Every trumper is a N4T.
In order to make up for the labor shortage we told the right that mass deportations of illegal immigrants would create, DeShithead and the MAGA crud buckets in the State Legislature are talking about LOOSENING THE STATE'S CHILD LABOR LAWS to allow children as young as 14 to work overnight shifts even on school nights.
Of course, that would be a win-win for them because when student performance in public schools begins to drop because so many kids are coming to school after putting in an 8 hour graveyard shift, DeScumbag & Co. can blame it on public education and give even more of their funding to private charter schools.
Fucking MAGA scum.

Of course, that would be a win-win for them because when student performance in public schools begins to drop because so many kids are coming to school after putting in an 8 hour graveyard shift, DeScumbag & Co. can blame it on public education and give even more of their funding to private charter schools.
Fucking MAGA scum.