? for Obamalama ding-dongs


"Obama is the most likely to lure people to the polls who don't typically vote, particularly African-Americans, whom I suspect would turn out in record numbers if presented with the prospect of electing the first black president.

Which brings me to another obvious advantage Obama has when it comes to electability, one that many Democrats can see but, for various reasons, refuse to consider as a legitimate factor: he gets much better press coverage. Big Tent Democrat acknowledged this reality in a post today:

Josh [Marshall] is right of course but I think it underplays a very important advantage Barack Obama has - he is a Media darling


"Obama is the most likely to lure people to the polls who don't typically vote, particularly African-Americans, whom I suspect would turn out in record numbers if presented with the prospect of electing the first black president.

Which brings me to another obvious advantage Obama has when it comes to electability, one that many Democrats can see but, for various reasons, refuse to consider as a legitimate factor: he gets much better press coverage. Big Tent Democrat acknowledged this reality in a post today:

Josh [Marshall] is right of course but I think it underplays a very important advantage Barack Obama has - he is a Media darling

You're childish, you ignorant troll. What has mccain done?
What is the Savior, Lord Obama's greatest achievement?

When everything is weighed up i would have to say his greatest achievement was becoming the focus of all your threads.

I'm told Obama's very proud that, of all the politicians in all the world, it was him that you chose to stalk.
Indisputable, what political party do you back and who did you vote for in the last election? And who do you intend to vote for in this election?
So you can't answer a few simple questions, despite the fact that you expect others to answer yours?

Indisputable, what political party do you back and who did you vote for in the last election? And who do you intend to vote for in this election?
You like to talk about the left's negativity and hate, and yet all you post is negativity and hate. At least the leftists here seem able to express some hope for the future and have no problem naming their candidate, telling who they voted for and what political party they back.

Indisputable, what political party do you back and who did you vote for in the last election? And who do you intend to vote for in this election?
What is the left's "hope for the future" based upon?

Indisputable, what political party do you back and who did you vote for in the last election? And who do you intend to vote for in this election?

You answer my questions and I'll answer yours. :cof1:
You don't know.

Refusal to answer a question means I don't know?

So you don't know what political party you back, who you voted for in the last election, or who you are voting for in this elections?

Come on, man up and answer the questions. Avoiding it is making you look more and more foolish, and ruining whatever tiny bit of credibility you had.

When you continue to call Dems hate-filled, and you continue to talk about what them bringing up Bush instead of answering your charges, and then you refuse to answer questions but continue to post hate-filled passages, you look like a bigger idiot.

Indisputable, what political party do you back and who did you vote for in the last election? And who do you intend to vote for in this election?