For my Darling Darla.


New member
Awwwwwwwwwww, whatsa matta, paw baby Darla, are you upset? Are you watching yaw wittle Barack Hussein finally be Exposed, in the HARD, COLD LIGHT OF TRUTH? It hurts, huh, when you're a Liberal Racist Anti-American, and people start FINDING OUT the things you've been HIDING for years, don't it. I feel bad. Take some aspirin, and maybe a nap, Bwaaaaaaaahahahaha!

Oh, and you were wondering what I'm "on"? I'll tell you. When I was young and stupid, I experimented with something that could have RUINED my life. I started hanging around with some REAL dumb kids, and almost gave IN to their disgusting habit. LIBERALISM was the stupid habit I almost got into. Not SENSIBLE Liberalism, which originally meant a FAIR, EVEN-HANDED way of looking at the world, but the BLIND, ARROGANT, ELITIST LIBERALISM, of the Left Wing of the Modern Democrat Party. You know who I mean.

The kind of IDIOTS who put up a man for POTUS, as their "Messiah", an inexperienced, Socialist/Collectivist, who's ENTIRE CIRCLE OF FREINDS is made of White-Hating Separtists and Anti-Americans, you know, like his Wife,("America is an Evil, Greedy Country") his Pastor ans Spiritual Father,("God DAMN America"), William Ayers("KILL the Rich, have the Children KILL their Parents"), or Ayers' wife, Berndine Dahl("Yeah! The Manson Guys BUTHCHERED those "pigs"(Pregnant Sharon Tatae and others), then they ate dinner, and Stuck the FORK in their bellies! GREAT!"). You know. THOSE kinds of freinds.
So to answer your question, THAT'S what I'm "ON". It's called COMMON SENSE. I started to develop a good feel for it, at about 15 or 16. What happened to YOU, Darla? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm??