for the religious a question regarding heaven

it is something out of our realm of understanding, so there is no way to describe it or explain it in a context we are capable of understanding. Through history, man has attempted to give ideas of what they think it must be like, or what they imagine it is like, but once you are 'there' you don't get to come back and tell what you experienced. My view is, heaven is another dimension, perhaps similar in some aspects to our own, but yet, vastly different and unique.
it is something out of our realm of understanding, so there is no way to describe it or explain it in a context we are capable of understanding. Through history, man has attempted to give ideas of what they think it must be like, or what they imagine it is like, but once you are 'there' you don't get to come back and tell what you experienced. My view is, heaven is another dimension, perhaps similar in some aspects to our own, but yet, vastly different and unique.

interesting concept - i postulate a universal mind of which all of the universes are a part living and non-living to which we re-join in a non-corporeal state and return to a corporeal state in a cycle of ascending awareness

now what of hell
There's no reason to believe our consciousness lives on after our bodies die. This other dimension crap is bullshit.
There's no reason to believe our consciousness lives on after our bodies die. This other dimension crap is bullshit.

quite possibly true, none of knows, but it can be fun speculating - one day we will find out, in the mean time, eat drink and make merry and do whatever you feel like (and not get caught...)
Show me some evidence, otherwise this entire conversation might as well be about what happens when you jump down the rabbit hole.
Show me some evidence, otherwise this entire conversation might as well be about what happens when you jump down the rabbit hole.

ATLAS is a particle physics experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Starting later in 2008, the ATLAS detector will search for new discoveries in the head-on collisions of protons of extraordinarily high energy. ATLAS will learn about the basic forces that have shaped our universe since the beginning of time and that will determine its fate. Among the possible unknowns are the origin of mass, extra dimensions of space, microscopic black holes, and evidence for dark matter candidates in the universe.

Evidence presented. Now shut the fuck up, retard.

ATLAS is a particle physics experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Starting later in 2008, the ATLAS detector will search for new discoveries in the head-on collisions of protons of extraordinarily high energy. ATLAS will learn about the basic forces that have shaped our universe since the beginning of time and that will determine its fate. Among the possible unknowns are the origin of mass, extra dimensions of space, microscopic black holes, and evidence for dark matter candidates in the universe.

Evidence presented. Now shut the fuck up, retard.

Extra dimensions are not a new concept, and the LHC is only capable of testing for conditions in which extra dimensions may exist not the dimensions themselves. Extra dimensions do not propose evidence for life after death anyhow, but what the LHC may be able to do is discover the Higgs boson, which will help explain why matter has mass, and will also speak to the interconnectedness of nature. And the more we understand about nature, the more we know about reality, and the more honest our belief systems become.
Extra dimensions are not a new concept, and the LHC is only capable of testing for conditions in which extra dimensions may exist not the dimensions themselves. Extra dimensions do not propose evidence for life after death anyhow, but what the LHC may be able to do is discover the Higgs boson, which will help explain why matter has mass, and will also speak to the interconnectedness of nature. And the more we understand about nature, the more we know about reality, and the more honest our belief systems become.

Where did I say it's a "new concept" Beefhead? I don't think I did... nope... didn't claim it was a "new concept" at all!

The LHC is going to be testing the possibility of actually 'measuring' these dimensions, the web site is very detailed. Extra dimensions propose evidence for other dimensions, where anything is possible, we have no clue. To assume it doesn't offer potential evidence of 'heaven' or any other 'dimensional' concept we may have, is utterly foolish and devoid of scientific logic, (as Spock would say.)
interesting concept - i postulate a universal mind of which all of the universes are a part living and non-living to which we re-join in a non-corporeal state and return to a corporeal state in a cycle of ascending awareness

now what of hell

Personally, hell could be just as pleasant as heavan, and I would still prefer to be in heaven, because I want to be with God and not with Lucifer. There is also the understanding that to be in hell would be proof that I am a failure, which is always kind of a bummer when you have such things revealed to you.

Supposedly, in heaven we will have perfect bodies that do not experience pain or suffering of any kind (Catholic theology).
Extra dimensions do not propose evidence for life after death anyhow

Life after death as we understand life, is not likely, nor is it completely impossible. Existence in, or the consciousness/awareness of another dimension, is indeed possible, if such other dimensions exist. The fact is, you don't "know" anything, and neither do I. To draw conclusions and make assumptions, is not what knowledge is about. I prefer to set aside my personal "religious" beliefs, and say that anything is possible, we don't know. You, and other atheist people, feel compelled to fight against the mere possibility you could be proven 'wrong' in the end, so you attack anything that may lead to such a possibility.

I've given this analogy before, but it bears repeating... We are like babies in a crib, in a darkened room. We are aware of the things in our crib, and we can see outside our crib to a degree, but our fundamental understanding of the world outside the room, is nonexistent. As babies in this crib, we can choose to think that we currently know, all there is to know, or we can explore the possibilities and discover. I choose to explore and discover, and imagine what might be outside the room... you are stuck in the confines of your own ignorance.
interesting concept - i postulate a universal mind of which all of the universes are a part living and non-living to which we re-join in a non-corporeal state and return to a corporeal state in a cycle of ascending awareness

now what of hell

A fellow spiritualist I know, said that she believed there were 27 dimensions, and our conscious awareness is confined to this one. We are one dimension above hell, and one dimension below the first dimension of heaven. She believes heaven has 7 dimensions and hell has 6. And there are other dimensions as well... 27 in all.

In a side note, Biblical scriptures do reference a 'seventh' heaven. Hmmmmm?
interesting concept - i postulate a universal mind of which all of the universes are a part living and non-living to which we re-join in a non-corporeal state and return to a corporeal state in a cycle of ascending awareness

now what of hell

8 years of bush rule.
The original concept of sin is "separation from God", so the opposite or heaven would be becoming part of God. That works pretty well with Don Q's post.

But then there is the reincarnation side of beliefs. That we keep coming back until we learn what we need to learn to ascend.

Anyone ever read Path of the Peaceful Warrior?
Hey Einstein, guess what? Quantum physicists have mathematically proven that our universe is multi-dimensional. But I guess you believe whatever is convenient for you, regardless of the facts...


This from someone who believes the earth is hollow and faeries and such walk upside down inside it ?

Umm they also proved that the earth is over 6000 or so years old.
Hey Einstein, guess what? Quantum physicists have mathematically proven that our universe is multi-dimensional. But I guess you believe whatever is convenient for you, regardless of the facts...

I have to interject here, nothing has been 'proven' with regard to extra dimensions. This is what the particle physics experiment at the Large Hadron Collider will be exploring. There is a very legitimate and valid theory, based on physics, but nothing is yet conclusive.

Scientists do know there is some form of mass in our universe we simply can't see. It has been defined as 'dark matter' but we have no clue what it is. Might be 'heaven' we don't know. That is the point of my 'argument' here, we don't know so much about our own universe, much less other possible dimensions of it. How can one conclude there is no heaven, hell, or dimensions outside the one we live in?

Beefhead was right, the concept of other dimensions is not new, in fact, some religious believers have conceptualized another dimension for thousands of years. While I am excited about the scientific possibilities of the LHC project, I am also cautious... the Bible is full of stories and accounts of mankind seeking 'godly' knowledge, only to be struck down in the process.

Steven Hocking seems to think it may not be the best idea for us to be doing things like sending signals and probes into space, trying to find signs of life in our universe, we could ultimately lead to our own demise, as a result. He likened the universe to the human body, and humans as a bacterial infection within it. If we managed to successfully signal to the 'brain' of the universe, that we do in fact exist, it could trigger a release of 'antibiotic energy' to destroy us. The point is, this man is a thinker, he doesn't assume or draw conclusions, or become trapped in the arrogance of thinking man knows it all.

We don't.