For the love of god people put him on ignore.


Verified User
Webbway, don't just not feed the troll, isolate him to himself, and if any other person quotes him so you have to read it, ignore them too.
He's obviously a Liberal trying to make Conservatives look like total retards.

You people can't figure out a damned thing without me around.
Hey the 90s were kinda cool.

Smart President, decent economy, Grunge and some good times.

No one may diss the decade of my illustrious childhood!!!!! Grunge was okay (Nirvina came from Seattle!!), but the real greatness was in alternative rock. 1998 = best year in music ever, and if you disagree then you are a card carrying Nazi!

From the Apple to the Imac, it ruled technologically, seeing the creation of the HTTP and Yahoo and Google. Some great fads like pogs, tomagacci and Coke's Surge. You can see what a nostalgic young fool I am... :cool: