bring Foreign Ebola Patients to U.S.
OCTOBER 29, 2014


pestilence (noun)

1. a. A usually fatal epidemic disease, especially bubonic plague. b. An epidemic of such a disease.

2. A pernicious, evil influence or agent.

So why did the dirty little moralist import Ebola if not to spread pestilence?

Another person has died of Ebola on American soil, reminding U.S. citizens that although many health workers have survived the virus, even treatment at one of the best facilities doesn't guarantee being cured.

The Ebola outbreak that began in West Africa has sickened at least 14,413 people since March, killing at least 5,177 of them as of Nov. 14 -- making it by far the worst outbreak of the virus in history, according to the World Health Organization.

The virus first arrived in the United States via U.S. missionaries flown here for treatment this summer.

Ebola in America: Timeline of the Deadly Virus
By Sydney Lupkin
Nov 17, 2014, 11:01 AM ET

That the Chicago sewer rat did it deliberately was confirmed in a document the State Department will never release —— assuming it was not shredded immediately after Judicial Watch broke the story.

Finally, Diarrhea Mouth always played a starring role in American children dying from the diseases her beloved illegal aliens brought in. She is not ashamed of American children dying because of her efforts. The least Typhoid Nancy could do is explain to Democrat voters how much she is doing to bring in new cases of Ebola through her open-borders?

The New Colossus should include these words:

Give me your parasites, your criminals,
Your sick yearning for free healthcare,
Send these, the worst, tempest-tost to me,
I open my front door to Typhoid Nancy’s welfare state!

It was Democrats like Typhoid Nancy who added “Give me your sick” to the rest of the garbage found in Lazarus’ sonnet. Naturally, Pelosi’s interpretation of “give me” means “give you” the sick. That is why I often suggested removing Emma Lazarus’ stain from Lady Liberty’s pedestal and hanging it right over Typhoid Nancy’s front door.

Of course, JW has devolved into just another right-wing propaganda mill. And our southern border is hardly "unguarded". Just the usual right-wing lies.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
In Congo, the ebola epidemic is back. Axios has a disturbing chart showing a sharp arc upward based on Congolese government data. Total cases have gone to from virtually nothing last August to 2,031 now — and the data suggest that the trend has not peaked.

That's news, because right now, Congolese migrants have begun crossing our unguarded southern border in large numbers. According to the Voice of America:


This is the work of irresponsible House Democrats, who refuse to admit there's a crisis, refuse to reform asylum laws, refuse to appropriate money for a wall, refuse to give the Border Patrol even money for detention centers, and are doing anything they can to stop President Trump keeping the country safe.

All it takes is one. Are they ready for the consequences of that now?

June 8, 2019
Ebola cases explode in Congo...just as Congo migrants begin crossing our unguarded border
By Monica Showalter



In war, truth is the first casualty. Aeschylus

In the war against open-borders truth was the only thing the lying sack of shit stamped out:

In a remarkable show of chutzpah, President Obama has claimed credit for “stamping out” Ebola.

Obama takes credit for 'stamping out' Ebola
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 12/19/2015 @ 8:30 pm

The sewer rats that infested the White House for eight years had to import Ebola before they could stamp it out:

A shocking government document outlining the Obama administration’s outrageous plan to admit Ebola-infected non-U.S. citizens into the United States for treatment has surfaced, confirming a story that Judicial Watch broke almost two weeks ago.

On October 17 JW reported that the administration was actively formulating a deal to admit foreign nationals infected with Ebola into the country for treatment. Specifically, the goal is to bring the patients into the country within the first days of diagnosis, according to JW’s sources. The plan includes special waivers of laws and regulations that ban the admission of non-citizens with a communicable disease as dangerous as Ebola.

JW received details of the initiative from high-level government sources that also disclosed the administration was keeping the Ebola plan secret from Congress.

State Dept. Doc Affirms JW’s Report on Obama Plan to Bring Foreign Ebola Patients to U.S.
OCTOBER 29, 2014


pestilence (noun)

1. a. A usually fatal epidemic disease, especially bubonic plague. b. An epidemic of such a disease.

2. A pernicious, evil influence or agent.

So why did the dirty little moralist import Ebola if not to spread pestilence?

Another person has died of Ebola on American soil, reminding U.S. citizens that although many health workers have survived the virus, even treatment at one of the best facilities doesn't guarantee being cured.

The Ebola outbreak that began in West Africa has sickened at least 14,413 people since March, killing at least 5,177 of them as of Nov. 14 -- making it by far the worst outbreak of the virus in history, according to the World Health Organization.

The virus first arrived in the United States via U.S. missionaries flown here for treatment this summer.

Ebola in America: Timeline of the Deadly Virus
By Sydney Lupkin
Nov 17, 2014, 11:01 AM ET

That the Chicago sewer rat did it deliberately was confirmed in a document the State Department will never release —— assuming it was not shredded immediately after Judicial Watch broke the story.

Finally, Diarrhea Mouth always played a starring role in American children dying from the diseases her beloved illegal aliens brought in. She is not ashamed of American children dying because of her efforts. The least Typhoid Nancy could do is explain to Democrat voters how much she is doing to bring in new cases of Ebola through her open-borders?

The New Colossus should include these words:

Give me your parasites, your criminals,
Your sick yearning for free healthcare,
Send these, the worst, tempest-tost to me,
I open my front door to Typhoid Nancy’s welfare state!

It was Democrats like Typhoid Nancy who added “Give me your sick” to the rest of the garbage found in Lazarus’ sonnet. Naturally, Pelosi’s interpretation of “give me” means “give you” the sick. That is why I often suggested removing Emma Lazarus’ stain from Lady Liberty’s pedestal and hanging it right over Typhoid Nancy’s front door.

This isn't a political forum
Why do you want America to be ruled as a one party state like red china, vietnam, laos north korea etc.:palm:

Why would you even bother with this one, he posts endless narratives usually off of whacked out websites, and then books, waste of time
Why would you even bother with this one, he posts endless narratives usually off of whacked out websites, and then books, waste of time

:dunno: I could ask you the same question about some of the nut cases you bother w/..;)

:laugh::laugh: Not that there is anything wrong w/ being a nut case or

I have read some where he was quite clear & good insight..

Finally, Diarrhea Mouth always played a starring role in American children dying from the diseases her beloved illegal aliens brought in. She is not ashamed of American children dying because of her efforts. The least Typhoid Nancy could do is explain to Democrat voters how much she is doing to bring in new cases of Ebola through her open-borders?

This is the price tag on Typhoid Nancy’s moneygrubbing compassion:

Thousands of illegal aliens flooding across America’s southern border, part of what President Trump repeatedly has described as a national emergency, have been segregated now because they’ve been exposed to either mumps, chicken pox or both.

And a physicians’ organization has doubled down on its warning that some of those newcomers are coming from regions of the world that are being ravaged by Ebola, an almost-always-fatal disease for which the incubation period can be weeks.

It was CNN that revealed that 5,200 adult immigrants are currently in quarantine in dozens of detention centers nationwide for exposure to contagious diseases.

“Of the 5,200 detainees in quarantine across those centers, around 4,200 are for exposure to mumps. Around 800 were exposed to chicken pox and 100 have been exposed to both,” the report said.

And, “Just because individuals are quarantined doesn’t mean they have the mumps, but they’ve at least been exposed to it. From September 2018 to June 13, 297 people in ICE custody had confirmed cases of mumps, proven by blood test,” the report said.

There also have been problems with measles and flu among the population of illegal migrants who have broken American laws to enter the nation, and now are being provided services at the expense of U.S. taxpayers.

“I think there is heightened interest in this situation because it’s the mumps, which is a new occurrence in custody, but preventing the spread of communicable disease in ICE custody is something we have demonstrated success doing,” Nathalie Asher, an Immigrant and Customs Enforcement official, told CNN.

She said such situations do mean there is a significant impact, which will include a longer detention time for those infected.

Meanwhile, a spokeswoman for Physicians for Civil Defense issued a statement that while public health officials “are preoccupied” with measles, there are hundreds of the newcomers arriving from the war-torn Democratic Republic of the Congo, “where thousands have Ebola.”

That potential impact is huge, since, “in the entire U.S., there are about half a dozen hospital beds equipped for safe treatment of Ebola victims,” the group said.

“We were very fortunate to escape a disastrous outbreak here during the epidemic in West Africa. There are two new vaccines that generate antibodies, but we don’t know how protective they would be – if you are one of the few who could get a dose.”

Further, HIV and drug-resistant tuberculosis both are prevalent in Africa.

The statement, from Jane Orient, M.D., said officials and news outlets all should be demanding to know whether entrants from Congo are screened for Ebola, and what precautions are being taken to protect workers.

“Double gloving? Masks and eye protection? Incineration of medical waste? How long are entrants quarantined? The incubation period can be longer than 21 days. What if there is a needle-stick injury? If a case of Ebola is suspected, what is being done to protect other migrants?” her statement continued.

Also, questions should be answered with regard to how entrants are being tested for tuberculosis, and who is in charge of the medical screening.

“Dispersing even a few persons with Ebola or drug-resistant TB across the U.S. would threaten thousands and overwhelm our public health resources and hospitals. It would be recklessly irresponsible to avoid confronting this problem at the source,” her statement said.

Orient had just days earlier raised concerns about the possibility of Ebola infections.

She told WND in an interview that immigration officers need to know about those coming into the country whether they have communicable diseases, where they’ve been and who they’ve encountered, where they’re going and who they plan to encounter, and if they are getting – or should be getting – medical treatment for various exposures.

“All of these things we really don’t know,” she said. “Deliberately.”

“The problem is bringing in people who may have a disease you don’t know about. You don’t know where they’ve been, or where they’re going, who they’ve been in contact with,” she said.

5,200 quarantined by ICE for exposure to mumps, chicken pox
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 06/14/2019 @ 2:43 pm

What will happen w/ the real Americans that won't want to participate in your one party state??

What will happen w/ the real Americans that won't want to participate in your one party state??
It's the righties who are pushing for a one-party state.

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