For Gonzo, The Sequel: "THIS TIME, It's PERSONAL"


New member
A bit of Hollywood Hype, for comedy puposes only. Actaully Gonzo, I just read your dissection of my post, like a frog on a 10th Grade's Biology table, haha. You're a real smartass, but a real cool customer. I kind of like that. I wasn't actually "venting" at you ALONE, it was more of a "vent" at all the people, both Left and Center, once in a while Right, who tell me I'm a "reactionary", or words to that effect. I struggle sometimes, to make myself understood.

I guess, in the simplest language, I'm just SO TIRED of Liberals, either with a D or an R after their name, doing their BEST to ATTACK and DESTROY every single shred of Traditional American Values, anything that was once considered "mainstream, normal," etc. No, that's not it....... it's more the attampt to CHANGE THE CULTURE, defining deviancy down, making EVERY AMERICAN a VICTIM of SOMETHING OR SOMEONE. Child Molesters, rapests, murderers, we have to" UNDERSTAND" them. I'm just TIRED, of it being OK to HATE America.
A bit of Hollywood Hype, for comedy puposes only. Actaully Gonzo, I just read your dissection of my post, like a frog on a 10th Grade's Biology table, haha. You're a real smartass, but a real cool customer. I kind of like that. I wasn't actually "venting" at you ALONE, it was more of a "vent" at all the people, both Left and Center, once in a while Right, who tell me I'm a "reactionary", or words to that effect. I struggle sometimes, to make myself understood.

I guess, in the simplest language, I'm just SO TIRED of Liberals, either with a D or an R after their name, doing their BEST to ATTACK and DESTROY every single shred of Traditional American Values, anything that was once considered "mainstream, normal," etc. No, that's not it....... it's more the attampt to CHANGE THE CULTURE, defining deviancy down, making EVERY AMERICAN a VICTIM of SOMETHING OR SOMEONE. Child Molesters, rapests, murderers, we have to" UNDERSTAND" them. I'm just TIRED, of it being OK to HATE America.

Are american values FASCISM? Is it really american to believe that corporate profit is the highest good, even when that profit is gained through putting fellow citizens out of work through outsourcing or immigration policy manipulation? You need to consider whether the neocon regime really represents America. And if you believe that's the case, then gonzo is more on your side than you think.