FISA Passes


WASHINGTON — The Senate on Wednesday approved a bill that will overhaul rules on terrorist surveillance while giving the Bush administration a win it had sought for months: legal immunity for telecommunications companies that helped in its secret eavesdropping program.

The Senate approved the changes to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act on a 69-28 vote.


The left-wing blogs are pissed at Obama for voting yes on this.
Interesting. Obama usually doesn't vote at all, but he made it a point to vote on this one.

I wonder why.
Interesting. Obama usually doesn't vote at all, but he made it a point to vote on this one.

I wonder why.
In this current congress John McCain has missed 374 votes which amounts to 61.8% of all votes since this congressional session began Jan 4, 2007.

Barack Obama has missed 263 votes (43.5%) during the current Congress.

So who is it you were saying doesn't vote at all Dumbass? I'm sorry I meant UNINFORMED Dumbass.
In this current congress John McCain has missed 374 votes which amounts to 61.8% of all votes since this congressional session began Jan 4, 2007.

Barack Obama has missed 263 votes (43.5%) during the current Congress.

So who is it you were saying doesn't vote at all Dumbass? I'm sorry I meant UNINFORMED Dumbass.

That's somehow different! Bartow high RULES!!!!!!!!YEAY!
FISA sucks

letting the telecom companies off the hook sucks

maybe (if we are lucky) bushco will get investigated after he leaves office and jailed...
FISA sucks

letting the telecom companies off the hook sucks

maybe (if we are lucky) bushco will get investigated after he leaves office and jailed...

Yeah, let's just let international terrorists do whatever the fuck they like here, we don't even need to try to apprehend them before they hit us again, it would be better for America to have to suffer like the rest of the world, right? Let's let the liberal do-gooders take away all of our tools to catch the bad guys, because it's just unfair to them to have their (non-existent) Constitutional rights abridged from us listening to their phone conversations.

What a fucking dumbass moron! Maybe (if we're lucky) you'll have a brain hemorrhage and die when Obama gets trounced in the general election...
Yeah, let's just let international terrorists do whatever the fuck they like here, we don't even need to try to apprehend them before they hit us again, it would be better for America to have to suffer like the rest of the world, right? Let's let the liberal do-gooders take away all of our tools to catch the bad guys, because it's just unfair to them to have their (non-existent) Constitutional rights abridged from us listening to their phone conversations.

What a fucking dumbass moron! Maybe (if we're lucky) you'll have a brain hemorrhage and die when Obama gets trounced in the general election...


not really, lets try and stay within our constitution, besides, what guarantee do we have that they would stay within the limits of fisa - bushco does not

if you want security at any price when you cannot attain it, all that happens is you lose your liberty and the terrorists win anyway

freedom is not cheap

not really, lets try and stay within our constitution, besides, what guarantee do we have that they would stay within the limits of fisa - bushco does not

if you want security at any price when you cannot attain it, all that happens is you lose your liberty and the terrorists win anyway

freedom is not cheap

Our Constitution does not apply to international terrorists, and never has. I've heard the liberal song and dance quoting the founding fathers about security and liberty, and it's all a bunch of hogwash, no one has had any fucking rights taken away from them! It's just a convenient line to use in this instance because you are opposed to something you don't understand. Bush & Co., and indeed, no President, is interested in eavesdropping on average American citizens without due cause. If they did so, and it was discovered, they could and would be impeached and likely imprisoned and/or sued by the victim.

FISA stands for FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SURVEILLANCE ACT... FOREIGN, as in NOT FROM HERE! ...INTELLIGENCE, as in THE CIA ...SURVEILLANCE, as in WATCHING/LISTENING TO! It is a measure to allow our CIA to monitor foreign terrorists who have entered our country and plan to do us harm, not Granny and Aunt Mable discussing soup recipes!
Our Constitution does not apply to international terrorists, and never has. I've heard the liberal song and dance quoting the founding fathers about security and liberty, and it's all a bunch of hogwash, no one has had any fucking rights taken away from them! It's just a convenient line to use in this instance because you are opposed to something you don't understand. Bush & Co., and indeed, no President, is interested in eavesdropping on average American citizens without due cause. If they did so, and it was discovered, they could and would be impeached and likely imprisoned and/or sued by the victim.

FISA stands for FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SURVEILLANCE ACT... FOREIGN, as in NOT FROM HERE! ...INTELLIGENCE, as in THE CIA ...SURVEILLANCE, as in WATCHING/LISTENING TO! It is a measure to allow our CIA to monitor foreign terrorists who have entered our country and plan to do us harm, not Granny and Aunt Mable discussing soup recipes!

you do not have any idea what goes on where there is power - it does corrupt - law enforcement types can and do use their power to access databases for personal use

bushco has already gone beyond fisa and wants to continue to do so

by the way, it was ben franklin that coined the phrase 'those that give up a little liberty for a little security lose both'

also, more people are killed in one year by DUI drivers than have been killed by all domestic and foreign acts of terrorism to date in this nation
you do not have any idea what goes on where there is power - it does corrupt - law enforcement types can and do use their power to access databases for personal use

bushco has already gone beyond fisa and wants to continue to do so

by the way, it was ben franklin that coined the phrase 'those that give up a little liberty for a little security lose both'

also, more people are killed in one year by DUI drivers than have been killed by all domestic and foreign acts of terrorism to date in this nation

1. Corrupted power is not a reason to neglect public safety. I don't know about 'law enforcement types' or what they do, I know what FISA is used for. It is not used to spy on average everyday American citizens, or for any "personal" use.

2. Bush used his executive authority to authorize wiretaps on key terror suspects without a warrant. None of these suspects were American citizens, and all of them were documented and reported to the Senate Intelligence Committee. I hope that Bush and whoever is president, continues to use their executive authorization for such actions.

3. I am well aware of Franklin's quote, which is why I said "quoting the founding fathers about security and liberty". Franklin WAS a founding father!

4. I am also opposed to DUI, and if wiretaps without a warrant on non-American citizens would fix that problem, I would be in favor of it as well! Hell, if MADD could do something about DUI by eavesdropping on drunks, I might even go along with that! It's really lame to point to one bad behavior to justify another bad behavior. I realize the exemplary job we've done at preventing another terrorist attack has made you rather complacent and you don't fully comprehend the nature of the threat we face from terrorism, but what we are doing IS working.
1. Corrupted power is not a reason to neglect public safety. I don't know about 'law enforcement types' or what they do, I know what FISA is used for. It is not used to spy on average everyday American citizens, or for any "personal" use.

2. Bush used his executive authority to authorize wiretaps on key terror suspects without a warrant. None of these suspects were American citizens, and all of them were documented and reported to the Senate Intelligence Committee. I hope that Bush and whoever is president, continues to use their executive authorization for such actions.

3. I am well aware of Franklin's quote, which is why I said "quoting the founding fathers about security and liberty". Franklin WAS a founding father!

4. I am also opposed to DUI, and if wiretaps without a warrant on non-American citizens would fix that problem, I would be in favor of it as well! Hell, if MADD could do something about DUI by eavesdropping on drunks, I might even go along with that! It's really lame to point to one bad behavior to justify another bad behavior. I realize the exemplary job we've done at preventing another terrorist attack has made you rather complacent and you don't fully comprehend the nature of the threat we face from terrorism, but what we are doing IS working.

i cannot agree with you and i understand your position

so i must agree to disagree

i am a firm opponent to the saying that the end justifies the means

i think that fisa and the usa patriot act are not constitutional and eventually will be challenged and dumped by TSCOTUSA

so i leave you with my position - personal freedom requires personal responsibility