For it or against it.


I will post a video that you can't deny. The question is do you support these actions and the people who do them. If you support these people, you are guilty of doing the same thing. How does that taste. If you don't support them, will you dare say so?

--->Jews that use their mouth during circumcision<---

OK. Right off the bat, that doesn't seem very hygienic. So, without the need to watch the Video, I'd think that was a Bad Idea.
But, you have to realize, these Religious Cults have a lot of strange traditions and rituals.
I think there is one group that practices a form of cannibalism ... 'eating and drinking the blood and flesh' of their Prophet.
--->Jews that use their mouth during circumcision<---

OK. Right off the bat, that doesn't seem very hygienic. So, without the need to watch the Video, I'd think that was a Bad Idea.
But, you have to realize, these Religious Cults have a lot of strange traditions and rituals.
I think there is one group that practices a form of cannibalism ... 'eating and drinking the blood and flesh' of their Prophet.

What I posted is pornographic to me. I don't blame you for not watching it. To say, "Jews use their mouth during circumcision" is putting it too mildly. What they're actually doing is sucking baby cock! Bloody baby cock at that. And probably because of the "holiness" they are receiving, they swallow! If you were to make up a list of all the things that are just as evil as sucking baby dick, it would probably be a pretty short list. Though admittedly, not all jews do this. I saw a bris once performed by a hasidic jew. All he did was bend over and give the tip of the penis a quick little kiss. Which I thought was bad enough. But I doubt if the jews who don't suck baby cock are all up in arms against those that do. I won't go into all the other messed up things jews do. But they are so screwed up that you could probably make up lies about them and they would still be true.

You are also right about other cults having strange traditions. Some downright evil ones. Such as muslims cutting the clits off girls. Or practicing pederasty. It is a very involved topic. If you would like to know more about such bizarre cultish practices, just send me a PM. I could direct you to some very interesting information.