For "Bob"


New member
Oh, watch THIS, bob, all I'll get is some Smart-Ass remark, about White Slaves. See. Itellectually-Challenged Libs, like Tiana and Desh, ALL THEY CAN DO, is Bash Bush. They'll be repeating the Same., Lame, Bathtub-Boy Olbermann things that he TELLS them to say, Haaahahaha! Watch to see if they answer about OBAMA's LIES, about, "Gee, I didn't KNOW my "Spiritual Father" was a SCUMBAG RACIST, who Preached "HATE WHIEY", EVERY WEEK, WHILE I TOOK MY KIDS, TO HEAR THAT CRAP, AND MY WIFE JOINED IN!
See, Bob, what did I TELL you? I made them happy, told them what they wanted to HEAR, but would they KEEP their END? Would they ANSWER about Obama? Nope. Cause THEY, along with Obama's 10,000 Press Secretaries, on CNN, MESS-NBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, moveon, dailykooks, etc., etc, they don't WANT to ANSWER, what Obama HIMSELF says, like THIS!

From "Dreams of My Father"

"I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13 when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites. I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race." Baracka Obaba

This is an explanation of Baracka's supporters. '"What Barack's allies seem to be demanding is immunity, a special exemption from political attack because he is African American. Those who go after him are brought up on charges of racism..."

From Dreams of My Father: 'There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa, that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa, that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.'

From Audacity of Hope: 'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'
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"The internet became briefly aflutter today when Charles Johnson noticed some rather interesting stuff on Barack Obama's official website. In the site's "community blogs" section, a post slipped in with the charming title, "How the Jewish Lobby Works." Charles also dug up another one called "Jemaah Islamiyah For Obama" that included the statement:

"We support Barack Obama for President because he is sympathetic to the plight of Muslims. He is a man of integrity, who will not be bullied by the neo-cons and the zionists. He will stand up for our oppressed palestinian brothers and sisters, whose land is being illegally occupied by that evil zionist entity whose name I just hate to even write."

Now, the Four Quotes on top, from OBAMA'S BOOKS, HE must BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR. Obviously, the Anti-Semetic statements, pleasing as it may be to some "Jew Haters" on THIS WEBSITE, LIKE "ASSHAT", I have heard utter the SAME kinds of things, cannot be put on Barack Hussein's shoulders. BUT IT JUST GOES TO SHOW YOU, the kinds of things that the 10,000 Press Secretaries that Obama has, on CNN, MS-NBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, on and on, the kind of things those 10,000 Press Secretaries WILL NOT TELL YOU, ARE HIDING FROM YOU.

HERE are some OTHER things you should KNOW, about Obama. He has promised, if elected:
He will give you Higher Income Taxes; His Democrat Plan is to RAISE, by 3%, the 25% Bracket, which starts at $31,850. Ok. I get it. They're Rich, they have TOO MUCH MONEY. THIRTY ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS? This is YOUR Candidate, folks.

He will give you Higher Social Security Taxes.
He will DOULBLE the Capital Gains Tax.
He will RAISE TAXES, on those EVIL OIL COMPANIES, who will PASS IT ON, to YOU.
Liberals Scream and Whine about the relatively small amount per Gallon, that the Oil Companies make, after Risking BILLIONS, to DRILL, INSURE, PUMP, and REFINE this Product, which RUNS the Engine of Democracy. But they say NOTHING about the SIXTY-FIVE CENTS PER GALLON, THAT BIG BROTHER GOVERNMENT TAKES. Does the Government RISK their capital? Do they DRILL? PUMP? REFINE? No, they do NOTHING. And YET, they TAKE, from every ONE of you saps, HUNDREDS of DOLLARS per MONTH, for doing NOTHING. And you NEVER complain about THEM.

A quote, froman Illinois Political Insider, on "Nightline": "Barack Obama is a Good, RELIABLE LIBERAL VOTE from Illinois, who can ALWAYS be "counted on", to vote FOR Gun Control, FOR ANY Pro-Abortion Legislation, including "PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION"(OR the Killing of Babaies who "Accidentaly Survive" the Gruesome Abortion Suction Machine-[ed. note])
Also, HUNDREDS of Tax Hikes

Barack Obama voted for HIGHER TAXES over Ninety-four (94) TIMES, in his very short Senate Career. It was calculated that OBAMA VOTED FOR A TAX INCREASE, ONCE, FOR EVERY FIVE DAYS THE SENATE WAS IN SESSION!Put THAT on his Campaign Ads, if you're so PROUD. I can Guarantee it will be on McCains Ads, Haaaaaahahahaha!
YOu are supposed to post links to any of your information.

Post a link or I wont bother to read any of it.