follow on to Boeing contract dispute

Cancel 2016.2

The Almighty

"Those who complain that the final assembly work in Alabama is a meaningless sop because the wings, tail, and fuselage sections will be shipped in from overseas, should look closely at the Boeing entry in the next generation wide body airliner competition. The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is being assembled in the United States with wings, tail, and fuselage sections shipped in from overseas suppliers."

Seems France is outsourcing jobs to the US (and to China for other work) due to the weak dollar and strength in the Euro.

Another good point from the article....

"In an ideal world, defense dollars generated by American taxpayers might always stay at home. But those who spend military budgets face a world in which there is only one potential American supplier of airliner-based aerial platforms. Competition for Boeing, to keep the procurement process vigorous must come from the only other major player, Airbus. In 2003, a scandal erupted over an earlier plan for Boeing to lease a fleet of 767-based tankers that was criticized as costing billions of dollars extra, thanks to the lease terms. Former Air force procurement officer Darleen Druyan ended up with a jail sentence and Boeing CFO and CEO both lost their jobs in the matter.

Like airlines, the Air Force desperately needs at least two healthy potential suppliers of airframes for airliner-based transports and tankers. The dangers of relying on a monopoly supplier are all too evident in the wake of the scandal a few years ago. While current jobs manufacturing the new tankers are important, so is the question of the effect of this contract on future competitive dynamics."

Just some additional food for thought...