Florida Dems Fear GOP Redistricting Will Cost Them More Seats


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Florida Dems Fear GOP Redistricting Will Cost Them More Seats


Democrats in Florida are a minority and it may only get worse after the GOP-controlled legislature begins its redistricting process later this year.

This is going to make it even more difficult for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to keep her iron grip on the U.S. House.

Florida House Democratic co-Leader Evan Jenne is already sounding the alarm about the Florida Legislature’s 2022 session, where they will discuss and make moves on redistricting.

“A lot of people’s political careers will hang in the balance of what comes out of those redistricting subcommittees and the Legislature as a whole,” Jenne said.

“It will be a knockdown and dragged-out (fight),” Jenne told reporters about what to expect next year.

According to Politico, Democrats fear that Republicans will use the state’s massive population growth, especially along the key I-4 corridor as a means of eliminating some of their congressional seats.

“To understand how Florida’s redistricting process will dramatically reshape the state’s political lines and congressional map, look at Democratic Rep. Darren Soto’s district along the fabled I-4 corridor,” the outlet reported Sunday.

“Soto’s 9th District, which stretches from Orlando into the communities of Osceola County clustered near Disney World and then along the southern side of Interstate 4, saw the largest amount of growth of any congressional district in the nation between 2010 and 2020, according to a POLITICO analysis. His district now has nearly 1 million residents,” the outlet continued.

That enormous growth, however, makes it much more likely that Republicans, who control 16 of the state legislature’s 27 seats, are going to be looking at during redistricting.

“When you are in the minority, you are always going to be worried about redistricting and the games the other side will play,” Christian Ulvert, a Democratic consultant from South Florida, told the outlet.

However, as Politico notes,

“Gov. Ron DeSantis remade it by appointing several conservative-minded justices, leading to fears that this time around the GOP may have an easier time in crafting a map friendly to them,” though Democrats have said they’ll go back to court again if need be to challenge Republican maps they see as unfair.

One of the districts, Florida’s 13th Congressional, that could go away belongs to current Rep. Charlie Crist, a Republican-turned-Democrat and former governor who is challenging DeSantis next year.

Republicans are now “the early favorites,” to retake control of the U.S. House of Representatives in the 2022 midterm elections.

Cook Political Report Senior Editor David Wasserman told NBC News that Republicans are poised to retake the lower chamber for a variety of reasons.

Last month, a top House Democrat warned that the Republican Party is in a prime position to take back House in next year’s midterm elections.

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Sean Patrick, who serves as a congressman from New York, says Democrats would lose their House majority if the midterms were held today.

Speaking with Politico, Tim Persico, executive director of the Maloney-led DCCC, shared data with incumbents showing that several House Democrats are at risk of losing their seats to Republican challengers.

Republicans need a net gain of 5 seats to regain the House majority in the midterms next November.

And the once-in-a-decade redistricting process – pegged to the 2020 census – is expected to generally favor Republicans over Democrats.

In another sign that liberals are losing faith in keeping the House next year, two top Democrats have announced they are retiring.

It is cheating and the Repubs love doing it. Every state has a university that will give them fair redistricting maps. The Repubs eschew them. This is deliberate.
Of course they will, duh, with the urban areas growing they’ll start cutting them like a pie adding small sections onto those accompanying areas that are heavily GOP, one of the reasons that even though more Americans vote for Democrat Congressional candidates more GOP candidates get elected, not rocket science. You can thank the Roberts Court for a lot of that

Not quite what the Founding Fathers had in mind, but hey, the days that the GOP was the party of the Constitution have long past, now it is the Trump motto, get all you can when you can and fuck everyone else
Florida Dems Fear GOP Redistricting Will Cost Them More Seats

Democrats in Florida are a minority and it may only get worse after the GOP-controlled legislature begins its redistricting process later this year.

This is going to make it even more difficult for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to keep her iron grip on the U.S. House.

Florida House Democratic co-Leader Evan Jenne is already sounding the alarm about the Florida Legislature’s 2022 session, where they will discuss and make moves on redistricting.

“A lot of people’s political careers will hang in the balance of what comes out of those redistricting subcommittees and the Legislature as a whole,” Jenne said.

“It will be a knockdown and dragged-out (fight),” Jenne told reporters about what to expect next year.

According to Politico, Democrats fear that Republicans will use the state’s massive population growth, especially along the key I-4 corridor as a means of eliminating some of their congressional seats.

“To understand how Florida’s redistricting process will dramatically reshape the state’s political lines and congressional map, look at Democratic Rep. Darren Soto’s district along the fabled I-4 corridor,” the outlet reported Sunday.

“Soto’s 9th District, which stretches from Orlando into the communities of Osceola County clustered near Disney World and then along the southern side of Interstate 4, saw the largest amount of growth of any congressional district in the nation between 2010 and 2020, according to a POLITICO analysis. His district now has nearly 1 million residents,” the outlet continued.

That enormous growth, however, makes it much more likely that Republicans, who control 16 of the state legislature’s 27 seats, are going to be looking at during redistricting.

“When you are in the minority, you are always going to be worried about redistricting and the games the other side will play,” Christian Ulvert, a Democratic consultant from South Florida, told the outlet.

However, as Politico notes,

“Gov. Ron DeSantis remade it by appointing several conservative-minded justices, leading to fears that this time around the GOP may have an easier time in crafting a map friendly to them,” though Democrats have said they’ll go back to court again if need be to challenge Republican maps they see as unfair.

One of the districts, Florida’s 13th Congressional, that could go away belongs to current Rep. Charlie Crist, a Republican-turned-Democrat and former governor who is challenging DeSantis next year.

Republicans are now “the early favorites,” to retake control of the U.S. House of Representatives in the 2022 midterm elections.

Cook Political Report Senior Editor David Wasserman told NBC News that Republicans are poised to retake the lower chamber for a variety of reasons.

Last month, a top House Democrat warned that the Republican Party is in a prime position to take back House in next year’s midterm elections.

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Sean Patrick, who serves as a congressman from New York, says Democrats would lose their House majority if the midterms were held today.

Speaking with Politico, Tim Persico, executive director of the Maloney-led DCCC, shared data with incumbents showing that several House Democrats are at risk of losing their seats to Republican challengers.

Republicans need a net gain of 5 seats to regain the House majority in the midterms next November.

And the once-in-a-decade redistricting process – pegged to the 2020 census – is expected to generally favor Republicans over Democrats.

In another sign that liberals are losing faith in keeping the House next year, two top Democrats have announced they are retiring.


Of course they will, duh, with the urban areas growing they’ll start cutting them like a pie adding small sections onto those accompanying areas that are heavily GOP, one of the reasons that even though more Americans vote for Democrat Congressional candidates more GOP candidates get elected, not rocket science. You can thank the Roberts Court for a lot of that

Not quite what the Founding Fathers had in mind, but hey, the days that the GOP was the party of the Constitution have long past, now it is the Trump motto, get all you can when you can and fuck everyone else

One of the districts, Florida’s 13th Congressional, that could go away belongs to current Rep. Charlie Crist, a Republican-turned-Democrat and former governor who is challenging DeSantis next year.
that old hack Crist? he's still around?
Don't pretend gerrymandering isn't done to stack the vote. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know this, heck, even a high school diploma might not be necessary.
For the whining libs................

The 2020 United States redistricting cycle will take place following the completion of the 2020 United States census. In all fifty states, various bodies will re-draw state legislative districts. States that are apportioned more than one seat in the United States House of Representatives will also draw new districts for that legislative body.
Subsequent court cases have required states to redistrict every ten years, although states can redistrict more often than that depending on their own statutes and constitutional provisions.

"Since the 1840s, Congress has mandated that states draw district maps and elect one representative per district for the U.S. House of Representatives. Redistricting became much fairer once a pair of Supreme Court rulings in the 1960s required districts to have equal population.
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In Texas, re-districting maps looks more like modern art- than precinct locations based on convenience and distance. [Geeko Sportivo]


Hey! And I'm not just kidding!
Elections have consequences. The Texas Republican control legislature is redrawing the congressional districting map. The Dems will likely lose seats in Texas too. :laugh:
Elections have consequences. The Texas Republican control legislature is redrawing the congressional districting map. The Dems will likely lose seats in Texas too. :laugh:

Like I said - the only way Republicans can hang on to power.

I mean, why would they consider adjusting their positions in order to build stronger coalitions and get more votes? Easier to gerrymander & get fewer people to vote.
Of course they will, duh, with the urban areas growing they’ll start cutting them like a pie adding small sections onto those accompanying areas that are heavily GOP, one of the reasons that even though more Americans vote for Democrat Congressional candidates more GOP candidates get elected, not rocket science. You can thank the Roberts Court for a lot of that

Not quite what the Founding Fathers had in mind, but hey, the days that the GOP was the party of the Constitution have long past, now it is the Trump motto, get all you can when you can and fuck everyone else

you want to start making a list of all your idiotic ideas the founding fathers would role in their graves over