Fla Repugs nominate K. Harris for Sennate!


Well-known member

Exactly why I could never call myself a Republican!
I kind of feel sad for her. I mean, she's putting up her own family fortune in this race (which is necessary whenever you're running against a rich incumbent), and she's probably going to lose it all.

I also think Trent Lott wants to screw her.
Dont feel bad for her. She has soo much money she could put up her own money for 20 sennate races before she would notice a dent in the familt fortune. Hell she should feel happy as she got the Republican nomonation, not a small thing... esp. wth Jeb against her!
Clearly the FL R Party aren't locksteppers. If they were there would be a different candidate.
the florida republicans perhaps realize the folly of their party's agenda and have nominated a woman guaranteed to lose the election.

that would be nice of them.
It was thought that she was "gauranteed" to lose the Primary. We may just be shocked again.
No, we always knew she was going to win the primary.

The Florida Repugs will break ranks to vote for a Religous Right Whacko who does not understand the federal constitution any day!
My canidate for Governor won the Democratic Primary...!

One of my friends was elected Judge and the other got 45% of the vote in a 4 man race so he faces what should be an easy runoff!
I kind of feel sad for her. I mean, she's putting up her own family fortune in this race (which is necessary whenever you're running against a rich incumbent), and she's probably going to lose it all.

I also think Trent Lott wants to screw her.
Okay, Watermark. You'll be hearing from my lawyer about the hole I just bit through my tongue.

The Republican nominee for Florida Governor, Charlie Christ (clearly in the closet about his own homosexuality in my opinion) claims he used to date K. Harris when they were younger.