For Science Nerds Only


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If you love knowledge, and have a half-hour to kill, this video may just inspire you. It moved me greatly. I don't have a clue why Bill O'Reilly is mentioned in the title, it is simply snippets of Neil DeGrasse Tyson videos. Politics is only peripherally referenced, and please skip this video if you believe that science is a waste of time.

If you love knowledge, and have a half-hour to kill, this video may just inspire you. It moved me greatly. I don't have a clue why Bill O'Reilly is mentioned in the title, it is simply snippets of Neil DeGrasse Tyson videos. Politics is only peripherally referenced, and please skip this video if you believe that science is a waste of time.

I really enjoy his presentations.
If you love knowledge, and have a half-hour to kill, this video may just inspire you. It moved me greatly. I don't have a clue why Bill O'Reilly is mentioned in the title, it is simply snippets of Neil DeGrasse Tyson videos. Politics is only peripherally referenced, and please skip this video if you believe that science is a waste of time.

It's mentioned in the title cause Tyson was on an episode of Maher's show where O'Reilly had made ignorant comments about evolutionary theory and Tyson gutted his comments.
Tyson unintentionally depresses me. When I see the reactionary forces at work in this nation, the anti-intellectualism, the glorification of ignorance, the redneckification, the short sightedness of our politics and public policy, the lack of investment in our future and I see a nation that hit it's nadir in the mid 70's and is in some ways sadly in decline.