Florida State Should Not Be Ranked #2.

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
Of the top four teams FSU has played the weakest schedule. They have only played 2 teams with winning records and one of those was Wake Forest who stocked up on Div 2 opponents in their non-conf schedule. Their only major win was on a grossly over rated Clemson team who has only played 2 teams with winning records, 4-3 GA and FSU. So Clemson has only played to quality teams and lost one of them. That's a #3 Team? That's the basis of leap frogging FSU over Oregon and OSU?

Let's look at their schedules.

FSU has played two teams with winning records and are scheduled to play 3 more for a total of 5 games against winning opponets. By comparison OSU has played 4 quality games against teams with winning FBS records and has two more scheduled for a total of 6.

Oregon has only played 1 game against a quality opponent but has 5 more scheduled so they again will have a total of 6. If all three were to win out both OSU and Ore should be ranked ahead of FSU.

Alabama has so far played 3 quality opponents and has 4 more scheduled. So for the season that gives Bama 7 quality opponents, OSU -6, Ore - 6 and FSU - 5.

That's also a good argement that if that only two of these four teams are the only undefeated teams in the nation, they should play in the national championship game as no teams schedule is so dramatically more difficult that they sould get an opportunity with 1 loss...and yes, that includes Alabama too.
First off it's still early. Lots of football left to be played. This whole thing is fluid and will change.

And the Bucks have shot themselves in the foot by playing such a sh*tty non-conference schedule. Buffalo, San Diego St, Cal and Florida A&M. Combine that with the Big 10 being weak and this is why they are on the outside (at the moment).
Actually that's simply not true. OSU's schedule so far has been tougher than Oregons. Oregon has only played one FBS team with a winning record. OSU has played 4. Nor can OSU be blamed for the FAMU game. Had not a chickenshit SEC team backed out of it's obligation and left OSU scrambling to find an opponent. Having said that, even with FAMU on their schedule OSU has played a tougher schedule to date than either Oregon or FSU. So sorry I don't buy into the ESPN bullshit. The numbers tell a completely different story. Now to be fair to Oregan, they have the toughest part of the schedule a head of them and have all 5 remaining games against quality opponents, which will make their schedules about the same as OSU's at the end of the season. They will both have played 6 teams with winning records at this point in the season, where as FSU will only have played 5.

So going by reality, that is who has actually played the tougher schedules to date, going by wins and loses and not by ESPN's opinion, Alabama should be ranked #1 and OSU should be ranked #2. Right now OSU is ranked #4 because of bias against them and the faux opinion that the Big 10 is a weak conference which is complete bullshit. Study the numbers and forget about subjective opinions and you'll see what I mean.
Actually that's simply not true. OSU's schedule so far has been tougher than Oregons. Oregon has only played one FBS team with a winning record. OSU has played 4. Nor can OSU be blamed for the FAMU game. Had not a chickenshit SEC team backed out of it's obligation and left OSU scrambling to find an opponent. Having said that, even with FAMU on their schedule OSU has played a tougher schedule to date than either Oregon or FSU. So sorry I don't buy into the ESPN bullshit. The numbers tell a completely different story. Now to be fair to Oregan, they have the toughest part of the schedule a head of them and have all 5 remaining games against quality opponents, which will make their schedules about the same as OSU's at the end of the season. They will both have played 6 teams with winning records at this point in the season, where as FSU will only have played 5.

So going by reality, that is who has actually played the tougher schedules to date, going by wins and loses and not by ESPN's opinion, Alabama should be ranked #1 and OSU should be ranked #2. Right now OSU is ranked #4 because of bias against them and the faux opinion that the Big 10 is a weak conference which is complete bullshit. Study the numbers and forget about subjective opinions and you'll see what I mean.

You get more credit for playing teams from BCS conferences. Three of the four Buckeye non-conference games are against non-BCS opponents and their was that was was Cal whose only win this year is against a Div II team. Oregon at least played Virginia and Tennessee (along with a Div II team).

Florida St's schedule sucks and that's why they will be downgraded eventually but at the moment they beat the #3 team in the country on the road. The Bucks haven't beaten anyone BCS ranked and only Wisconsin in #22 in the AP. That's why they are behind.
I understand the bias but those are irrational too. I can assure Buffalo is a better team than Cal and the bottom half of the SEC (or the Big 10 or Pac 10 for that matter). I should also point out to you that Virginia was stomped by that perrenial powerhouse Ball State earlier this year (Saw the game. Ball State's starting QB is an alum from my alma mater Coldwater.) so to put it bluntly, Virginia sucks even more than Cal and Tennessee is a middle of the road team.

I should also point out that beating the #3 team in the nation means exactly squat cause Clemsons ranking has all along been based on a falst premise, that Georgia was a good team. As I have been pointing out all season long, Georgia is not an elite team and neither is Clemson. Clemson has only played two winning programs. Georgia (4-3) and Florida State. They won one game and got curb stomped by FSU. Clemson is grosslly over rated. So that's the problem with using polls, and opinons to make assesments. They are not objective. I'm using objective measures.

Going by wins and losses by FBS teams with winning records is an objective measure. Comparing to rankings and polls is not. Those are subjective. The only thing you are proving is just how biased and down right wrong the rankings polls are.

Though that means nothing this year. We're stuck with it but next year, thank God. Opinions and ranking HOPEFULLY, won't mean shit, which is how it should be. It should be all about winning and lossing and performance on the field. This crap of rating teams based on style points and margin of victory and PERCIEVED difficulty of schedule as opposed to the REAL difficulty of schedule should mean exactly bupkus and hopefully next year, that's the way it will be.

The situation with OSU is that lame asses at ESPN, who control the rankings, have a bias against the Big 10 cause of the two lopsided losses in the NCG in 07 and 09.
Of the top four teams FSU has played the weakest schedule. They have only played 2 teams with winning records and one of those was Wake Forest who stocked up on Div 2 opponents in their non-conf schedule. Their only major win was on a grossly over rated Clemson team who has only played 2 teams with winning records, 4-3 GA and FSU. So Clemson has only played to quality teams and lost one of them. That's a #3 Team? That's the basis of leap frogging FSU over Oregon and OSU?

Let's look at their schedules.

FSU has played two teams with winning records and are scheduled to play 3 more for a total of 5 games against winning opponets. By comparison OSU has played 4 quality games against teams with winning FBS records and has two more scheduled for a total of 6.

Oregon has only played 1 game against a quality opponent but has 5 more scheduled so they again will have a total of 6. If all three were to win out both OSU and Ore should be ranked ahead of FSU.

Alabama has so far played 3 quality opponents and has 4 more scheduled. So for the season that gives Bama 7 quality opponents, OSU -6, Ore - 6 and FSU - 5.

That's also a good argement that if that only two of these four teams are the only undefeated teams in the nation, they should play in the national championship game as no teams schedule is so dramatically more difficult that they sould get an opportunity with 1 loss...and yes, that includes Alabama too.

I was shocked when I looked at the rankings!
What's an even worse travesty, and it proves what a rigged Mafioso the BCS is, is the number of mediocre two loss SEC teams who are ranked above teams with better records. Having Stanford ranked over Miami is a joke too.
Saw one of those "who should be #1" polls during the Ok. St./Tx. Tech game. Two states voted for Ohio St. ... Ohio and Oklahoma. You're welcome Mott. ;)
After last nights game I have no problem with FSU being ranked #2. Miami is a much better team than Clemson. Heck I have no problem with them being ranked #1. No other undefeated team has played two undefeated teams and dominated them like FSU has.
As for #2, I don't have a preference between FSU and OSU. I just want the one that can beat Alabamer to receive the ranking. Right now that appears to the Semenholes. Clearly it wasn't Oregon, because they aren't a physical team, which we knew prior to the Stanford game.

I was really hoping that LSU would win, because I could have just sat back and watched FSU and OSU duke it out without any worries or cares. Now I will hold out a candle for Misery to win...
I love Ohio State but there's no question Florida State is number two right now. Ohio State's schedule is just too weak to pass them so they'll need a FSU loss.
I love Ohio State but there's no question Florida State is number two right now. Ohio State's schedule is just too weak to pass them so they'll need a FSU loss.
Good lord!! When will people stop listening to opinion and look at facts. FSU's schedule has in no way shape or form been more difficult than Ohio States. Where do ya'll come up with this stuff?

Look, no disrespect to FSU...they're a great team....but the ACC, top to bottom...is the second weakest of the Big 6 conference with, whatever they're calling what used to be the Big East is the weakest.

If you compare the W/L records of FSU's opponents vs OSU's opponents you'll find they are just about the same. So this notion that OSU has had a super easy schedule is utter nonsense. It's ESPN "Opinion" and has no basis in fact.
Btw, Alabama's opponents have a winning percentage 0.487. FSU has a winning percentage of 0.477. OSU has winning percentage of 0.468.

That means Alabamas schedule has been a staggering 1% more difficult than FSU and a mind boggling insurmountable 2% more difficult than OSU. HOLY SHITBALLS!