Florida seed faith huckster pastor to deliver religious invocation at Trump crowning



While the committee tasked with providing entertainment for Donald Trump’s inauguration has struggled mightily to find acts willing to perform for the president-elect, there is no shortage of religious leaders willing to show up and say a prayer for the new leader of the free world in return for a little face-time on TV.

Among them is a so-called “prosperity gospel” pastor from Florida whose relationship with Trump dates back over a decade.

As reported by Betsy Woodruff at The Daily Beast, Paula White, who is listed as the Senior Pastor of New Destiny Christian Center in Apopka, Florida, will be making an appeal to God despite having been previously investigated by the U.S. Senate for running a scam ministry.

White is a practitioner of what is known as the “prosperity gospel”, which, in it’s simplest terms, means followers give the church money based upon the belief that God will somehow return that investment many times over. That offering is known as “seed.”

According to the Beast, White’s website makes a pitch for seed money with the promise, “When we receive your seed we have a very powerful Word from the Lord that we will send to you.We want to show our Gratitude to you and to help you grow in your Attitude of Gratitude.”

In return, the supplicant is gifted with a internet download from the church, although a higher donation will net the sender a set of inspirational DVD’s.

As noted by Woodruff, in 2007 White was one of a few pastors who were being investigated by the Senate Finance Committee, when Trump praised her in an interview, saying, ““Paula White is not only a beautiful person, both inside and out, she has a significant message to offer anyone who will tune in and pay attention. She has amazing insight, the ability to deliver that message clearly, as well as powerfully.”

Prosperity gospel was memorably mocked by HBO host John Oliver who created his own scam-worthy Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption.

White's first marriage was as a teenager to the father of her son, Dean Knight.[25] In 1984, while living in Maryland with her newborn baby, she converted to Christianity. Her marriage ended soon after.[3]
According to the book, Holy Mavericks, a vital turning point came in White's life in 1989 when she met Randy White, a third-generation preacher in the Church of God denomination. Randy was recovering from the divorce of his first marriage and was in the early stages of reviving his career as a preacher and evangelist. They met while he was visiting the church where White volunteered as a janitor. They became friends and dated for several months, working together in ministry projects. Less than a year after meeting, Randy proposed during a tour to Israel and she accepted. Shortly thereafter they moved from Maryland to Tampa, Florida.[1]
In an article published in The Tampa Tribune in 2007, when Paula's husband (Randy White) was asked whether he was contemplating a divorce he replied, "No one can predict the future."[26]
On August 23, 2007, Randy White announced to the Without Walls International Church congregation that he and Paula were divorcing. Randy stated from the pulpit of Without Walls International Church: "We have a very difficult announcement to make tonight before Tim Storey preaches. And that is that we are going through a divorce. It is the most difficult decision that I have had to make in my entire life and I come to you tonight to first let you know that I take full responsibility for a failed marriage." According to The Christian Post, White says the divorce was amicable and they remain friends.[5][27]
On April 27, 2015, Paula married rock musician Jonathan Cain of Journey fame.[28]

While the committee tasked with providing entertainment for Donald Trump’s inauguration has struggled mightily to find acts willing to perform for the president-elect, there is no shortage of religious leaders willing to show up and say a prayer for the new leader of the free world in return for a little face-time on TV.

Among them is a so-called “prosperity gospel” pastor from Florida whose relationship with Trump dates back over a decade.

As reported by Betsy Woodruff at The Daily Beast, Paula White, who is listed as the Senior Pastor of New Destiny Christian Center in Apopka, Florida, will be making an appeal to God despite having been previously investigated by the U.S. Senate for running a scam ministry.

White is a practitioner of what is known as the “prosperity gospel”, which, in it’s simplest terms, means followers give the church money based upon the belief that God will somehow return that investment many times over. That offering is known as “seed.”

According to the Beast, White’s website makes a pitch for seed money with the promise, “When we receive your seed we have a very powerful Word from the Lord that we will send to you.We want to show our Gratitude to you and to help you grow in your Attitude of Gratitude.”

In return, the supplicant is gifted with a internet download from the church, although a higher donation will net the sender a set of inspirational DVD’s.

As noted by Woodruff, in 2007 White was one of a few pastors who were being investigated by the Senate Finance Committee, when Trump praised her in an interview, saying, ““Paula White is not only a beautiful person, both inside and out, she has a significant message to offer anyone who will tune in and pay attention. She has amazing insight, the ability to deliver that message clearly, as well as powerfully.”

Prosperity gospel was memorably mocked by HBO host John Oliver who created his own scam-worthy Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption.
Trump went from orange to rust in this photo!

Many conservative Christians are angry over Donald Trump’s selection of a “prosperity gospel” televangelist to pray at his inauguration.

Paula White, senior pastor of New Destiny Christian Center, will join Franklin Graham, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Rabbi Marvin Hier and other religious leaders in the Jan. 20 inauguration — but her participation has proved controversial, reported the Washington Examiner.

“I’d rather a Hindu pray on Inauguration Day and not risk the souls of men, than one whose heresy lures in souls with promises of comfort only to damn them in eternity,” wrote Erick Erickson, an outspoken Trump critic on the right. “At least no one would mistake a Hindu, a Buddhist, or an atheist with being a representative of Christ’s kingdom.”

White and her Florida church have been investigated by the U.S. Senate for operating a scam, based on the prosperity gospel’s defining principle — that followers who donate money, or a “seed,” to the church will see their investment returned many times over.

“Paula White is a charlatan and recognized as a heretic by every orthodox Christian, of whatever tribe,”
said Russell Moore, of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission and an outspoken Trump critic.

White, who is the third wife of Journey keyboardist Jonathan Cain — also her third spouse — takes in up to $80,000 a week, according to a 2007 report by the Tampa Tribune, and owns multimillion-dollar homes in Trump Tower and Florida.

“Paula White has a long history of bankruptcies, failed business ventures, and unsuccessful marriages, which makes her the perfect choice to deliver a prayer on behalf a president-elect who has proudly proclaimed that he’s never felt the need to ask forgiveness from God for anything,” wrote Paula Bolyard, a conservative Christian blogger for PJ Media.

Erickson was particularly troubled by a video, which he posted, that shows White speaking to a man who says he’s a son of God, and that Jesus Christ was “not the only begotten son of God” — to which the pastor agreed, “He’s the first fruit.”

“Paula White is a trinity denying heretic,” Erickson wrote. “She rejects the Council of Nicaea’s creed that every Christian accepts. To reject the orthodoxy of the Nicene Creed is to reject Christianity itself.”