Five female polio vaccinators shot dead in Karachi, Peshawar

It took me a minute, but I think the answer is that more damage was done beyond the face. While it was only five adult lives lost, their services to human life in the region are now lost, and so potentially many more lives are at risk.

I still say Newtown was worse...
It took me a minute, but I think the answer is that more damage was done beyond the face. While it was only five adult lives lost, their services to human life in the region are now lost, and so potentially many more lives are at risk.

I still say Newtown was worse...

Clearly. One of those children may have invented the conservatard vaccine.
Clearly. One of those children may have invented the conservatard vaccine.

Giving a vaccine already shown to be effective to save millions of lives, a certainty. Somebody may come up with a libtard vaccine... a huge maybe, even unlikely. I can see why somebody would say it was "worse"...

I personally don't think so. But I can see why they'd say it. Both are atrocious, but only one involved our kids.

I like the ideas that focus on mental health, but it isn't going to catch all of these. We also need to put some bodyguards on the kids, they are more important than the politicos we spend billions each year protecting, time to start acting like they are, put our money where our mouth is...
no good deed goes unpunished

there will always be people that fear change or potential loss of control of the people under their thumbs
The article notes that the CIA used hepatitis vaccinations as a way to gain information on bin Laden and the Taliban has been spreading word that these workers were spies. Also, they are claiming it's a plot to sterilize Muslims.