Florida insurance costs get even worse.

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
We know all too well that Florida property insurance costs have been skyrocketing, with no end in sight. Now there’s a new study that shows just how bad it’s gotten, and it’s even worse than we thought.

According to the data analysis company LexisNexis Risk Solutions, the state’s property insurance costs are up by an incredible 57% since 2015 — nearly triple the national average of 21%, as the Miami Herald reported.

If that weren’t enough misery, Florida distinguished itself in another way: Insurance costs have been rising faster in Florida than in any other state.

The rising sea levels are guaranteeing floods . Except for rightys who refuse to believe it. They will stay dry.
Everyone from the blue states are moving to Florida so it’s driving up costs

It does not work that way. The problem is Florida has terrible weather disasters and they have no income tax to build up infrastructure to protect them.
Why would more people drive up costs?
The rising sea levels are guaranteeing floods . Except for rightys who refuse to believe it. They will stay dry.


What rising sea levels, moron?


Why isn't that underwater?

I mean, your cult says that ocean levels have risen - yet nowhere is there any evidence to support that claim.
Nothing supports even an inch. It's all a scam.

Not a scam. Many pacific islands are underwater now. But you have a rock.
The rising seas are a big reason Florid's' insurance rates are climbing. Of course, as predicted, hurricanes are stronger too. But you have a rock.
Not a scam. Many pacific islands are underwater now. But you have a rock.
The rising seas are a big reason Florid's' insurance rates are climbing. Of course, as predicted, hurricanes are stronger too. But you have a rock.

Right, and a naval dock will make Guam flip over.

You fascists are such dopes.
The rising sea levels are guaranteeing floods . Except for rightys who refuse to believe it. They will stay dry.
Only the delusional and the extremely gullible believe that the ocean is somehow rising. That hoax was debunked decades ago. I guess the people who do your thinking for you never got the memo.
The ocean hasn't risen any discernible amount since 1890. Why do you somehow believe that it has?

My point is and was that it hasn't risen by any significant amount and ocean rise, as of now is a non-issue. Now, at the end of the last ice age it rose about 400 feet. That was significant. It undoubtedly wiped out whole civilizations. But that was like 15,000 to 30,000 years ago so it wasn't human's fault...
My point is and was that it hasn't risen by any significant amount and ocean rise, as of now is a non-issue.
Fair enough. If, however, you or others make a claim that there was some specific amount of ocean rise, you should be prepared to explain why believe it, which will be problematic if the supposed rise somehow occurred since 1890 for which photographic evidence exists to the contrary.

Now, at the end of the last ice age it rose about 400 feet.
Why do you believe this? From where did all the water come?

It undoubtedly wiped out whole civilizations.
... *or* it never happened and nobody was harmed. Which one should a rational adult believe and why?
Why do you believe this? From where did all the water come?

The rise clearly happened. Of recent, there have been found prehistoric human settlements underwater in places like the North Sea which is relatively shallow. We know from studying the existing sea bottom that the English Channel once had a land bridge between England and France that failed and caused a massive flood event.
As for the water, since there was about 4 to 6 times the amount of water trapped in glaciers and ice then, and we know the extent of the glaciation from geologic remains today, and that those glaciers were mostly over landmasses, that when they melted the water had to go somewhere.

... *or* it never happened and nobody was harmed. Which one should a rational adult believe and why?

That there was clearly a period of massive glaciation and extensive ice--far, far more than today--that once covered a considerable portion of both hemispheres that is no longer there and that ice turned into water and caused ocean rise.
The [ocean level] rise [of 400 feet, 15,000 - 30,000 years ago] clearly happened.
That is your speculation, and it sounds pretty WACKY to any rational, independently thinking, critically reasoning adult. Naturally, you are welcome to any beliefs you wish, but if you wish for others to similarly believe your speculation, you must support your affirmative claim and explain why a rational adult should believe your speculation. The ball is in your court.

Of recent, there have been found prehistoric human settlements underwater in places like the North Sea which is relatively shallow.
How does sunken terrain translate into ocean-level rise? When you wrote that "[the ocean] hasn't risen by any significant amount and ocean rise, as of now is a non-issue" did you really mean that the ocean is clearly rising because look at Venice, Italy? Venice is still sinking (slowly, just under 1mm/year) and will one day be submerged entirely. Is the ocean rising, but only in Venice and wherever the land is sinking?


We know from studying the existing sea bottom that the English Channel once had a land bridge between England and France that failed and caused a massive flood event.
Who is the "we" who know this? The people who watched the land bridge failure on YouTube and witnessed the massive flood event? Can you attach the link for the video? Thanks.

I'm going to give you a hint: The English Channel land bridge theory is just someone's speculation that is one of countless possible explanations for the geological evidence discovered. Your rush to declare one team leader's musings over the unobserved, distant past as "what we know" is rather silly. Of course, if you can dig up that video, I'll gladly change my tune.

As for the water, since there was about 4 to 6 times the amount of water trapped in glaciers and ice then,
This is where you get to explain why any rational adult should believe this. At the moment, I don't.

and we know the extent of the glaciation from geologic remains today,
Ummmm, no. Nobody knows how much of how many glaciers there have been, or when exactly there were glaciers.

Basically, my issue is with your claims of omniscience about the unobserved, distant past. You treat the speculations of others, even totally wild and WACKY speculations, as "what we know." As all affirmative claims, you bear the full burden of supporting these claims you are making, and you know that you can't because no one is omniscient, and no one's speculation about the past can ever be verified.

That there was clearly a period of massive glaciation and extensive ice--far, far more than today--that once covered a considerable portion of both hemispheres that is no longer there and that ice turned into water and caused ocean rise.
Your theorem has been clearly stated. Now explain why a rational adult should believe this. It should be a piece of cake, right?
Well, at least Florida can still get insurance unlike California...

1.3 million homeowners in Florida are forced to use a state owned company called "Citizens Insurance" which is completely insolvent. If there was a major loss, Citizens would not be able to pay, and Florida would collapse. More than 2 million other homeowners have no homeowners insurance, often breaking their mortgage contract. If a major disaster happens, they will lose everything.

DeSantis' idea to solve this. Allow people to "save money" by not buying Federal flood insurance. Federal flood insurance is highly subsidized, so it really does not save money. It also insures against the greatest danger in Florida.

Florida has been on the verge of collapse for years. DeSantis is just hoping it collapses after he leaves.