For Battle


New member
No, battle, they don't get it. All they know how to do is LIE and ATTACK. And when a Conservative tells the TRUTH about Crybaby Whiers, Inexperienced Terrorist Belly-Rubbers, they cry "RACIST"! Like THAT'S going to SCARE anybody with BRAINS, or BALLS.

Especially when it comes from the Party of Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Sen. Robert Byrd, Democrat. Idots like "blackascoal" think that because he and Obama took a few PoliSci classes once, they're ready to take charge of the Free World.
Not Happenin'. Not from all the Sensible People that I have been hearing, the 20 MIILLION Talk-Radio audience, Millions more who watch Fox News, etc. Don't worry too much, Battle. They're not ALL Brainwashed. I CANT believe that a MAJORITY of Reasonable Americans, the kind that VOTE, not the kind that WON'T get their Fat Asses off the couch, and put the Govt. Cheese down, they're too busy watching Jerry Springer Maury, or Montel.

Sorry to break the bad news, Libs, but History, Polls and Statistics ALL show that the people who are most likely to go out and vote, and DO go out and vote, EVERY election, are A.)Middle-Aged, B.)Working, and C.)Older Americans and D.)Non-Minority, or so-called "White" Americans.
Historically, the Low-Income, Welfare, Young, and Minority people ELIGIBLE to vote, often do NOT vote, whether too LAZY, too BUSY, or whatever. The Low-Incopeople can hardly be blamed. Democrats have brainwashed them to think Republicans only want to "help the Rich", starve babies and drown kittens. So they turn to Democrtas, and Democrats keep them on the SAME POVERTY LEASH THAT LBJ PROMISED TO TAKE THEM OFF, 50 YEARS AGO. Its a damn shame.